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About Rupaya

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer aliquet quam dictum, laoreet lacus sit amet, vehicula sem. Cras metus orci, elementum nec urna quis, vehicula lacinia tellus. Ut euismod ex diam, ut auctor augue rhoncus nec. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque at consequat elit. Maecenas eget viverra nisi, id pulvinar tortor. Aliquam id hendrerit tellus, sit amet pulvinar enim. Suspendisse cursus interdum velit ut fermentum.

Fusce rutrum diam tellus, sed iaculis urna semper sit amet. Pellentesque condimentum facilisis lacus, sit amet luctus quam placerat vel. Integer vel dictum nisl, eget euismod nunc. Ut finibus et mauris et dictum. Suspendisse a odio metus. Morbi maximus a augue non congue. Nam vehicula ipsum ac scelerisque vestibulum.

Nulla vel metus metus. Proin feugiat semper turpis nec tincidunt. Quisque lorem tortor, scelerisque non malesuada vitae, volutpat a tortor. Integer ac commodo tellus. Aliquam imperdiet pretium ante, viverra pharetra nibh. In gravida ligula molestie eros egestas, in sodales enim lobortis. Donec ultricies pulvinar lectus nec elementum. Mauris viverra sem id mauris eleifend bibendum. Praesent ipsum orci, interdum vel ligula eget, faucibus consectetur lorem. Mauris dapibus aliquam magna sit amet pretium. Nullam in ipsum nisl.

Building the source

Rupaya provides a client binary called rupaya for both running a masternode and running a full-node. Building rupaya requires both a Go (1.7+) and C compiler; install both of these.

Once the dependencies are installed, just run the below commands:

$ git clone rupaya
$ cd rupaya
$ make rupaya

Alternatively, you could quickly download our pre-complied binary from our github release page

Running rupaya

Running a Rupaya masternode

Please refer to the official documentation on how to run a node if your goal is to run a masternode. The recommanded ways of running a node and applying to become a masternode are explained in detail there.

Attaching to the Romochain test network

We published our test network 2.0 with full implementation of PoSV consensus at If you'd like to experiment with smart contract creation and DApps, you might be interested to give these a try on our Testnet.

In order to connect to one of the masternodes on the Testnet, just run the command below:

$ rupaya attach

This will open the JavaScript console and let you query the blockchain directly via RPC.

Running rupaya locally

Download genesis block

$GENESIS_PATH : location of genesis file you would like to put

export GENESIS_PATH=path/to/genesis.json
  • Testnet
curl -L -o $GENESIS_PATH
  • Mainnet
curl -L -o $GENESIS_PATH

Create datadir

  • create a folder to store rupaya data on your machine
export DATA_DIR=/path/to/your/data/folder 
mkdir -p $DATA_DIR/rupaya

Initialize the chain from genesis

rupaya init $GENESIS_PATH --datadir $DATA_DIR

Initialize / Import accounts for the nodes's keystore

If you already had an existing account, import it. Otherwise, please initialize new accounts

export KEYSTORE_DIR=path/to/keystore
Initialize new accounts
rupaya account new \
  --keystore $KEYSTORE_DIR
Import accounts
rupaya  account import [PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_OF_YOUR_ACCOUNT] \
     --keystore $KEYSTORE_DIR \
List all available accounts in keystore folder
rupaya account list --datadir ./  --keystore $KEYSTORE_DIR

Start a node

Environment variables
  • $IDENTITY: the name of your node
  • $PASSWORD: the password file to unlock your account
  • $YOUR_COINBASE_ADDRESS: address of your account which generated in the previous step
  • $NETWORK_ID: the networkId. Mainnet: 77. Testnet: 89
  • $BOOTNODES: The comma separated list of bootnodes. Find them here
  • $WS_SECRET: The password to send data to the stats website. Find them here
  • $NETSTATS_HOST: The stats website to report to, regarding to your environment. Find them here
  • $NETSTATS_PORT: The port used by the stats website (usually 443)
Let's start a node
rupaya  --syncmode "full" \    
    --datadir $DATA_DIR --networkid $NETWORK_ID --port 9050 \   
    --keystore $KEYSTORE_DIR --password $PASSWORD \    
    --rpc --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcaddr --rpcport 7050 --rpcvhosts "*" \   
    --rpcapi "db,eth,net,web3,personal,debug" \    
    --gcmode "archive" \   
    --ws --wsaddr --wsport 8050 --wsorigins "*" --unlock "$YOUR_COINBASE_ADDRESS" \   
    --identity $IDENTITY \  
    --mine --gasprice 2500 \  
    --bootnodes $BOOTNODES \   
Some explanations on the flags
--verbosity: log level from 1 to 5. Here we're using 4 for debug messages
--datadir: path to your data directory created above.
--keystore: path to your account's keystore created above.
--identity: your full-node's name.
--password: your account's password.
--networkid: our network ID.
--rupaya-testnet: required when the networkid is testnet(89).
--port: your full-node's listening port (default to 9050)
--rpc, --rpccorsdomain, --rpcaddr, --rpcport, --rpcvhosts: your full-node will accept RPC requests at 7050 TCP.
--ws, --wsaddr, --wsport, --wsorigins: your full-node will accept Websocket requests at 8050 TCP.
--mine: your full-node wants to register to be a candidate for masternode selection.
--gasprice: Minimal gas price to accept for mining a transaction.
--targetgaslimit: Target gas limit sets the artificial target gas floor for the blocks to mine (default: 4712388)
--bootnode: bootnode information to help to discover other nodes in the network
--gcmode: blockchain garbage collection mode ("full", "archive")
--synmode: blockchain sync mode ("fast", "full", or "light". More detail:           
--ethstats: send data to stats website

To see all flags usage

rupaya --help

See your node on stats page

Contributing and technical discussion

Thank you for considering to try out our network and/or help out with the source code. We would love to get your help; feel free to lend a hand. Even the smallest bit of code, bug reporting, or just discussing ideas are highly appreciated.

If you would like to contribute to the rupaya source code, please refer to our Developer Guide for details on configuring development environment, managing dependencies, compiling, testing and submitting your code changes to our repo.

Please also make sure your contributions adhere to the base coding guidelines:

  • Code must adhere to official Go formatting guidelines (i.e uses gofmt).
  • Code comments must adhere to the official Go commentary guidelines.
  • Pull requests need to be based on and opened against the master branch.
  • Any code you are trying to contribute must be well-explained as an issue on our github issue page
  • Commit messages should be short but clear enough and should refer to the corresponding pre-logged issue mentioned above.

For technical discussion, feel free to join our chat at Gitter.


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  • Go 87.4%
  • C 5.7%
  • JavaScript 4.2%
  • C++ 0.9%
  • Assembly 0.5%
  • Java 0.3%
  • Other 1.0%