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2020 Ruby For Good - Remote

Communicating with us

We do most of our coordination and planning for our projects on slack. Grab an invite to our slack channel here. After joining slack ping craig, gia polly, sean or one of the slack contacts below with any questions on projects that could use some assistance. Or just jump to their repos and look for open issues!


Abalones are marine mollusks that were once hunted nearly to extinction, and are slowly making a comeback thanks to diligent conservancy efforts. Abalone conservationists release captive-bred animals to bolster wild populations -- but how do they know which animal pairings will make the most and hardiest abalone babies, or reduce inbreeding dangers? Your code will directly support these conservancy challenges! This application will serve as a data tracking and analytics system for Abalone population trends, mortality rates, and breeding programs to help save the species from extinction. It aims to support restoration efforts for pinto and white abalone and has the potential to serve more groups conducting similar research and restoration efforts.

At this event we will be working toward the initial MVP with hopes of delivery in Fall 2020. Some of the technical challenges include working with CSV files, multi-tenancy and visual data representation. One of the goals during the event is also to scope out any remaining work and prepare the application to accept contributions during Hacktoberfest. This project has issues suitable for all skill levels, from beginner to more experienced developers.


Each day 8,775 incidents of child abuse and neglect are reported nationwide and approximately 1,188 children are removed from their homes and placed in foster care or residential treatment centers. Today, at least three children will die as a result of abuse and neglect. Though awareness of this national issue is increasing, it is important to remember that abuse and neglect effects all communities.

Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) is a volunteer based organization that partners with the juvenile court to improve the lives of abused and neglected children living in foster care. These extraordinary volunteer advocates work one-on-one with children, getting to know them, talking to the important people in their lives, working to understand them, not just their legal case. These volunteer advocates then go to Court with them, not only to hold their hand but to advocate for them. They provide written and oral reports to the Court that protect children’s fundamental right to live in safety.

We are putting the finishing touches on a new volunteer management web application for CASA. As volunteers and staff belonging to a CASA chapter in Maryland are being onboarded to the application, we will be developing new features, making system improvements, and building out multitenancy so that other CASA chapters across the U.S. can use this system in the future. We need both JavaScript and Rails developers, as well as designers! We welcome contributors of all skill levels.

Chicago Tool Library

Launched in the summer of 2019, The Chicago Tool Library is Chicago’s first community tool lending library. The Chicago Tool Library breaks down barriers to using tools in order to (1) combat inequitable and wasteful consumerism, (2) build community, and (3) create opportunities for growth. The coronavirus pandemic has increased the need and desire for people to borrow tools. The Library's membership is growing, increasing the need for software to support the Libary's staff and users.

Chicago Tool Library has an existing Rails app, circulate, which Ruby For Good is adopting and building new features for. The main need is a set of features for members, including logging in, looking at check-out status, looking at check-out history, changing account information, and requesting/reserving tools. These features will allow members to manage their loans and account settings themselves, while decreasing the load on volunteer staff. Some of this functionality may be able to be adapted from the RFG Babywearing code base.

Additionally, we would like to set up the Chicago Tool Library code base to be multi-tenant, and/or generalizable to any lending non-profit, so that other tools libraries and other libraries generally could use.


Each month over 350,000 children are helped by diaper banks, forgoing their parents having to make the difficult choice of choosing between feeding their children and putting diapers on them. There are diaper banks in 44 states and they provide about 4 million diapers a month to needy families. We're going to be using the SaaS that we built last year, making it more robust, and polishing it off to be demoed at the National Diaperbank Network conference later this year. Our goal is for this one to be the best Inventory management product available at the lowest (or "no") cost to diaperbanks. We will be working in tandem with PartnerBase, which is a CRM for Community Partners that will work with the Diaperbanks to handle distribution / order fulfillment /family interaction.

Mutual Aid

Mutual Aid is when people get together to build community by volunarily sharing resources with each other. Mutual Aid groups are more concerned about local resiliency than global campaigns, and prefer solidarity before charity. Mutual aid groups have existed around the world for over 200 years. Mutual aid groups generally prioritize the needs of minorities and other underserved communities.

Many people working in mutual aid were overwhelemed by requests early this year due to the COVID pandemic. Some of these groups were relying on dispatchers to match up people who could help each other. These dispatchers were in turn relying on spreadsheets, and the spreadsheets grew to be unmanagable. We've created an app to help. Seven mutual aid groups in cities across the country are now using this app.

Our current status is that dispatcher capacity is waning as local goverments restart schools and lift pandemic bans. We have some bugfixes and small tickets to address this problem. We're also looking for people who are willing to spend a few days digging in to our new peer-to-peer communication path that will ease how much we rely on dispatchers.

We would love contributions from newbies, experienced devs, UX/UI designers and PM folks. We'll have tickets for people to work on as individuals, and we'll have pairing and groupings available too. Hope to see you in #mutualaid and/or the social events being held!

Additional Issues available in...


Terrastories is a geostorytelling application built to enable indigenous and other local communities to locate and map their own oral storytelling traditions about places of significant meaning or value to them. Community members can add places and stories through a user-friendly interface, and make decisions about designating certain stories as private or restricted. It is a dockerized Rails app that uses Mapbox to help users locate content geographically on an interactive map. Terrastories is designed to be entirely offline-compatible, so that remote communities can access the application entirely without needing internet connectivity.

The Terrastories interface is principally composed of an interactive map and a sidebar with media content. Users can explore the map and click on activated points to see the stories associated with those points. Alternatively, users can interact with the sidebar and click on stories to see where in the landscape these narratives took place. Through an administrative back end, users can also add, edit, and remove stories, or set them as restricted so that they are viewable only with a special login. Users can design and customize the content of the interactive map entirely, and the interface itself is customizable with a color scheme and design reflecting the style of the community.


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