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💣 breaking
💣 breaking
A breaking change that will require a major release.
🐞 bug
🐞 bug
Something isn't working
#️⃣ c#
#️⃣ c#
Generated code for C#
🛡️ Classic
🛡️ Classic
Content from the original "Ironsworn", described in @datasworn/classic
🕳️ Delve
🕳️ Delve
Content from "Ironsworn: Delve", described in @datasworn/classic-delve
🛠️ devtools
🛠️ devtools
Improvements to Datasworn's developer tools
📖 documentation
📖 documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
➕ enhancement
➕ enhancement
New feature or request
A big task that's broken down into constituent tasks.
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
🪪 IDs
🪪 IDs
Relates to Datasworn's path-like IDs
This doesn't seem right
☕ java
☕ java
Generated code for Java
Generated code for Javascript and Typescript
Related to the legacy, unpackaged version of Datasworn
🐍 python
🐍 python
Generated code for Python
ℹ️ question
ℹ️ question
Further information is requested
💎 ruby
💎 ruby
Generated code for Ruby
🦀 rust
🦀 rust
Generated code for Rust
📐 schema
📐 schema
Affects the JSON schema, which is the "source of truth" for Datasworn
✴️ Starforged
✴️ Starforged
Content from "Ironsworn: Starforged", described in @datasworn/starforged
⚓ Sundered Isles
⚓ Sundered Isles
Content from "Starforged: Sundered Isles", described in @datasworn/sundered-isles
🛑 wontfix
🛑 wontfix
This will not be worked on