Here's the intro ...
** Python versions:**
Python 3.6. is required.
Running this GAM model requires Numpy 1.12 (or higher), matplotlib 2.0 (or higher), os, gdal, geopandas, and FloPy.
To install the above packages, see their given documentations. <<<<<<< HEAD
Here, we assume that the precipitation is recharge.
- import all packages required (see above dependencies).
- input the GAM shapefile from the Texas Water Development Board.
- Determine number of rows, columns, and layers
- Array output is .txt file that has the same number of rows and columns as our model.
- Load .txt file created in Part A.
- Convert NumPy array units to ft/year
- Give number of years and the time per period
- Create colormap of NumPy array =======
Here, we assume that the precipitation is recharge.
- import all packages required (see above dependencies).
- input the GAM shapefile from the Texas Water Development Board.
- Determine number of rows, columns, and layers
- Array output is .txt file that has the same number of rows and columns as our model.
- Load .txt file created in Part A.
- Convert NumPy array units to ft/year
- Give number of years and the time per period
- Create colormap of NumPy array
Helpful resource:
- Fork the TrinityGAM (you'll see your username now / TrinityGAM)
- Clone the repo to your desired location (I make a GitHub folder and put everything in that) 2a. ex) git clone [the copied 'clone' URL]
- Type into command prompt: git remote add upstream [the copied 'clone' URL]
- Google what's next sorry
- Put all files you want in a folder that will have the same name as the GitHub