strace is a diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace utility for Linux
Ваша первая книга о языке Haskell
tarantool / msgpuck
Forked from rtsisyk/msgpuckLightweight MessagePack library
Sequence manipulation library for Emacs. Included in Emacs 25
A retro color theme for Emacs. Because the true color of computing is phosphorescent green on black.
Dim the font color of text in surrounding paragraphs
Display the definition of word at point in Emacs
A light color theme for Emacs with muted, autumnal colors.
Emacs major modes for Git configuration files
Emacs frontend to GNU Global source code tagging system.
Hand-picked light and dark color theme for Emacs 24+
Emacs theme inspired by the Plan9 project
emacs 24 theme with a light background
Minor mode for defining and querying search engines through Emacs.
tao-theme - two uncoloured color themes for EMACS
generic major mode for tabulated lists. (emacs 24 backport)
Color Theme for emacs based on material design colors
Darktooth : From the darkness... it watches.
Emacs mode to go unit test command line tool
Emacs mode for the Go programming language
The Zenburn colour theme ported to Emacs
zen-and-art theme for Emacs 24