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Neovim config

Neovim Config

what's this neovim config for?

front-end webdev and also golang

Look at that sweet sweet startup time :p

Neovim Startup Time



clone the repo recursively using git clone --recurse-submodules <GIT-REPO-URL> into your home directory, if you want ranger devicons, and cd into the dotfiles directory, and then run setup shellscript file. oh yea, only works on fedora for now



  • clone the repo recursively using git clone --recurse-submodules <GIT-REPO-URL> into your home directory.

  • Install lazygit

  • install glow

  • install theses packages(most likely available in the distro repo)

  neovim kitty fastfetch btop cava ncmpcpp mpd ranger lazygit stow npm nodejs python3 pip lua luarocks gloang rust
  • install these npm packages(required by some neovim plugins)
  neovim yarn pnpm browser-sync vscode-langservers-extracted typescript typescript-language-server @vue/language-server @vue/typescript-plugin
  • finally, run stow command(make sure you're in the dotfiles dir!)
stow .
  • done!