Enabling simpler microbenchmarks of Java8 and more traditional code.
Often, when developing performance sensitive code, it is convenient to benchmark that code in order to evaluate and improve its performance. UBench is a tool that can help.
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##Example Use Case - Largest Prime Calculator
See the running code in the test section - net.tuis.ubench.PrimeSieve
Consider a function which returns the largest prime number less than a given input value. This is based off a simple "Sieve of Eratosthenes":
* Basic "Sieve of Eratosthenes" implementation, no optimizations
* @param limit only primes less than this limit will be calculated.
* @return the largest prime less than the supplied limit.
public static final int getMaxPrimeBefore(int limit) {
boolean[] sieve = new boolean[limit];
Arrays.fill(sieve, true);
sieve[0] = false;
sieve[1] = false;
int largest = 0;
for (int p = 2; p < limit; p++) {
if (sieve[p]) {
largest = p;
for (int np = p * 2; np < limit; np += p) {
sieve[np] = false;
return largest;
What can UBench do for us that is useful?
##Simple Performance
First up, how fast is it? What happens to the performance as the Java JIT compiler optimizes the code. What can we expect when the system is 'cold'?
Simply run the code in a UBench task:
new UBench("Simple Performance")
.addIntTask("Prime less than 4000", () -> getMaxPrimeBefore(4000), p -> p == 3989)
This will produce (on my machine) the results:
Task Simple Performance -> Prime less than 4000: (Unit: MICROSECONDS)
Count : 10000 Average : 17.4710
Fastest : 13.0260 Slowest : 1107.2170
95Pctile : 23.6840 99Pctile : 42.6310
TimeBlock : 25.102 16.466 16.442 16.549 16.401 18.256 15.208 17.560 16.564 16.166
Histogram : 9717 186 61 26 8 1 1
The above results can be interpreted in multiple ways. The TimeBlock and Histogram values are the ones which will be least obvious, though.
This is a break down of the run time in to 10 zones. In the above example, with 10,000 runs, the average of the first 1000 runs is 25.102 microseconds. The next 1000 runs averages at 16.466 microseconds, and so on. You can see that the performance is about constant after the first 1000 runs.
This value set counts the number of runs that fall within specific time buckets. Each bucket is twice as slow as the previous bucket. The first bucket is the reference, and is based on the fastest run in the results. In the exampe above, 9717 runs were between 1X and 2X as slow as the fastest run (13.0260 microseconds). 186 runs were between 2X and 4X as slow as the fastest run. 61 runs were between 4X and 8X slower than the fastest, and so on.
The number of buckets is directly related to the number of times slower the slowest run is compared to the fastest run. In the example above, the slowest run is 85 times slower than the fastest run, so it is in bucket 64-to-128 times slower.
##Comparative Algorithms
How about comparing a revised implementation? One which does not do the Arrays.fill(...)
operation, but instead negates all values? The Arrays.fill is an operation that can be avoided if the logic using the boolean values in the sieve is negated. Consider code like:
public static final int getMaxPrimeBeforeNeg(int limit) {
boolean[] sieve = new boolean[limit];
// Arrays.fill(sieve, true);
sieve[0] = true;
sieve[1] = true;
int largest = 0;
for (int p = 2; p < limit; p++) {
if (!sieve[p]) {
largest = p;
for (int np = p * 2; np < limit; np += p) {
sieve[np] = true;
return largest;
Note that the code is the same as the initial example, but the method name is different, it does not do the Arrays.fill, and it has a negated check of the boolean value, and it sets values to true, instead of setting them to false. How much will the removal of the fill improve the performance?
