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Django Rework

Downloads PyPI Python Django License

Rapid develop framework base on Django, with non-verbose Django development experience.

Installation & Cli commands


  • Python >= 3.8
  • Django >= 3.2
  • Django REST framework >=3.13,<4.0

Install django-rework

pip install django-rework

Generic CLI Commands

Start a new project

# It will create project in current dir
# eg: initialize a new project named `pony`
rework init pony

Add build-in contrib Apps

rework add users

Add deployment configurations

rework deploy --init

Deploy to test or production

rework deploy  # or 'fab -H web1 deploy'

Core docs

Custom exceptions

The exception handler must also be configured in your settings, using the EXCEPTION_HANDLER setting key. For example:

    'EXCEPTION_HANDLER': 'rework.core.views.exception_handler'

Use build-in custom exceptions:

from rework.core.exceptions import ValidateError
    detail='You do not have permission to perform this action.', 

🥭 Build-in custom exceptions

App docs

App Description docs in English 简体中文文档
users Users system

DevOps Fabric scripts

Setup hosts

django-rework deal with DevOps using Fabric. You should add hosts configurations in

import os
from rework.core.devops.hosts import loads

# The first argument `default` is host alias
# `user` is optional, default value is `root`
# `envs` is the server support deploy environments
# `exclude_components` is optional, it's been used in `fab setup_server`
    'default', {
        'host': 'your-server-ip',
        'port': 22,
        'user': 'root',
        'connect_kwargs': {
            'password': 'server-password',
        'envs': ['test', 'prod'],
        'exclude_components': ['redis'],

# Using SSH key
    'web1', {
        'host': 'your-server-ip',
        'connect_kwargs': {
            'key_filename': os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), '.deploy/private.pem'),

You can change host alias as you like: web1 etc.

fab -H web1 deploy

if not -H provided, the default alias will use according the order below:

  1. environment name: dev, test, prod
  2. default

Deploy environments

By default, environments is dev, test, prod, every environment name is a generic fabric tasks.

# deploy to `test` environment
fab test deploy

If you want to update requirements, you should add arguments -r or --requirements_update

fab test deploy -r