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Creates a Nessus instance using the AWS Marketplace images provided by Tenable.

When using Nessus as a standalone scanner (BYOL), an ELB is created automatically to give a proper SSL certificate to your scanner. When running as a pre-authorized scanner (connected to, the ELB is not created.

preauth_key must be correctly set when running preauth mode, and the instance must be able to reach the service.

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module "nessus" {
  source = "../../terraform-aws-nessus-appliance"

  scanner_name = "nessus"
  subnet_id    = "subnet-1234567890"
  vpc_id       = "vpc-1234567890"


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.0
aws >= 2.65
random >= 1.2
template >= 2.1


Name Version
aws >= 2.65


Name Description Type Default Required
instance_subnet_id Subnet to create instance in string n/a yes
vpc_id VPC to create resources in string n/a yes
additional_security_groups Additional security groups to attach to the instance list(string) [] no
additional_volume_tags Additional tags to apply to instance volume map(string) {} no
allow_instance_egress Attach an all/all egress rule to the instance automatically (no egress rules are defined if this is set to false, making for a fairly boring vulnerability scanner) bool true no
allowed_admin_cidrs CIDR ranges that are permitted access to SSH list(string) [] no
create_keypair Create a keypair for this instance automatically bool false no
elb_additional_sg_tags Additional tags to apply to the ELB security group. Useful if you use an external process to manage ingress rules. map(string) {} no
elb_allowed_cidr_blocks List of allowed CIDR blocks. If [] is specified, no inbound ingress rules will be created list(string)
elb_certificate ARN of certificate to associate with ELB string null no
elb_internal Create as an internal or internet-facing ELB bool true no
elb_subnets Subnets to associate ELB to list(string) [] no
instance_type Nessus Instance Type string "m5.xlarge" no
keypair Keypair to associate instance with (if left null and create_keypair == false, the instance will not have a keypair associated) string null no
nessus_dns_entry DNS entry to create in selected zone (not used if route53_zone_id == null) string "nessus" no
preauth_key Must be set when use_preauth == true for the scanner to function. string "" no
root_volume_size Size of the appliance root volume (needs to be large enough to hold scan results over time) number 50 no
route53_zone_id Route 53 zone to create Nessus entry in (leave null to skip) string null no
scanner_name Name of the nessus scanner (this will be attached to various resource names) string "nessus" no
tags Tags to add to supported resources map(string) {} no
use_preauth Use pre-authorized scanner? This is an unmanaged instance that talks back to Tenable. An ELB and DNS entry will not be created if this is true. bool false no


Name Description
instance_id Instance ID
lb_arn ARN of the ELB
lb_dns_name DNS Name of the ELB
lb_listener_arn ARN of the ELB Listener
lb_zone_id Route53 Zone ID of the ELB
role_arn IAM Role ARN of the instance