Currently this is a pre-pre-alpha build for a web based comic book reader using flask.
Read the requirements.txt file for the specific requirements for python modules, but in general, to get this thing going as fast as possible:
- Get a server, install python 3.4+ (or find one you already have.)
- Install libjpeg
- Install pip requirements
- Install redis.
- Run redis-server
- Run to create some required directories (Yep, I know this is nasty...)
- run db_create and
- Go to the root folder for the app, and run and
- Go to yourhostname:5000/upload and upload a comic.
- You will be redirected to /index, refresh the page until your comic appears (the processing is offloaded to a worker process, it can take a sec or two)
- Your comic should appear. Click on it. The is probably the most (and only) polished bit so far. Click on the right hand side of the screen to go forward a page, the left side to go back, the top to go back to /index.
- The code is pretty hackneyed at the moment. Don't look through the git history, you will weep tears of immense sorrow as you see my n00bish mistakes.
- This thing looks about as ugly as some sick on the ground, use at your own peril.
- Again, pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-alpha, so I can't promise this will work too well.
- Also, only works with CBZs, also, I haven't set up functionality to pull comics from existing folders on the server, presumably there is a limit to the size of the file that can be uploaded...
- Enjoy.
The config file takes a few values at this stage, and need to be in the structure:
ServerBindIP =
DebugMode = True
ListenPort = 5000
ServerBindIP = [The bind IP of the server. to listen on localhost, to listen to all requests.]
DebugMode = [True to display debug output for the app, False to show no output. Only set to true when developing Kahl.]
ListenPort = [The port you want this to listen on.]
The general layout is 3 components:
A server for reading comics
- Needs to pick up metadata
- Needs to be able to keep track of where a use got up to in the comic (page#) with the ability to resume or restart.
- Needs to list comics.
A task queue to process uploaded comics in asynch. (rq)
- Comic upload and unzipping works now.
- Using a database to store comics.
- Can read comics. Todo ====
- Build comic download functionality? (Maybe just store a reference to the uploaded archive...)
- Main page selection