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Vulkan Shader Profiler

vulkan-kernel-profiler is a perfetto-based Vulkan shader profiler using the layering capability of the Vulkan-Loader

It allows to visualize a vulkan application using perfetto with information about the compute shader to easily identify which shader is taking most of the application time, and what is its Vulkan SPIR-V source code.

Using the vulkan-shader-profiler-extractor and vulkan-shader-profiler-runner, it is also possible to extract a specific dispatch from the trace (using the dispatchId debug information from the trace), and replay it with the runner.


vulkan-kernel-profiler is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.

Table of contents


vulkan-kernel-profiler depends on the following:

vulkan-kernel-profiler also (obviously) depends on a Vulkan implementation.


vulkan-kernel-profiler uses CMake for its build system.

To compile it, please run:

cmake -B <build_dir> -S <path-to-vulkan-kernel-profiler> -DPERFETTO_SDK_PATH=<path-to-perfetto-sdk> -DPERFETTO_TRACE_PROCESSOR_LIB=<path-to-libtrace_processor.a> -DPERFETTO_INTERNAL_INCLUDE_PATH=<path-to-perfetto-include> -DSPIRV_TOOLS_SOURCE_PATH=<path-to-spirv-tools-source-dir> -DSPIRV_TOOLS_BUILD_PATH=<path-to-spirv-tools-build-dir>
cmake --build <build_dir>

For a real life examples, have a look at:

Build options

    • PERFETTO_SDK_PATH: path to perfetto sdk (vulkan-kernel-profiler is looking for PERFETTO_SDK_PATH/ and PERFETTO_SDK_PATH/perfetto.h).
    • PERFETTO_TRACE_PROCESSOR_LIB: path to libtrace_processor.a produces by a perfetto build.
    • PERFETTO_INTERNAL_INCLUDE_PATH: path to perfetto internal include directory (<perfetto>/include), or where it is installed.
    • SPIRV_TOOLS_SOURCE_PATH: path to SPIRV-Tools source directory (PR #5512 is needed).
    • SPIRV_TOOLS_BUILD_PATH: path to where SPIRV-Tools is built (not installed, just built).
    • PERFETTO_LIBRARY: name of a perfetto library already available (avoid having to compile
    • PERFETTO_GEN_INCLUDE_PATH: path to a a perfetto build (if not installed) <perfetto>/out/release/gen/build_config.
    • PERFETTO_CXX_CONFIG_INCLUDE_PATH: path to perfetto buildtools config <perfetto>/buildtools/libcxx_config.
    • PERFETTO_CXX_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH: path to perfetto buildtools include <perfetto>/buildtools/libcxx/include.
    • EXTRACTOR_NOSTDINCXX: build vulkan-shader-profiler-extractor with -nostdinc++ to be able to link with some libtrace_processor.a.
    • SPIRV_HEADERS_INCLUDE_PATH: path to SPIRV-Headers include directory (<spirv-headers>/include).
    • BACKEND: perfetto backend to use
      • InProcess (default): the application will generate the traces (perfetto documentation). Build options and environment variables can be used to control the maximum size of traces and the destination file where the traces will be recorded.
      • System: perfetto traced daemon will be responsible for generating the traces (perfetto documentation).
    • TRACE_MAX_SIZE (only with InProcess backend): Maximum size (in KB) of traces that can be recorded. Can be overriden at runtime using the following environment variable: VKSP_TRACE_MAX_SIZE (Default: 1024).
    • TRACE_DEST (only with InProcess backend): File where the traces will be recorded. Can be overriden at runtime using the following environment variable: VKSP_TRACE_DEST (Default: opencl-kernel-profiler.trace).

