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Grade 12 Computer Science ISP

Overall expectations being assessed in this independent study project:

  • A1. demonstrate the ability to use different data types and expressions when creating computer programs;
  • A2. describe and use modular programming concepts and principles in the creation of computer programs;
  • A4. use proper code maintenance techniques when creating computer programs.
  • B1. demonstrate the ability to manage the software development process effectively, through all of its stages – planning, development ... and closing;
  • B2. apply standard project management techniques in the context of a student-managed ... project.
  • C1. demonstrate the ability to apply modular design concepts in computer programs;

In all phases of this ISP, you will be guided by an exemplar produced by Mr. Gordon.

The emphasis in this ISP is on understanding and applying the process of software development. The greatest success has historically come to students who plan their deliverables according to a manageeable schedule and stick to their plan.


Aim to create a modest application that solves a problem you care about. If you solve the problem well, it is highly likely that others will find your application useful as well. Challenge yourself with something new, but avoid overreaching.

Due dates

Planning, development, and closing will occur by the start of March Break. You can set due dates for deliverables in your project. You are strongly recommended to plan deliverable dates by working around due dates for deliverables in your other classes.

Note that you will be granted significant opportunities to work in class, but that there is, like any Grade 12 university preparation course, an expectation that work be completed outside of class time as well.


Modify this document and add your responses to the following prompts below.

What problem will your application solve?

Write a paragraph to describe the utility of your application. This applies equally for games. When would someone use your application? Why would they use your application?

Replace this with your paragraph(s).

What is your inspiration for this project?

Have you seen another application that you wish to improve on? Has someone asked you to create this?

Replace this with your paragraph(s).

What is your prior experience in this area?

Have you written an application like this before? Have you made use of any required APIs before?

Replace this with your paragraph(s).

What are skills do you hope to acquire by completing this project?

For example, you might be writing a networked application for the first time. Or, you may be writing an application that requires a particularly well designed user interface. Describe what you expect to learn by writing this application.

Replace this with your paragraph(s).

What dependencies, if any, will be required to complete your project?

If you are writing a networked application, you might be using an API like Alamofire to simplify that part of the implementation. If you are writing an application that communicates over Bluetooth, you may be using the Core Bluetooth framework. Please list any expected dependencies for your project.

Replace this with your paragraph(s).

Rate the personal difficulty level of this project.

Replace this with your paragraph(s).

Identify what you think your biggest challenge for successfully completing this ISP will be.

Replace this with your paragraph(s).

Make storyboards to indicate the user interface and/or functionality of your application.

In the section below, sketch out a plan for your application. This is where you will spend the majority of your time in completing the ISP proposal. Think through what you hope to create and as needed, adjust your responses to the questions above.

Replace this with your images and paragraphs.


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