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A Python project for generating badges for your projects, with a focus on simplicity and flexibility.


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Python project for generating badges for your projects

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anybadge can be used to add badge generation to your Python projects, and also provides a command line interface.

This utility can be used to generate .svg badge images, using configurable thresholds for coloring the badges based on the badge value. Many badge generation tools just provide the ability to specify the color of badge. anybadge allows you to specify the label, badge value, and color, but it also allows you to specify a set of thresholds that can be used to select a color based on the badge value.

anybadge may be useful for companies developing internally, or any time making calls to external badge services is not possible, or undesirable. In this situation using anybadge will be easier than running your own internal badge service.

The package can be imported into your python code, or run direct from the command line.


You can find a demo here. This will allow you to see what the package can do and play with it to test outputs.

Basic usage

Command line

As an example, if you want to produce a pylint badge, you may run anybadge from the command line like this:

anybadge -l pylint -v 2.22 -f pylint.svg 2=red 4=orange 8=yellow 10=green

This would result in a badge like this:


In this example the label is set to "pylint", the value "2.22", and an output file called "pylint.svg". The thresholds are provided in pairs of <value>=color Values can be integer or floats for ranges, and string values are also supported.


Here is the same example implemented in Python code:

import anybadge

# Define thresholds: <2=red, <4=orange <8=yellow <10=green
thresholds = {2: 'red',
              4: 'orange',
              6: 'yellow',
              10: 'green'}

badge = anybadge.Badge('pylint', 2.22, thresholds=thresholds)



anybadge is available in PyPi at

You can install the latest release of anybadge using pip:

pip install anybadge

This will install the Python package, and also make anybadge available as a command line utility.

Getting help

To get help from the command line utility, just run:

anybadge --help

Command line usage


Running the utility with the --file option will result in the .svg image being written to file. Without the --file option the .svg file content will be written to stdout, so can be redirected to a file.


Some thresholds have been built in to save time. To use these thresholds you can simply specify the template name instead of threshold value/color pairs.

anybadge --value=<VALUE> --file=<FILE> <TEMPLATE-NAME>

For example:

anybadge --value=2.22 --file=pylint.svg pylint


Anybadge comes with some pre-defined colors, which can be referred to by name. It also supports the use of custom colors by using the hex representation of the color. Both color types can be used in the default_color, text_color and thresholds attributes.

Here is a Python example showing use of a named color and a custom color.

import anybadge

badge = anybadge.Badge(label='custom color', value='teal', default_color='teal', num_padding_chars=1)
badge = anybadge.Badge(label='custom color', value='teal', default_color='#008080', num_padding_chars=1)

Available named colors are:

Color Name Hex Code Example
aqua #00FFFF
black #000000
blue #0000FF
brightred #FF0000
brightyellow #FFFF00
fuchsia #FF00FF
gray #808080
green #4C1
lightgrey #9F9F9F
lime #00FF00
maroon #800000
navy #000080
olive #808000
orange #FE7D37
purple #800080
red #E05D44
silver #C0C0C0
teal #008080
white #FFFFFF
yellow #DFB317
yellowgreen #A4A61D

This table was generated with the following code:

print("""| Color Name | Hex Code | Example |
| ---------- | -------- | ------- |""")
for color, hex in sorted(anybadge.COLORS.items()):
    file = 'examples/color_' + color + '.svg'
    url = '' + file
    anybadge.Badge(label='Color', value=color, default_color=color).write_badge(file, overwrite=True)
    print("| {color} | {hex} | ![]({url}) |".format(color=color, hex=hex.upper(), url=url))


Pylint using template

anybadge --value=2.22 --file=pylint.svg pylint


Pylint using arguments

anybadge -l pylint -v 2.22 -f pylint.svg 2=red 4=orange 8=yellow 10=green


Coverage using template

anybadge --value=65 --file=coverage.svg coverage


Pipeline, using labeled colors

anybadge --label=pipeline --value=passing --file=pipeline.svg passing=green failing=red


Badge with fixed color

anybadge --label=awesomeness --value="110%" --file=awesomeness.svg --color=#97CA00



These are the command line options:

positional arguments:
  args                  Pairs of <upper>=<color>. For example 2=red 4=orange
                        6=yellow 8=good. Read this as "Less than 2 = red, less
                        than 4 = orange...".