Running an application with Vulkan Shader Profiler

To run an application with the vulkan-kernel-profiler, one need to ensure the following points:

  • The Vulkan-Loader needs to be able to find the manifest in <vulkan-shader-profiler>/manifest/vulkan-shader-profiler.json. This can be achieve by using the follow environment variable: VK_ADD_LAYER_PATH=<path-to-vulkan-shader-profiler-manifest>.
  • The Layer needs to be enabled. Either directly from the application, or using the following environment variable: VK_LOADER_LAYERS_ENABLE="VK_LAYER_SHADER_PROFILER".

It is also possible to extract the content of the memories of buffers and images used by a specific dispatch. It requires to first do a first run to then extract the targeted dispatch. After that a second run can be done with VKSP_EXTRACT_BUFFERS_FROM=<trace.spvasm> set. It will generates a <trace.spvasm.buffers> file that can be used later on with the vulkan-shader-profiler-runner to initialize the memories of the images and buffers used. Buffers can also be extracted individually by setting VKSP_EXTRACT_MULTIPLE_BUFFERS=1, and then be merged together with vulkan-shader-profiler-merge-buffers (find a example in

On ChromeOS

Make sure to have emerged and deployed the vulkan-shader-profiler.

Then run the application using This script will take care of setting all the environment variables needed to run with the vulkan-shader-profiler.

Using the trace

Once traces have been generated, on can view them using the perfetto trace viewer.

How does the Vulkan Shader Profiler layer work

vulkan-shader-profiler intercept the following calls to generate perfetto traces:

  • vkGetDeviceQueue: Create internal structures to trace everything executed on this queue.
  • vkAllocateCommandBuffers: Create internal structures for this command buffer.
  • vkFreeCommandBuffers: Clean internal structures for this command buffer.
  • vkBeginCommandBuffer: Initialize internal structures for this command buffer.
  • vkQueueSubmit: Modify the submit information to add a timeline semaphore used to track this submit internally. Also submit a 'job' to get the command buffer submitted traced.
  • vkCmdDispatch: Initialize internal structures to know what to trace if this command buffer get submitted.
  • vkCmdBindPipeline: Initialize internal structures to know what pipeline will be executed if this command buffer get submitted.
  • vkCreateComputePipelines: Initialize internal structure to know what shader will be executed if this pipeline get submitted.
  • vkCreateShaderModule: Create an perfetto event with the readable version of the Vulkan SPIR-V source code.

Every intercept call also generates a trace for the function.

vulkan-shader-profiler also intercept the following calls which are needed to run the vulkan-shader-profiler-extractor:

  • vkUpdateDescriptorSets
  • vkCmdBindDescriptorSets
  • vkCmdPushConstants
  • vkAllocateMemory
  • vkCreateBuffer
  • vkBindBufferMemory
  • vkCreateImage
  • vkCreateImageView
  • vkBindImageMemory
  • vkCreateSampler

Functions used by vulkan-shader-profiler internally:

  • CreateSemaphore, DestroySemaphore, WaitSemaphores: To know when a workload end to create the event.
  • CreateQueryPool, DestroyQueryPool, GetQueryPoolResults, CmdResetQueryPool: To have somewhere to store the timestamp during the command buffer execution.
  • CmdWriteTimestamp: To store the timestamp during the command buffer execution.
  • GetCalibratedTimestampsEXT: To convert the device timestamp to the host timeline
  • GetPhysicalDeviceProperties: To convert the number of ticks returned by CmdWriteTimestamp to actual time information in nano-seconds.
  • The following functions are used for the extracting buffers feature:
    • CmdPipelineBarrier
    • CmdCopyBuffer
    • CmdCopyImage
    • MapMemory
    • UnmapMemory
    • GetImageMemoryRequirements
    • GetBufferMemoryRequirements
    • DestroyImage
    • DestroyBuffer
    • FreeMemory
    • GetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties

Extracting a dispatch from a trace

Once a trace has been generated from an application, it is possible to extract a single dispatch from it using the dispatchId debug information from the trace:

$ vulkan-shader-profiler-extractor -i <input_trace> -o <output_file> -d <dispatchId>

Required options:

  • -i: the path to the trace generated by the vulkan-shader-profiler when running the vulkan application.
  • -o: the path where the output of the extractor will be stored (the output is a Vulkan SPIR-V readable file by default).
  • -d: the dispatchId to extract from the trace

Optional options:

  • -b: output a binary Vulkan SPIRV-V program instead of a readable one (allow to have something smaller).
  • -s: the path to the file to use instead of the perfetto trace to get the shader code (see section Large shader code for more information).
  • -v: enable the verbose mode which is mainly use for debug purpose.

