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List of services:

  • AppReachability - layer between reachability service and app. For now only able to do action if reachable
  • CallService - getting info about system calls based on CallKit
  • KeychainService - KeychainAccess wrapper
  • NowPlayingInfoCenterService - MPNowPlayingInfoCenter wrapper
  • PhoneFormatService - phone numbers formating based on PhoneNumberKit
  • Player - AVPlayer wrapper
  • ReachabilityService - network reachability info
  • RemoteCommandCenterService - player MPRemoteCommandCenter buttons handling layer
  • UndoService - UndoManager wrapper
  • ServiceFactory - factory for declaring dependencies for injecting them via DI in future


  • Base
  • Ion
  • KeychainAccess
  • PhoneNumberKit

Ion usage


    /// The source for call with changed state.
    var callEventSource: AnyEventSource<CXCall> { get }


    /// Player status change event source
    var playerStatusSource: AnyEventSource<PlayerStatus> { get }
    /// Playing time update source
    var timeEventSource: AnyEventSource<CFTimeInterval> { get }
    /// Player finished playing event source
    var playbackFinishedEventSource: AnyEventSource<Player> { get }
    /// Player interrupted playing event source
    var playbackInterruptionEventSource: AnyEventSource<Player> { get }


    /// The source for reachability statuses. Sends statuses every time the connection status changes.
    var reachabilityStatusEventSource: AnyEventSource<Bool> { get }



Depo is a universal dependency manager that combines CocoaPods, Carthage and SPM.

You can use Depo to install Services-iOS by adding it to your Depofile:

  - kind: github
    identifier: rosberry/Services-iOS


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. To integrate Services-iOS into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "rosberry/Services-iOS"


This project is owned and maintained by Rosberry. We build mobile apps for users worldwide 🌏.

Check out our open source projects, read our blog or give us a high-five on 🐦 @rosberryapps.


Core-iOS is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.