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LABEL, --label LABEL
                        The badge label.
  -v VALUE, --value VALUE
                        The badge value.
  -m VALUE_FORMAT, --value-format VALUE_FORMAT
                        Formatting string for value (e.g. "%.2f" for 2dp
  -c COLOR, --color COLOR
                        For fixed color badges use --colorto specify the badge
  -p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        Optional prefix for value.
  -s SUFFIX, --suffix SUFFIX
                        Optional suffix for value.
  -d PADDING, --padding PADDING
                        Number of characters to pad on either side of the
                        badge text.
  -lp LABEL_PADDING, --label-padding LABEL_PADDING
                        Number of characters to pad on either side of the
                        badge label.
  -vp VALUE_PADDING, --value-padding VALUE_PADDING
                        Number of characters to pad on either side of the
                        badge value.
  -n FONT, --font FONT  "DejaVu Sans,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif"Font name.
                        Supported fonts: ,"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
  -z FONT_SIZE, --font-size FONT_SIZE
                        Font size.
  -t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
                        Location of alternative template .svg file.
  -u, --use-max         Use the maximum threshold color when the value exceeds
                        the maximum threshold.
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Output file location.
  -o, --overwrite       Overwrite output file if it already exists.
  -r TEXT_COLOR, --text-color TEXT_COLOR
                        Text color. Single value affects both labeland value
                        colors. A comma separated pair affects label and value
                        text respectively.

Here are some usage specific command line examples that may save time on defining

Pylint:: --value=2.22 --file=pylint.svg pylint --label=pylint --value=2.22 --file=pylint.svg 2=red 4=orange 8=yellow 10=green

Coverage:: --value=65 --file=coverage.svg coverage --label=coverage --value=65 --suffix='%%' --file=coverage.svg 50=red 60=orange 80=yellow 100=green

CI Pipeline:: --label=pipeline --value=passing --file=pipeline.svg passing=green failing=red

Python usage
Here is the output of ``help(anybadge)``::

Help on module anybadge:

    anybadge - anybadge

    A Python module for generating badges for your projects, with a focus on
    simplicity and flexibility.