new UBench("Comparative Performance")
.addIntTask("Primes Filled", () -> getMaxPrimeBefore(4000), p -> p == 3989)
.addIntTask("Primes Negated", () -> getMaxPrimeBeforeNeg(4000), p -> p == 3989)
.report("Effects of Arrays.fill()");
This produces the output:
Effects of Arrays.fill()
Task Comparative Performance -> Primes Filled: (Unit: MICROSECONDS)
Count : 10000 Average : 15.9820
Fastest : 14.2100 Slowest : 1458.1320
95Pctile : 18.5530 99Pctile : 25.2630
TimeBlock : 15.529 17.707 15.695 15.539 15.944 17.046 15.855 15.546 15.447 15.518
Histogram : 9931 53 9 4 1 1 1
Task Comparative Performance -> Primes Negated: (Unit: MICROSECONDS)
Count : 10000 Average : 15.0480
Fastest : 13.4200 Slowest : 1403.2650
95Pctile : 16.9740 99Pctile : 24.4740
TimeBlock : 14.417 15.140 14.637 14.483 14.823 15.335 16.488 14.954 15.041 15.168
Histogram : 9938 45 11 4 1 0 1
As you can see, the negated process is consistently about 1 microsecond faster, or, 8% in this case.
##Scalability testing
How does the performance change with different values for the limit? Let's check it doubling input values. As we double the input, what happens to the performance?
UBench bench = new UBench("Sieve Scalability");
int[] limits = {250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000};
int[] primes = {241, 499, 997, 1999, 3989, 7993};
for (int i = 0; i < limits.length; i++) {
final int limit = limits[i];
final int check = primes[i];
bench.addIntTask("Primes " + limit, () -> getMaxPrimeBefore(limit), p -> p == check);
bench.press(UMode.SEQUENTIAL, 10000).report("Prime Scalability");
We run the code and get the results:
Prime Scalability
Task Sieve Scalability -> Primes 250: (Unit: MICROSECONDS)
Count : 10000 Average : 0.8840
Fastest : 0.3940 Slowest : 1605.3660
95Pctile : 0.7900 99Pctile : 0.7900
TimeBlock : 2.409 0.753 0.699 0.701 0.703 0.844 0.702 0.699 0.690 0.639
Histogram : 2261 7712 14 5 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 1
Task Sieve Scalability -> Primes 500: (Unit: MICROSECONDS)
Count : 10000 Average : 1.3500
Fastest : 1.1840 Slowest : 70.6570
95Pctile : 1.5790 99Pctile : 1.5790
TimeBlock : 1.341 1.373 1.416 1.335 1.335 1.332 1.334 1.332 1.371 1.333
Histogram : 9979 18 0 0 2 1
Task Sieve Scalability -> Primes 1000: (Unit: MICROSECONDS)
Count : 10000 Average : 3.1920
Fastest : 2.3680 Slowest : 61.5780
95Pctile : 5.1310 99Pctile : 5.1320
TimeBlock : 2.888 2.834 2.871 3.207 3.396 2.969 2.857 2.875 3.085 4.946
Histogram : 8691 1302 3 3 1
Task Sieve Scalability -> Primes 2000: (Unit: MICROSECONDS)
Count : 10000 Average : 6.2780
Fastest : 5.5260 Slowest : 1601.4190
95Pctile : 6.7100 99Pctile : 8.6840
TimeBlock : 6.067 6.086 6.372 6.035 6.445 6.038 6.041 7.616 6.038 6.048
Histogram : 9984 14 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Task Sieve Scalability -> Primes 4000: (Unit: MICROSECONDS)
Count : 10000 Average : 13.3520
Fastest : 11.8410 Slowest : 1562.7350
95Pctile : 14.6050 99Pctile : 18.5520
TimeBlock : 13.395 13.266 13.143 13.347 13.207 13.130 14.799 13.314 13.124 12.798
Histogram : 9979 17 3 0 0 0 0 1
Task Sieve Scalability -> Primes 8000: (Unit: MICROSECONDS)
Count : 10000 Average : 33.0100
Fastest : 26.0520 Slowest : 35412.0070
95Pctile : 41.0520 99Pctile : 42.6300
TimeBlock : 28.020 28.138 28.887 27.991 28.095 29.253 71.221 30.652 28.668 29.184
Histogram : 9951 35 10 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1
The results show a slightly more than linear progression of the various times, which is what would be expected for an algorithm that's reported to be O( n log( log( n ) ) )
Perhaps you just want to profile the code, and get deeper insights. You can just set large values of iterations for the tests, or simply run the code for a given length of time:
bench.press("For Profiling", 1, TimeUnit.DAYS);
then kill the job when your profiling completes. Your profiles will show some overhead from the UBench itself, but the small footprint in terms of code and stack, makes UBench a convenient platform to use.