An R package collecting functions for wind resource assessment
bReeze is a collection of widely used methods to analyse, visualise and interpret wind data. Wind resource analyses can subsequently be combined with characteristics of wind turbines to estimate the potential energy production.
bReeze is developed by Christian Graul, considerably based on the work of Carsten Poppinga.
Official release on CRAN:
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if(!require(devtools)) { install.packages('devtools'); require(devtools) }
devtools::install_github('bReeze', 'chgrl')
# load example data
# create two datasets
set40 <- set(height=40, v.avg=winddata[,2], v.std=winddata[,5], dir.avg=winddata[,14])
set30 <- set(height=30, v.avg=winddata[,6], v.std=winddata[,9], dir.avg=winddata[,16])
# format time stamp
ts <- timestamp(timestamp=winddata[,1])
# create met mast object
metmast <- mast(timestamp=ts, set40=set40, set30=set30)
# plot time series of met mast signals
# calculate frequency and mean wind speed per wind direction sector
freq <- frequency(mast=metmast, v.set=1)
# plot frequency
# calculate availability of pairs of wind speed and direction
# calculate monthly means of wind speed
# calculate turbulence intensity
turbulence(mast=metmast, turb.set=1)
# calculate weibull parameters
wb <- weibull(mast=metmast, v.set=1)
# calculate total wind energy content
# calculate wind profile
pf <- profile(mast=metmast, v.set=c(1,2), dir.set=1)
# import power curve
pc <- pc("Enercon_E126_7.5MW.pow")
# calculate annual energy production
aep <- aep(profile=pf, pc=pc, hub.h=135)
# plot AEP