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Command-line Pomodoro Timer written in Rust

Pomosh is a command-line pomodoro timer written in Rust that (supposedly) help you focus on your task. If you didn't know already, the name pomosh is a mixture of these two terms: pomodoro and shell.

Pomodoro technique?

Here are the basic steps of the pomodoro technique:

  1. Decide the task to focus on.
  2. Set the timer (typically 25 minutes).
  3. Work on the task.
  4. Take a short break when the timer goes off (typically 5-10 minutes).
  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4.
  6. After four pomodoro sessions, take a long break (typically 20-30 minutes). After the long break, you can choose a new task to work on or continue with the same task and repeat from step 2.

Typical pomodoro intervals are 25/5 (25 minutes on, 5 minutes off), and 50/10.


Build from source

First, install rustup to get the rust compiler using curl -sSf | sh -s. Then,

$ git clone
$ cd pomosh
$ cargo build --release

$ ./target/release/pomosh


$ brew tap img9417/pomosh
$ brew install pomosh

To update, run

$ brew update
$ brew upgrade pomosh


Usage: pomosh [OPTIONS]

  -p, --preset <1|2>  Preset pomodoro (focus/break/long break): 1) 25/5/10, 2) 50/10/20
  -s, --style <1|2>   Configure timer text font
                       1) Univers (*default)
                       2) Yuanqing
  -m, --mute          Disable session/break complete chime
  -h, --help          Print help
  -V, --version       Print version

You can run the command pomosh to configure the focus, short break, and long break durations.

Focus duration (5-90 minutes): 50
Short break duration (5-90 minutes): 10
Long break duration (5-90 minutes): 20

Before your session starts, you can double check your configuration.

Focus duration: 60 mins
Break duration: 10 mins
Long Break duration: 20 mins
Chime: enabled
Start the session? (y/N): Y


pomosh comes with two preset configurations (Focus duration / Short break / Long break):

  1. 25/5/10
  2. 50/10/20

If you want to run one of the presets, use --preset=<OPTION>.

$ pomosh --preset=1 # runs 25/5/10
$ pomosh --preset=2 # runs 50/10/20


You can use --style=<1|2> flag to configure different text styles for the timer.


$ pomosh # default style

$ pomosh --style=1 # same as above


$ pomosh --style=2


The chime is enabled by default. If you want to disable it, pass --mute option.

$ pomosh --mute

$ pomosh --preset=1 --mute # runs the 25/5/10 preset with no chime

When the session begins, you'll see these notations at the top:

📕 ◻ ◻ ◻  (r1.1)
  • 📕 -> current pomodoro session
  • ◻ -> session not started
  • ◼ -> on short break
  • (r1.1) -> round 1 pomodoro 1

So on the 4th session, the notations will look like the below:

📕 📗 📘 📙  (r1.4)

Each book represents the pomodoro session.