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Entity resolution research project looking at what can be enabled by construing it as a problem of calibration from similarity to log-odds of a true match.


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Frequency-Aware Similarity Calibration

This is an open, shareable, reproducible, computational research project on entity resolution.

It is the joint work of:

Given a collection of records which are each "about" one entity, entity resolution is the process of determining which records probably refer to the same entity. It is used in contexts where there is no uniquely identifying entity key on the records, so the process is forced to rely on record attributes that are associated with identity, but not uniquely determined by identity (e.g. height, weight, and eye colour as attributes of persons).

This inference of two records referring to the same entity is inherently probabilistic because it is always possible that multiple entities might have identical values on the available record attributes, and are therefore functionally identical. So, given a pair of records, we are interested in the probability that they refer to the same entity.

Entity resolution is typically conceptualised in terms of the similarity between records, and similarity is assumed to be monotonic with the probability of referring to the same entity. This project investigates the value of empirically determining the relationship between similarity and probability of co-reference. Determining the precise relationship between similarity and probability of co-reference can be seen as an example of calibration.

We also investigate whether that calibration varies as a function of other measurable quantities of the specific records being compared. For example, we could look at the frequency in the collection of the record attribute values being compared, and see whether that information can be exploited to yield better entity resolution.

Entity resolution typically uses a small number of fixed similarity functions (e.g. edit distance between strings) that are defined without reference to the specific pair of records being compared. Incorporation of other predictors, which are functions of the specific records being compared, into the calibration function can be seen as similar in spirit to having a customised similarity function for every pair of records. This parallels the practice of using subpopulation-specific model calibration functions to better combine model estimates across multiple subpopulations.

Project organisation

This is an open, shareable, reproducible, computational research project.

  • All the computational work and document preparation is done with the R statistical computing environment and the Rstudio integrated development environment.

  • The entire research project is contained in a single directory that corresponds to an RStudio R project.

  • We use the renv package to manage the R package versions used by the project

  • We are using the targets package to structure the project so that the work is computationally reproducible.

  • We are using the workflowr package to structure the project so that all the materials and outputs are available via an openly accessible, automatically generated website.

  • The project code and documents are shared publicly on GitHub at

  • The website automatically generated by workflowr from the rendered project documents is at

Project directory structure

_targets directory

This directory is managed by the targets package. It contains the metadata describing the status of the computational pipelines and the cached results of those computations. You will normally only manipulate these via functions from targets.

workflowr directories

workflowr creates a set of standard directories. See the package documentation for details on how these directories are used. The brief purposes are:

  • analysis - rmarkdown analysis notebooks
  • R - R code not in analysis notebooks (changed from the workflowr default of code)
  • data - raw data and associated metadata
  • docs - automatically generated website
  • output - generated data and other objects

workflowr only manages the subset of files that it knows about, so you will need to manually stage and commit any other files that need to be mirrored on GitHub.

If any files in data and output are more than trivially small, they are not shared via Git and GitHub.

  • .gitignore is used to keep them out of Git.
  • There will be a separate mechanism (e.g. Zenodo) for sharing those large files.

manuscripts directory

The analysis notebooks are for capturing all the analytical work that was done, including exploratory work and abandoned directions. They contain both the code and enough interpretation/explanation to make sense of the results.

The notebooks will be too verbose, and inappropriately structured/formatted for publication. Publishable documents are written separately and kept in the manuscripts directory.

manuscripts contains a subdirectory for each manuscript/document/presentation.

Each manuscript/document/presentation is prepared and formatted using a package like rticles or bookdown. Each document is prepared in a separate subdirectory of manuscripts that contains all the necessary infrastructure files (templates, bibliographies, etc.).

renv directory

The renv package keeps track of the R packages (and their versions) used by the project. It allows anyone to reinstate the same packages and versions in their local copy of the project.

The renv directory contains the information need by renv to reinstate the local package environment


.gitignore in the R project root directory is used for all manual entries so that all the manual rules are in one place. Packages, such as renv, may create their own .gitignore files in subdirectories that they manage.

Browsing the automatically generated website

The static website automatically generated by workflowr is stored in the docs directory.

The key document is docs/index.html. Open this file with a browser to get access to the website. docs/index.html allows you to navigate to all the generated content.

This index page is mirrored on the internet at

How to do things

  • All detailed setup instructions and notes go in this project-level file.
  • The files in the subdirectories only state the purpose of each subdirectory and the files in that directory.


This assumes that you already have current versions of R and RStudio installed.

