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Reuzel edited this page Oct 11, 2014 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the CqlSharp wiki!

CqlSharp is a high performance, asynchronous ADO.NET Data Provider for Cassandra, implementing the CQL binary protocol.

Look at the Features page for an extensive list of features.

To get started please have a look at the following:

  • Configuration explains the options available for configuration
  • Installation describes the pre-requisites for CqlSharp, and how to add it to your project.

For running queries using CqlSharp have a look at the following

  • NonQuery and Query show, by example, how queries can be executed.
  • Prepare explains how queries can be parameterized and prepared
  • Transactions shows how multiple statements can be combined in a single atomic batch.

For more details on how CqlSharp translates Cassandra types to .NET types and vice-versa:

  • TypeMapping explains how CqlSharp converts .NET types to CQL types and vice-versa
  • ObjectMapping explains how Cql query results are mapped to objects, and how objects can be used to fill query parameters.
  • NullValues show how CqlSharp deals with null values
  • UserDefinedTypes explains how user defined types introduced in Cassandra 2.1 are supported.

If you have questions, please drop me a message through github!