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"riotify" is a browserify transformer for riot ".riot" files.


If you are using Riot.js < 4.0.0 please check the v3 branch


$ npm install riotify @riotjs/compiler -D


This module is meant to be used together with browserify or module-deps:

Either of the two commands below result creates the same result:

$ browserify -t riotify app.js
$ module-deps -t riotify app.js | browser-pack

Example app.js:

const Todo = require('./todo.riot').default
const {component} = require('riot')


Example todo.riot:

  <div each={ item in items }>
    <h3>{ item.title }</h3>
    // a tag file can contain any JavaScript, even require()
    const resources = require('../resources.json')

    export default {
      items: [ { title: resources.en.first }, { title: resources.en.second } ]

Note that your tag files actually need to have the extension ".riot".

Compile Options

This plugin can give riot's compile options.

$ browserify -t [ riotify --ext html ] app.js

You can also configure it in package.json

    "name": "my-package",
    "browserify": {
        "transform": [
            ["riotify", { "ext": ".html" }],

Available option

  • ext: String
    • custom extension, you’re free to use any file extension for your tags (instead of default .riot):

See more:

With gulp.js

const gulp       = require('gulp')
const browserify = require('browserify')
const riotify    = require('riotify')
const source     = require('vinyl-source-stream')

gulp.task('browserify', function(){
  browserify({ entries: ['src/app.js'] })
    .transform(riotify) // pass options if you need

These are the simplest cases. uglify and sourcemaps would be needed.


$ npm test


Originally written by Jan Henning Thorsen - [email protected]
Maintained by Gianluca Guarini - [email protected]