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Releases: rg2/xreg


20 Sep 04:27
@rg2 rg2
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The primary focus of this release is the inclusion of a new tool, xreg-convert-dicom-radiograph, which is able to convert most radiographs stored in DICOM format into the HDF5 format used by xReg. A demonstration of this tool is provided in this wiki page. In order to avoid confusion, the xreg-convert-dicom tool, which focused on the conversion and resampling of 3D DICOM volumes, has been renamed to xreg-convert-dicom-vols.

This release also includes the following new tools for reading .rad/.raw projection data files and .sta/.raw volume files from the Ljubljana 2D/3D datasets.

A variety of bug fixes and small enhancements are also included and briefly summarized in the following PRs: #7, #8 and #9.


14 Dec 04:27
@rg2 rg2
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This release is primarily a bug-fix release. Also included are some automation improvements and dependency version updates. No new algorithmic features are included.

Important bug-fixes:

  • HDF5 I/O on Windows works as expected
  • 3D visualization windows on MacOS 10.15 now display properly
  • Fixed slight offset between projections created using the CPU backend ray casters and the OpenCL backend ray casters


  • Windows build script
  • New POSIX build script (more customizable)
  • Python script to automate linux builds via docker
    • Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04 and CentOS 7
  • Functional testing python script which executes commands from the wiki walkthrough and displays results for verification

Updates in dependency versions:

  • VTK 7 --> 8
  • ITK 4 --> 5
  • Boost 1.65 --> 1.74
  • OpenCV 3.2 --> 3.4


27 Sep 06:12
@rg2 rg2
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Initial baseline release of the xReg software. See the readme in the binary release files for details on running the programs.