  1. Clone the project repository from GitHub

  2. Open the cloned repository as an RStudio project

You can combine steps 1 and 2 using RStudio by creating a new project from the GitHub repository:
File | New Project... | Version Control | Git | Create Project

When you open the project you will get warning messages about packages not being installed. This is because you need to use the renv package to reinstate the packages that are used by the project.

  1. Install renv in that project if it is not already installed

  2. Use renv::restore() to install all the needed packages in the project-specific library:


Workflow management

The computational work of this project is separated into core, meta, and publication pipelines.

The core pipeline contains the computational steps that are essential to the subject matter of the project. The core uses targets but not workflowr. It is purely computational and only produces data objects as outputs. The core pipeline is managed by editing the definitions in _targets/R.

The publication pipelines contain the computational steps required to convert the outputs of the core pipeline into publications. The leaves of the publication pipelines are Rmarkdown documents that are rendered to publications. The publication pipelines may also contain purely computational steps to perform publication-specific transformations of the outputs from the core pipeline. The publication pipelines are managed by editing the definitions in _targets/R.

The meta pipelines contain the analyses used to design and develop the core pipeline. The leaves of the meta pipelines are workflowr Rmarkdown documents that are rendered to web pages. The meta pipelines may also contain purely computational steps to remove computational cost from the rendered leaves. The meta pipelines are managed by a mixture of targets and workflowr. While the meta pipelines are being developed they are primarily executed manually via workflowr. They are also recorded as definitions in _targets/R so that they can be automatically re-executed after they are finalised.

See the Workflow Management notebook for a detailed description of the logic behind this organisation.

Get data

Any files in data, output and _targets that are more than trivially small are not shared via Git and GitHub. They will be shared via a separate, yet to be determined, mechanism (e.g. Zenodo).

For the immediate purposes of this project the raw data files should be downloadable from the internet and any processed data can be locally regenerated. The relevant analysis notebooks indicate where to get the data. In the longer term, the raw data should be bundled with the project somehow so that there is no dependency on continued data availability via the internet.

"meta" analyses & website publication

The purpose of the meta analyses is to work out what analyses we really want the project to do and how to implement them in the core pipeline. The meta notebooks document the process and reasoning by which we arrived at the design of the core pipeline.

Most meta notebooks focus on the development of functions that will be used in the core pipeline as the computational edges in the computation graph. Some meta notebooks are more diffuse in that they perform general background analyses of data available in the core pipeline so we better understand the data in order to support later design reasoning.

The analysis notebooks follow the workflowr workflow. See the getting started vignette for an introduction.

  • Create a new analysis notebook:

  • Build the website locally (either manually or indirectly via targets):

  • Publish the website online (manually). This will only work if you have push authorisation for the GitHub remote repository.

    workflowr::wflow_publish("analysis/*.Rmd" "A commit message")
  • Add mathjax = "local" as an argument to workflowr::wflow_html in analysis/_site.yml so that the MathJax JavaScript library is bundled with the website in docs/ rather than being loaded from a remote server when the website is viewed. This removes the dependency on the remote server being available. See workflowr/workflowr#211

        mathjax: "local"
  • Bibliography records for citations in the analysis/ notebooks are stored in analysis/references.bib.

  • The reference style sheet for citations in the analysis/ notebooks is stored in analysis/some_style_name.csl.

See the R Markdown citation guide for more details.

renv collaboration

The renv package is used to keep track of the installed packages and their versions. See the renv collaboration guide or the workflow for synchronising package environments between collaborators.

Manuscript preparation

  • Each publishable document is managed in a separate subdirectory of manuscripts.

  • The manuscripts directory is not managed by workflowr, so must be manually managed with respect to Git.

  • Each publishable Rmarkdown document is prepared and formatted using a package like rticles orbookdown, so the details may vary between documents.

  • The rendering of each publishable Rmarkdown document is managed via targets.

  • The publishable Rmarkdown documents should avoid heavy computation. It is generally better if heavy computation is done in analysis notebooks and the results stored in the output directory. Those results can then be picked up by the publishable R Markdown document.

  • Each rendered publishable document will be created in its subdirectory of manuscripts.

    • The rendered document must be stored in the docs directory so that the GitHub website can access it. (See workflowr/workflowr#209)
    • The manuscript subdirectory must contain a symlink to the rendered document in the docs directory. This allows the manuscript rendering process to update the rendered file in the docs directory.


Entity resolution research project looking at what can be enabled by construing it as a problem of calibration from similarity to log-odds of a true match.