Run a Vulkan SPIR-V program with the runner

Only program extracted from a trace with the vulkan-shader-profiler-extractor can be run with the vulkan-shader-profiler-runner:

$ vulkan-shader-profiler-runner -i <input>

Required options:

  • -i: path to the Vulkan SPIR-V program generated by the extractor

Optional options:

  • -b: path to a buffers file associated to the input (generated when tracing with VKSP_EXTRACT_BUFFERS_FROM).
  • -c: disable the counters. Allow to run with no overhead introduced by the counters.
  • -e: allow to choose the spv_target_env to use when using a non-binary input to convert it to binary (default: vulkan1.3)
  • -n: allow to run the program multiple times
  • -m: allow to run the program multiple times before starting to benchmark it
  • -o: descriptor set index and binding of a buffer to dump after the execution (example: 1.2, meaning descriptor set 1, binding 2).
  • -p: allow to force the usage of the vulkan queue global priority:
    • 0:low
    • 1:medium
    • 2:high
    • 3:realtime
    • default: vulkan queue global priority is not used by the runner
  • -v: enable the verbose mode which is mainly use for debug purpose.

Output example:

$ vulkan-shader-profiler-runner -i trace.spvasm -m 1000 -n 100
[  HOST]        Submit:  25.368 ms
[  HOST]      WaitIdle: 201.198 ms
[  HOST]         Total: 226.566 ms
[   GPU]         Total: 200.544 ms
[   GPU]          Cold: 185.171 ms
[   GPU]           Hot:  15.373 ms
[   GPU]       Hot avg: 153.730 us

Using counters inside a Vulkan SPIR-V program

It is possible to profile section of the program by adding non-semantic instructions inside the program.

To start a section add:

%<my_counter> = OpExtInst %<void_type> %<vksp_ext_inst_id> StartCounter "<counter_name>"

To end a section add:

%<unused> = OpExtInst %<void_type> %<vksp_ext_inst_id> StopCounter %<my_counter>

Small partial example:

         %49 = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.VkspReflection.1"
       %void = OpTypeVoid
         %ct = OpExtInst %void %49 StartCounter "my_section"
         %un = OpExtInst %void %49 StopCounter %ct

Output example:

$ vulkan-shader-profiler-runner -i trace.spvasm -n 10 -m 100
[  HOST]     Submit:  19.750 us
[  HOST]   WaitIdle:  55.684 ms
[  HOST]      Total:  55.703 ms
[   GPU]      Total:  54.845 ms
[   GPU]       Cold:  51.312 ms
[   GPU]        Hot:   3.532 ms
[   GPU]    Hot avg: 353.282 us
[SHADER] my_section:  29.8%

Known issues

Large shader code

When tracing applications using large shader code, perfetto can have issue creating the slice. It causes the shader code to be missing or to be partially present in the perfetto trace. Thus preventing to find the full code in the web ui or to use the vulkan-shader-profiler-extractor.

To avoid this issue, it is possible to run the application with the following environment variable set:


It will force the vulkan-shader-profiler layer to dump the shaders in their binary format in this directory (make sure the directory exists, it will not be created by the vulkan-shader-profiler layer).

Then once can either use:

  • spirv-dis to disassemble the interesting shaders to a readable format
  • vulkan-shader-profiler-extractor with the -s option to specify the shader file to use instead of what is inside the perfetto trace.


Perfetto-based Vulkan Shader Profiler







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