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Laboratory Blocks.

These are Gutenburg blocks intended to be used with Laboratory Theme and its children.

This project was bootstrapped with Create Guten Block.

Below you will find some information on how to run scripts.

Added npm packages

Added Composer packages


The Gutenberg Handbook is a good place to start as well as CSS Tricks' Tutorial.

You should develop with SCRIPT_DEBUG set to true by adding define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); to your wp-config.php

How is this plugin organized?

Most of our code is in the src/ folder. We've broken it down into:

- src/
  - init.php // define your plugin
  - blocks/ // block code here.
    - my-custom-block // directory for each block.
      - index.js
      - style.scss
      - editor.scss
  - components/ // reusable portions for blocks
    - containers // reusable containers
    - options // reusable options e.g. background or font
    // ...
  - helpers/
  - deprecated/ // blocks that are no longer used


Block Description Progress
Background Section Wrap other elements with background Ready but needs Video BG.
Carousel Image with content Carousel Complete
Team Fetch Team Custom Post Type and display Complete. Needs testing.
Services Fetch Services Custom Post Type and display Not Yet Started
Portfolio Fetch Portfolio Custom Post Type and display Not Yet Started
Video Display Full Width Video Not Yet Started
Component Description Progress
Container Container element to wrap other elements Ready
BG Option Give element a background image or color Ready
Text Option Control text color, alignment etc. Ready
Depricated Block Reason for Deprication
Call to action Having a hero section seems unneeded, especially as we've created a Background Section with Child Blocks.


(We generally use yarn. If you do too, use yarn below)

👉 npm start or yarn start

  • Use to compile and run the block in development mode.
  • Watches for any changes and reports back any errors in your code.

👉 npm run build or yarn build

  • Use to build production code for your block inside dist folder.
  • Runs once and reports back the gzip file sizes of the produced code.

👉 npm run eject or yarn build

  • Use to eject your plugin out of create-guten-block.
  • Provides all the configurations so you can customize the project as you want.
  • It's a one-way street, eject and you have to maintain everything yourself.
  • You don't normally have to eject a project because by ejecting you lose the connection with create-guten-block and from there onwards you have to update and maintain all the dependencies on your own.


Custom Gutenberg Blocks






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