This code is modified from Optimized Topological Surgery for Unfolding 3D Meshes
- OpenGL&GLUT (Mesa)
- Boost Graph library (BGL)
- GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
On linux
make linux
On Mac
make mac
To unfold the "" model.
Press the left button for menu. In the "Mesh" window, you can change the viewpoint and distance by dragging the right button and the middle button (vertically), respectively.
[Split]->[Spanning Trees] (or press 's')
for decomposing the mesh into a set of patches with a small number of faces.
[Stitch]->[GA-based stitch] (or press 'o')
for composing a single unfolded patch (or a few unfolded patches).
[Stitch]->[Greedy Remerge]
several times until you can merge them into one single patch.
Shigeo Takahashi Hsiang-Yun Wu, Seow Hui Saw, Chun-Cheng Lin, and Hsu-Chun Yen: "Optimized Topological Surgery for Unfolding 3D Meshes," Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2011), Vol. 30, No. 7, pp. 2077-2086, 2011.