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MERN Task Manager

A MERN application for basic tasks management. image

Table of Contents


User-side features

  • Signup
  • Login
  • Logout
  • Add tasks
  • View tasks
  • Update tasks
  • Delete tasks

Developer-side features

  • Toasts for success and error messages
  • Form validations in frontend and backend
  • Fully Responsive Navbar
  • Token based Authentication
  • Use of 404 page for wrong urls
  • Relevant redirects
  • Global user state using Redux
  • Custom Loaders
  • Use of layout component for pages
  • Use of theme colors
  • No external CSS files needed (made using Tailwind CSS)
  • Usage of Tooltips
  • Dynamic document titles
  • Redirect to previous page after login
  • Use of various React hooks
  • Custom hook also used (useFetch)
  • Routes protection
  • Middleware for verifying the user in backend
  • Use of different HTTP status codes for sending responses
  • Standard pratices followed

Tools and Technologies

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • React
  • Redux
  • Mongodb


Following are the major dependencies of the project:

  • axios
  • react
  • react-dom
  • react-redux
  • react-router-dom
  • react-toastify
  • redux
  • redux-thunk
  • bcrypt
  • cors
  • dotenv
  • express
  • jsonwebtoken
  • mongoose


Following are the major dev-dependencies of the project:

  • nodemon
  • concurrently


  • Node.js must be installed on the system.
  • You should have a MongoDB database.
  • You should have a code editor (preferred: VS Code)

Installation and Setup

  1. Install all the dependencies

    npm run install-all
  2. Create a file named ".env" inside the backend folder. Add data from .env.example file and substitute your credentials there.

  3. Start the application

    npm run dev
  4. Go to http:https://localhost:3000

Backend API

- POST     /api/auth/signup
- POST     /api/auth/login
- GET      /api/tasks
- GET      /api/tasks/:taskId
- POST     /api/tasks
- PUT      /api/tasks/:taskId
- DELETE   /api/tasks/:taskId
- GET      /api/profile

Frontend pages

- /                 Home Screen (Public home page for guests and private dashboard (tasks) for logged-in users)
- /signup           Signup page
- /login            Login page
- /tasks/add        Add new task
- /tasks/:taskId    Edit a task

npm scripts

At root:

  • npm run dev: Starts both backend and frontend
  • npm run dev-server: Starts only backend
  • npm run dev-client: Starts only frontend
  • npm run install-all: Installs all dependencies and dev-dependencies required at root, at frontend and at backend.

Inside frontend folder:

  • npm start: Starts frontend in development mode
  • npm run build: Builds the frontend for production to the build folder
  • npm test: Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode
  • npm run eject: This will remove the single build dependency from the frontend.

Inside backend folder:

  • npm run dev: Starts backend using nodemon.
  • npm start: Starts backend without nodemon.
