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Nefit Easy™ HTTP server

HTTP server to access Nefit/Bosch XMPP backend over HTTP.


This library requires Node.js 6.0.0 or later!

$ npm i nefit-easy-http-server -g

This will install the easy-server CLI tool in a well-known "bin/" directory (npm config get prefix will show you where).


@balk77 has created a Docker image to easily install and run the HTTP server. More information here.

If you want to build your own Docker image, there's a Dockerfile included in this repository.

Problems on recent Linux distributions

If you're having problems getting any data from the HTTP server, and you're using a recent Linux distribution (for instance, Raspbian Buster), take a look at this comment.

In short: OpenSSL defaults have changed to require a minimum TLS version and cipher implementation. These defaults cause the Nefit client code to not be able to connect to the Nefit/Bosch backend.

The solution is mentioned here: edit the file /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf and change the following keys to these values:

MinProtocol = None
CipherString = DEFAULT



$ easy-server

By default, the server will be accessible through http:


Configuration is done through command line options. See Options below.


The server exposes two endpoint prefixes:

  • /bridge/, which serves as a raw HTTP-to-XMPP bridge (see "Examples");
  • /api/, which implements higher-level commands (provided by nefit-easy-commands);


The server isn't meant to be opened in a browser. Its intended use is to be called using tools like curl or httpie, or from other programs/scripts, through HTTP calls. The following examples will use curl.

HTTP-to-XMPP bridge

The HTTP-to-XMPP bridge provides two actions:

  • retrieving an endpoint;
  • writing data to an endpoint;

To retrieve an endpoint (for example, /ecus/rrc/uiStatus):

$ curl http:

To write data to an endpoint:

$ curl -XPOST http: -d '{"value":20}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

For POST requests, the data should be a valid JSON string. There is no input validation.

Commands API

For now, the commands API only supports "get" commands:

$ curl http:
$ curl http:
$ curl http:
$ curl http:
$ curl http:
$ curl http:


$ easy-server -h

easy-server – Nefit Easy™ HTTP-server

  easy-server [options]

  -h --help                Show this screen
  -v --version             Show version
  -V --verbose             Be more verbose
  --serial=SERIAL          Nefit Easy™ serial number (without whitespace or hyphens)
  --access-key=ACCESS_KEY  Nefit Easy™ access key (without whitespace or hyphens)
  --password=PASSWORD      Nefit Easy™ password
  --port=PORT              Port to listen on [default: 3000]
  --host=HOST              Host to bind to [default:]
  --timeout=TIMEOUT        Request timeout in seconds [default: 30]

Instead of specifying serial number, access key or password through
options, you can also define them through environment variables: