To programmatically REQUEST data from the microservice, you will need to do so with a sockets, specifically a client socket. You will need to connect to the correct server address and server port, then the message you send must be a dictionary type, as it will be sent as a JSON. An example call is found below.
import socket import json
def udp_echo_client(): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
server_address = ''
server_port = 12345
m = {"user_ID": 12345}
data = json.dumps(m)
message = data
print(f"Sending: {message}")
sock.sendto(message.encode(), (server_address, server_port))
response, server = sock.recvfrom(1024)
print(f"Response: {response.decode()}\n\nReceived from {server}")
if name == "main": udp_echo_client()
This example of m is asking for the data on the user with the ID of 12345. If one wants to add to user's data, an example of m is "m = {"user_ID": 12345, "LIST": "WATCH", "movie_ID": 98765}".
To programmatically receive data the microservice, you will need to use the following code in the try portion of the udp client functtion: "response, server = sock.recvfrom(1024)" (quotations shown for clarity, not to indicate a string). This will store the server's response in "response" and the server connected to as "server". The response will be in the form of a JSON string and will be one three things: 1) The data from a specified user if the user ID was given, 2) "User ID does not exist" if the user ID given does not match a user ID in the database, or 3) "Values added to movie user database" if new data to be added to a user's information was passed correctly.
Here is the UML sequence diagram showing how requesting and receiving data works:.