My name is Michael Law and I'm a programmer, designer and the creator of Monarch. You can check out Monarch and other things I'm doing here on the blog. If you're a student, be sure to email me for student discounts at [email protected]
I enjoy working on products end to end, from wireframe to deployment, and have built software for every major platform: Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Android and iOS. Still going and more planned! Previously, I worked as a platform engineer and created an event ticketing platform. Currently, I'm working to release a book I'm writing on ReactJS and design.
Here's other stuff I've worked on:
- TabMagic - Bookmark tabs and links easily by using a browser-wide UI, and annotate & share them with teammates.
- Amethyst - Real-time static typing analysis for Python. Perfect for learning and experimenting with new functions or APIs.