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Laravel-Podio Auth

Laravel-Podio library which includes


  • php: ^5.3.0
  • laravel/framework: ^5.2
  • podio/podio-php: ^4.3


  1. Install package

    composer require rijosh/podio-auth
  2. Include the PodioAuthServiceProvider in config/app.php provider list

  3. Create config file podio.php and add the following code:

    return [
         * Podio username and password.
         * This will be using for user authentication (Username and password flow).
        'username' => '',
        'password' => '',
         * Include Podio apps details here.
         * This will be using for app authentication (App authentication flow).
         * List the type of hooks if needed.
        'app_auth' => [
            'app_name' => [
                'app_id' =>,
                'app_secret' => '',
                'hook_types' => []
         * Include multiple API Keys here.
         * This is using for rate-limit handling.
        'client_api' => [
                'id' => '',
                'secret' => '',
  4. Update podio.php with configuration data.

  5. Run the following commands

    * php artisan podio:init

    This will generate the required tables and sync the api from config.

Code Examples

Use package library for authentication and Podio API

 namespace App\Http\Controllers;
 use PodioAuth\Controllers\PodioAuth;
 use PodioAuth\Repositories\Podio;
 class TestController extends Controller
     public function getTest()
         PodioAuth::podioUserAuth(); // username-password authentication
         PodioAuth::podioAppAuth(12344); // App authentication
         PodioAuth::podioAppAuthWithName("name"); // Authenticate app with name specified in config/podio.php
         Podio::PodioApp_get(123456); // Get Podio app details

Using hook management module

The following urls can be used to manage Podio hooks.

  • hook/create : Add hooks to all Podio apps listed in the config file.
  • hook/remove : Remove all hooks added from the application independent of the entries created in podio_hooks table.
  • hook/disable : Remove all hooks from Podio apps that listed in the podio_hooks table.
  • cron/hook : Use this url as a cron job. It will check for inactive hooks in apps and enable them.

After adding the hooks, make sure all hooks are verified. The hook url will be handle/{app_id}/hook. All the hooks from Podio will be entered into the podio_requests table and trigger the hook processing url. This will help to process hooks asynchronously. Follow the steps to continue with the hook processing.

  • Create new controller and extend PodioAuth\Controllers\HookController.
  • Add function to process the hooks.
    public function processHook($id) // table row id
        $request = PodioRequest::whereId($id)->first(); 
        if ($request) {
            $appId = $request->app_id;
            $hook = $request->request;

            * Start processing hook.
            $request->is_processing = 1;

            * Your code

            * Finished processing hook.
            $request->is_processing = 0;
            $request->is_processed = 1;
  • Add route for this function with name process_hook and method as get.
Route::get('process/{id}/hook', 'HookController@processHook')->name('process_hook');


All the functionalities are working depending on the configuration data in the podio.php file. Make sure app_auth and client_api are correctly synced to corresponding tables in database. Clear the configuration cache by running the command php artisan config:cache.


Contributions to Podio Auth library are welcome.


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