A simple check-app. Creates sightings of dogs.
- User (just a username - no actual implimentation)
- City
- DogBreed
- Sighting (AKA Spot, main structure of the app)
- user_id
- city_id
- breed_id
- timestamp (autogenerated at creation)
- headline
- body text (optional)
- dog's name (optional)
- image (optional, just a file name string, no implimentation)
- address
Run migration Run manage.py seed - this will create a new dataset
API is functional for:
- '/spots' (index of posts)
- '/spots/recent' (filter to top 25 newest)
- '/spots/city/' (posts from a city. URL friendly name as variable. You'll need to look up a city name that's generated.)
- '/spots/breed/' (posts of a certain dog breed. Same conditions as city)
- '/spots/' (posts by a user. As above, so below)
Not quite working:
- Create/Update/Delete sighting (CSRF token needed?)
- ANY front end. Just outputs JSON at the moment