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Rich Geldreich edited this page Feb 4, 2022 · 19 revisions

All PNG's in the example pages are checked into github here.

Also see More Example Images.

  • joker_768: 768x432 24bpp

Original image: 370,990 bytes, 8.9 bits/pixel (encoded with lodepng)


RDO PNG: 252,140 bytes, 6.080 bits/pixel

rdopng joker_768.png -level 6 -two_pass -lambda 300



RGB    Max:  41 Mean: 0.788 RMS: 1.499 PSNR: 44.613 dB
R      Max:  40 Mean: 0.734 RMS: 1.395 PSNR: 45.239 dB
G      Max:  22 Mean: 0.514 RMS: 1.023 PSNR: 47.929 dB
B      Max:  41 Mean: 1.115 RMS: 1.936 PSNR: 42.391 dB
Y 709  Max:  18 Mean: 0.524 RMS: 0.999 PSNR: 48.141 dB

Delta image:


RDO PNG: 186,413 bytes, 4.495 bits/pixel

rdopng joker_768.png -level 6 -two_pass -lambda 1000



RGB    Max:  63 Mean: 1.299 RMS: 2.303 PSNR: 40.885 dB
R      Max:  63 Mean: 1.219 RMS: 2.143 PSNR: 41.511 dB
G      Max:  20 Mean: 0.906 RMS: 1.589 PSNR: 44.109 dB
B      Max:  47 Mean: 1.773 RMS: 2.966 PSNR: 38.689 dB
Y 709  Max:  20 Mean: 0.885 RMS: 1.520 PSNR: 44.494 dB

Delta image:


RDO PNG: 149,135 bytes, 3.569 bits/pixel

rdopng joker_768.png -level 6 -two_pass -lambda 2000



RGB    Max:  53 Mean: 1.712 RMS: 2.832 PSNR: 39.090 dB
R      Max:  53 Mean: 1.650 RMS: 2.731 PSNR: 39.405 dB
G      Max:  24 Mean: 1.261 RMS: 2.064 PSNR: 41.837 dB
B      Max:  53 Mean: 2.226 RMS: 3.513 PSNR: 37.218 dB
Y 709  Max:  21 Mean: 1.209 RMS: 1.957 PSNR: 42.301 dB

Delta image:


RDO PNG: 112,577 bytes, 2.715 bits/pixel

rdopng joker_768.png -level 14 -two_pass -lambda 4000



RGB    Max:  62 Mean: 2.291 RMS: 3.650 PSNR: 36.886 dB
R      Max:  49 Mean: 2.248 RMS: 3.538 PSNR: 37.155 dB
G      Max:  25 Mean: 1.686 RMS: 2.674 PSNR: 39.589 dB
B      Max:  62 Mean: 2.938 RMS: 4.505 PSNR: 35.058 dB
Y 709  Max:  21 Mean: 1.616 RMS: 2.532 PSNR: 40.062 dB

Delta image:


  • xfiles_768 768x432 24bpp

Original image: 519,145 bytes, 12.52 bits/pixel (encoded with lodepng)


RDO PNG: 301,910 bytes, 7.28 bits/pixel

rdopng xfiles_768.png -level 4 -two_pass -lambda 300


RGB    Max:  34 Mean: 1.308 RMS: 2.359 PSNR: 40.675 dB
R      Max:  33 Mean: 1.412 RMS: 2.479 PSNR: 40.244 dB
G      Max:  31 Mean: 1.012 RMS: 1.921 PSNR: 42.461 dB
B      Max:  34 Mean: 1.499 RMS: 2.620 PSNR: 39.766 dB
Y 709  Max:  26 Mean: 0.996 RMS: 1.865 PSNR: 42.715 dB

Delta image:


RDO PNG: 169,558 bytes, 4.088 bits/pixel

rdopng xfiles_768.png -level 14 -lambda 3000


RGB    Max:  34 Mean: 2.736 RMS: 4.272 PSNR: 35.518 dB
R      Max:  34 Mean: 2.914 RMS: 4.488 PSNR: 35.089 dB
G      Max:  28 Mean: 2.234 RMS: 3.525 PSNR: 37.188 dB
B      Max:  33 Mean: 3.060 RMS: 4.709 PSNR: 34.672 dB
Y 709  Max:  23 Mean: 2.117 RMS: 3.347 PSNR: 37.638 dB

Delta image:


  • stp: 1024x683 24bpp

Original image: 864,399 bytes, 9.89 bits/pixel (encoded with lodepng)


RDO PNG: 412,128 bytes, 4.714 bits/pixel

rdopng stp.png -level 4 -two_pass -lambda 500



RGB    Max:  34 Mean: 1.138 RMS: 1.775 PSNR: 43.149 dB
R      Max:  29 Mean: 1.253 RMS: 1.896 PSNR: 42.573 dB
G      Max:  21 Mean: 0.828 RMS: 1.359 PSNR: 45.466 dB
B      Max:  34 Mean: 1.334 RMS: 2.001 PSNR: 42.105 dB
Y 709  Max:  17 Mean: 0.821 RMS: 1.316 PSNR: 45.744 dB

Delta image:


RDO PNG: 321,873 bytes, 3.682 bits/pixel

rdopng stp.png -level 4 -two_pass -lambda 1000



RGB    Max:  37 Mean: 1.501 RMS: 2.262 PSNR: 41.040 dB
R      Max:  29 Mean: 1.621 RMS: 2.392 PSNR: 40.556 dB
G      Max:  25 Mean: 1.113 RMS: 1.722 PSNR: 43.409 dB
B      Max:  37 Mean: 1.770 RMS: 2.582 PSNR: 39.892 dB
Y 709  Max:  19 Mean: 1.078 RMS: 1.651 PSNR: 43.776 dB

Delta image:


RDO PNG: 289,303 bytes, 3.309 bits/pixel

rdopng stp.png -level 13 -lambda 2000



RGB    Max:  39 Mean: 1.685 RMS: 2.595 PSNR: 39.848 dB
R      Max:  36 Mean: 1.819 RMS: 2.729 PSNR: 39.412 dB
G      Max:  24 Mean: 1.273 RMS: 2.001 PSNR: 42.106 dB
B      Max:  39 Mean: 1.963 RMS: 2.958 PSNR: 38.710 dB
Y 709  Max:  22 Mean: 1.219 RMS: 1.901 PSNR: 42.549 dB

Delta image:


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