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Botanify Banner

App Interface and Botanify APK

App Backend


  • Plant Diagnosis: AI technology for diagnosing plant pests and diseases.
  • Watering Reminder: Never forget to water your plants.
  • Informative Articles: Access to information across various categories.


  • Android


  • Kotlin

User Interface

  • Jetpack Compose

Libraries and Dependencies

  • Dagger Hilt
  • Firebase Realtime Database
  • Firebase Storage
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Alarm Manager
  • TFLite

Installation and Setup


  • Android Studio installed
  • Firebase project set up
  • Node.js installed
  • Python installed
  • MySQL installed and running


Clone the repositories

  1. Clone the main repository:
    git clone
  2. Clone the backend repository:
    git clone

Set up the Android application

  1. Open the main project in Android Studio.
  2. Sync the project with Gradle files.
  3. Configure Firebase:
    • Add google-services.json to the app directory.
    • Enable Firebase Authentication, Realtime Database, and Storage in your Firebase project.
  4. Build and run the application on your Android device or emulator.

Set up the MySQL database

  1. Start MySQL on your computer.
  2. Import the provided SQL dump into your MySQL database using the botanify.sql file:
    mysql -u your_username -p your_database_name < path_to_botanify.sql

Set up and run the MySQL backend

  1. Navigate to the botanify_mysql_backend folder in the backend repository:
    cd botanify_backend/botanify_mysql_backend
  2. Install the necessary dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Start the MySQL backend server:
    node index.js

How to Run the Flask Backend for AI Plant Detection

Set up and run the AI plant detection backend

  1. Navigate to the scan_plant_backend folder in the backend repository:
    cd botanify_backend/scan_plant_backend

1. Create a virtual environment

Create a new virtual environment with:

python -m venv new-env

2. Activate the virtual environment

Activate the virtual environment with:

  • Windows


  • Linux
source new-env/bin/activate

3. Install required modules

Install the required modules listed in requirements.txt with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Wait until the installation is complete.

4. Create a .env file and add necessary credentials

Create a .env file based on the example file .env.example. Fill in the .env file with your API_KEY and SCORING_URL:

API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY # Find this in your IBM Cloud profile settings
SCORING_URL=YOUR_MODEL_DEPLOYMENT_URL # Find this in your model deployments in IBM Studio

5. Run the Flask Backend

Run the Flask backend with:


Wait until it starts, the application will be live at localhost:5000.

Now your backend servers are running and your Android application should be able to interact with them.


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