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  1. Linear Regression - Simple and Multiple
  2. Regularization - Ridge (L2), Lasso (L1)
  3. Nearest neighbors and kernel regression


  1. Gradient Descent
  2. Coordinate Descent


  1. Loss function
  2. Bias-Variance Trade off
  3. Cross Validation
  4. Sparsity
  5. Overfitting
  6. Model selection
  7. Feature selection

Information Modules
Simple Regression Module 1
Multiple Regression Module 2
Assesing Performance Module 3
Ridge Regression Module 4
Feature Selection & Lasso Module 5
Nearest Neighbor & Kernel Regression Module 6

Simple Regression

  • 1 input and fit a line to data. (intercept and the slope coefficients).

Cost of the line

  • Residual sum of squares (RSS) - Sum of the square of difference between the original value and the predicted value.
  • Use RSS to asses different fits to the model.
  • Choose the best fit on the training data that minimizes over the "intercept" and "slope".

Gradient Descent

  • Iterative Algorithm that moves in the direction of the negative gradient.
  • for convex functions it converges to the optimum.

Multiple Regression

  • Allows to fit more complicated relationships between single input and output. Example - polynomial regression, seasonality, etc.
  • It also incorporates more inputs and features and using these various inputs to compute the prediction.
  • It is the sum of the weighted collection of features h of inputs xi + epsilon (error / noise term).

Cost -> RSS for multiple regression

  • RSS for the coefficients -> sum of the square of the difference between the output and the predicted value.
  • Predicted value = transpose of the feature matrix and coeffcients.

Gradient Descent

  • The gradient is used for the closed-form solution as well. Complexity of inverse: O(D^3) -> D - #features.
  • Gradient of the RSS.
  • Requires a step-size.

Assesing Performance

  • Variours measure to assess the efficieny of the model fit.

Measuring Loss

  • It is a measure of how good the fit is performing.
  • It is the cost of using estimated parameters w-hat at x when y is true.
  • Absolute error - symmetric error - Absolute difference between true and predicted values.
  • Squared error - symmetric error - Squared difference between the actual and predicted values.

3 Measures of errors

  1. Training Error - Average over the loss measure pf the training dataset. Not a good predictive performance on the model.
  2. Generalization / True Error - Measure of how well the error is being predicted for every possible observation available. It can't be computed.
  3. Test Error - Examines the traing data fit on the test set. It is a noisy approximation to the generalization error.

Error xs. Model complexity

  • Training error - decreases with model complexity.
  • Generalization error - decreases and then increases with model complexity.
  • Test error - noisy generalization of the true error.


  • If the training error is decrease below certain amount and the true error increases.
  • At this point the magnitude of the coefficients increases.

3 source of prediction error

  1. Noise - inherent to the model, cannot be controlled.
  2. Bias - Measure of how well the model fits the true prediction / relationship by averaging over all possible training data sets.
  3. Variance - Measure of how a fitted function vary from the training data set to training set of all size and observations.

Bias-Variance tradeoff

  • Require low bias and low variance to have good predictive performance.
  • Model complexity increases -> bias decreases and variance increases.
  • Mean Square Error (MSE) = bias-variance tradeoff = bias^2 + variance.

Model selection and Assessment

  • Fit the model on the training data set.
  • Select between different models on the validation set.
  • Test the performance on the test data.

Ridge Regression

  • As model complexity increases, the models become overfit.
  • Symptom of overfitting -> magnitude of coefficients increases.
  • It trades of between the bias and the variance.
  • Ridge total cost = measure of fit(RSS on training data) + measure of the magnitude of the coefficients.
  • It is the L2 regularization parameter = Rss(w) + lambda * ||w||^2

Coefficient path

  • The magnitude of the coefficients decreases with increases in the tuning parameter "lambda".

Ridge closed-form solution -> complexity O(D^3);


  • In case of insuuffient data to form a separate validation set.
  • Then perform k-fold cross validation.
  • Here the training set is divided into blocks and each block is treated as the validation set.
    • training block -> parameters or coefficients are extimated.
    • validation block the error is computed.
  • The average error across all validation set is computed.

Feature Selection & Lasso

Various methods to search over models with different number of features.

  • All Subset - exhaustive approach, where feature combinations with least RSS is chosen.
  • Greedy Algorithm - forward selection - suboptimal solution but eventually provides the desired model set and is more efficient.

Lasso objective function - L1 regularized regression

  • It leads to sparse solutions.
  • L1 norm = RSS(w) + lambda ||w||

Coefficient path

  • Here the coefficient path becomes sparser with increasing lambda value. This provideds better feature solutions.

Coordinate Descent

  • Better model since it is difficult to find the derivate of an absolute value. Need to use sub-gradients, alternative is coordinate descent.
  • Iterate through the different dimensions of the objective or different features of the regression model.
  • The coefficients for lasso was setup based on "soft-thresholding" - provides sparse solutions.

Nearest Neighbor & Kernel Regression - Nonparametric fits

1-NN - simple procedure

  • Look for the most similar dataset observation and base the predictions on it.

Weighted k-NN

  • weigh the more similar observations more than those less similar in the list of k-NN.
  • Average across the rating to form the estimated prediction.

Kernel Regression

  • Weight all the points rather than just weighting NN.
  • The kernels have a bandwidth - lambda, outside which the observations are 0. Within the range/bandwidth also the observations can decay based on how far they are from the target point.
  • It leads to local constant fits.
  • Parametric fits -> global constant fits.








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