    class Badge(builtins.object)
     |  Badge(label, value, font_name='DejaVu Sans,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif', font_size=11, num_padding_chars=0.5, template='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<svg xmlns="" width="{{ badge width }}" height="20">\n    <linearGradient id="b" x2="0" y2="100%">\n        <stop offset="0" stop-color="#bbb" stop-opacity=".1"/>\n        <stop offset="1" stop-opacity=".1"/>\n    </linearGradient>\n    <mask id="a">\n        <rect width="{{ badge width }}" height="20" rx="3" fill="#fff"/>\n    </mask>\n    <g mask="url(#a)">\n        <path fill="#555" d="M0 0h{{ color split x }}v20H0z"/>\n        <path fill="{{ color }}" d="M{{ color split x }} 0h{{ value width }}v20H{{ color split x }}z"/>\n        <path fill="url(#b)" d="M0 0h{{ badge width }}v20H0z"/>\n    </g>\n    <g fill="{{ label text color }}" text-anchor="middle" font-family="{{ font name }}" font-size="{{ font size }}">\n        <text x="{{ label anchor shadow }}" y="15" fill="#010101" fill-opacity=".3">{{ label }}</text>\n        <text x="{{ label anchor }}" y="14">{{ label }}</text>\n    </g>\n    <g fill="{{ value text color }}" text-anchor="middle" font-family="{{ font name }}" font-size="{{ font size }}">\n        <text x="{{ value anchor shadow }}" y="15" fill="#010101" fill-opacity=".3">{{ value }}</text>\n        <text x="{{ value anchor }}" y="14">{{ value }}</text>\n    </g>\n</svg>', value_prefix='', value_suffix='', thresholds=None, default_color='#4c1', use_max_when_value_exceeds=True, value_format=None, text_color='#fff')
     |  Badge class used to generate badges.
     |  Examples:
     |      Create a simple green badge:
     |      >>> badge = Badge('label', 123, default_color='green')
     |      Write a badge to file, overwriting any existing file:
     |      >>> badge = Badge('label', 123, default_color='green')
     |      >>> badge.write_badge('demo.svg', overwrite=True)
     |      Here are a number of examples showing thresholds, since there
     |      are certain situations that may not be obvious:
     |      >>> badge = Badge('pipeline', 'passing', thresholds={'passing': 'green', 'failing': 'red'})
     |      >>> badge.badge_color
     |      'green'
     |      2.32 is not <2
     |      2.32 is < 4, so 2.32 yields orange
     |      >>> badge = Badge('pylint', 2.32, thresholds={2: 'red',
     |      ...                                           4: 'orange',
     |      ...                                           8: 'yellow',
     |      ...                                           10: 'green'})
     |      >>> badge.badge_color
     |      'orange'
     |      8 is not <8
     |      8 is <4, so 8 yields orange
     |      >>> badge = Badge('pylint', 8, thresholds={2: 'red',
     |      ...                                        4: 'orange',
     |      ...                                        8: 'yellow',
     |      ...                                        10: 'green'})
     |      >>> badge.badge_color
     |      'green'
     |      10 is not <8, but use_max_when_value_exceeds defaults to
     |      True, so 10 yields green
     |      >>> badge = Badge('pylint', 11, thresholds={2: 'red',
     |      ...                                         4: 'orange',
     |      ...                                         8: 'yellow',
     |      ...                                         10: 'green'})
     |      >>> badge.badge_color
     |      'green'
     |      11 is not <10, and use_max_when_value_exceeds is set to
     |      False, so 11 yields the default color '#4c1'
     |      >>> badge = Badge('pylint', 11, use_max_when_value_exceeds=False,
     |      ...               thresholds={2: 'red', 4: 'orange', 8: 'yellow',
     |      ...                           10: 'green'})
     |      >>> badge.badge_color
     |      '#4c1'
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self, label, value, font_name='DejaVu Sans,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif', font_size=11, num_padding_chars=0.5, template='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<svg xmlns="" width="{{ badge width }}" height="20">\n    <linearGradient id="b" x2="0" y2="100%">\n        <stop offset="0" stop-color="#bbb" stop-opacity=".1"/>\n        <stop offset="1" stop-opacity=".1"/>\n    </linearGradient>\n    <mask id="a">\n        <rect width="{{ badge width }}" height="20" rx="3" fill="#fff"/>\n    </mask>\n    <g mask="url(#a)">\n        <path fill="#555" d="M0 0h{{ color split x }}v20H0z"/>\n        <path fill="{{ color }}" d="M{{ color split x }} 0h{{ value width }}v20H{{ color split x }}z"/>\n        <path fill="url(#b)" d="M0 0h{{ badge width }}v20H0z"/>\n    </g>\n    <g fill="{{ label text color }}" text-anchor="middle" font-family="{{ font name }}" font-size="{{ font size }}">\n        <text x="{{ label anchor shadow }}" y="15" fill="#010101" fill-opacity=".3">{{ label }}</text>\n        <text x="{{ label anchor }}" y="14">{{ label }}</text>\n    </g>\n    <g fill="{{ value text color }}" text-anchor="middle" font-family="{{ font name }}" font-size="{{ font size }}">\n        <text x="{{ value anchor shadow }}" y="15" fill="#010101" fill-opacity=".3">{{ value }}</text>\n        <text x="{{ value anchor }}" y="14">{{ value }}</text>\n    </g>\n</svg>', value_prefix='', value_suffix='', thresholds=None, default_color='#4c1', use_max_when_value_exceeds=True, value_format=None, text_color='#fff')
     |      Constructor for Badge class.
     |  get_text_width(self, text)
     |      Return the width of text.
     |      Args:
     |          text(str): Text to get the pixel width of.
     |      Returns:
     |          int: Pixel width of the given text based on the badges selected font.
     |      This implementation assumes a fixed font of:
     |      font-family="DejaVu Sans,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif" font-size="11"
     |      >>> badge = Badge('x', 1, font_name='DejaVu Sans,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif', font_size=11)
     |      >>> badge.get_text_width('pylint')
     |      34
     |  write_badge(self, file_path, overwrite=False)
     |      Write badge to file.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  badge_color
     |      Badge color based on the configured thresholds.
     |      Returns: str
     |  badge_color_code
     |      Return the color code for the badge.
     |      Returns: str
     |  badge_svg_text
     |      The badge SVG text.
     |      Returns: str
     |  badge_width
     |      The total width of badge.
     |      Returns: int
     |      Examples:
     |          >>> badge = Badge('pylint', '5')
     |          >>> badge.badge_width
     |          103
     |  color_split_position
     |      The SVG x position where the color split should occur.
     |      Returns: int
     |  font_width
     |      Return the width multiplier for a font.
     |      Returns:
     |          int: Maximum pixel width of badges selected font.
     |      Example:
     |          >>> Badge(label='x', value='1').font_width
     |          10
     |  label_anchor
     |      The SVG x position of the middle anchor for the label text.
     |      Returns: float
     |  label_anchor_shadow
     |      The SVG x position of the label shadow anchor.
     |      Returns: float
     |  label_width
     |      The SVG width of the label text.
     |      Returns: int
     |  value_anchor
     |      The SVG x position of the middle anchor for the value text.
     |      Returns: float
     |  value_anchor_shadow
     |      The SVG x position of the value shadow anchor.
     |      Returns: float
     |  value_is_float
     |      Identify whether the value text is a float.
     |      Returns: bool
     |  value_is_int
     |      Identify whether the value text is an int.
     |      Returns: bool
     |  value_type
     |      The Python type associated with the value.
     |      Returns: type
     |  value_width
     |      The SVG width of the value text.
     |      Returns: int

        Generate a badge based on command line arguments.
        Parse the command line arguments.

    BADGE_TEMPLATES = {'coverage': {'label': 'coverage', 'suffix': '%', 't...
    COLORS = {'green': '#4c1', 'lightgrey': '#9f9f9f', 'orange': '#fe7d37'...
    DEFAULT_COLOR = '#4c1'
    DEFAULT_FONT = 'DejaVu Sans,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif'
    FONT_WIDTHS = {'DejaVu Sans,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif': {11: 10}}
    TEMPLATE_SVG = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<svg xmln...ho...
    __summary__ = 'A simple, flexible badge generator.'
    __title__ = 'anybadge'
    __uri__ = ''
    __version_info__ = ('0', '0', '0')
    digits = '0123456789'
    version = '0.0.0'



A Python project for generating badges for your projects, with a focus on simplicity and flexibility.







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