- Introduction
- Features
ClashState is an image converter which allows to convert JPEG, GIF and PNG images to the native formats of 8-bit computers.
The software is written in Python and uses DearPyGUI for the GUI.
The conversion algorithm started as a module I developed for RetroBBS, it makes use of HitherDither de Henrik Blidh (with some changes), Pillow and Kmeans via OpenCV.
- Commodore 64 HiRes: 320×200 pixels 16 colors – 2 colors per 8×8 pixels attribute.
- Commodore 64 Multicolor: 160×200 pixels 16 colors – 4 colors per 4×8 pixels attribute, 1 of them fixed for the whole image.
- Commodore 64 AFLI: 296×200 pixels 16 colors – 2 colors per 8×1 pixels attribute.
- Commodore 64 Unrestricted: Fantasy mode, 320×200 pixels 16 colors, no restrictions.
- Commodore Plus/4 HiRes: 320x200 pixels 121 colors - 2 colors per 8x8 pixels attribute.
- Commodore Plus/4 Multicolor: 160x200 pixels 121 colors - 4 colors per 4x8 pixels attribute, 2 of them fixed for the whole image.
- Commodore Plus/4 Unrestricted: Fantasy mode, 320x200 pixels 121 colors, no restrictions.
- MSX 1 Screen 2: 256×192 pixels 15 colors – 2 colors per 8×1 pixels attribute.
- MSX 1 Unrestricted: Fantasy mode, 256×192 pixels 15 colors, no restrictions.
- ZX Spectrum: 256×192 pixels 15 colors – 2 colors per 8×8 pixels attribute.
- ZX Spectrum Unrestricted: Fantasy mode, 256×192 pixels 15 colors, no restrictions.
Original - Macaw - Aert Schouman
C64 Hires |
C64 Multicolor |
C64 AFLI |
C64 Unrestricted |
Plus/4 Hires |
Plus/4 Multicolor |
Plus/4 Unrestricted |
MSX1 Unrestricted |
MSX1 Unrestricted |
ZX Spectrum |
ZX Spectrum Unrestricted |
Free positioning and scaling of the input image: Click and drag the input image to set the position/cropping. Use your mouse wheel for zooming.
- Contrast
- Brightness
- Hue
- Saturation
- Sharpness
2-step quantization: luminance and final. The optional luminance step is applied only over the input image luminance channel and either the selected color palette’s luminance channel or over black and white.
Ten types of dithering/quantization:
- None: Nearest color, or no effect when selected for the luminance step
- Bayer 2×2
- Bayer 4×4
- Bayer 4×4 (Odd)
- Bayer 4×4 (Even)
- Bayer 4×4 (Spotty)
- Bayer 8×8
- Yliluoma
- Cluster dot
- Floyd Steinberg
With the exception of Yliluoma and Floyd Steinberg, the quantization threshold can be adjusted from 1 (darker) to 5 (lighter).
Original - P-61 y A-20 (Source: Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum)
- Selection for Euclidean distance, CCIR 601 or LAb delta CIEDE 2000 color comparison (found in the Options menu). Ylilouma and Floyd Steinberg use their own methods.
Original - Endeavour - Steve Jurvetson
MSX1 Euclidean distance |
MSX1 CCIR 601 |
MSX CIEDE 2000 |
- Quantization and preview palettes can be independently selected Each color in the palette can be enabled/disabled individually, for fine tuning the conversion result.
- When enabling only 2 colors the quantization can be made over the selected color values or, use black and white for the quantization palette and the selected colors for the final image render.
Original - Paul Cignac - Saint Tropez
MSX full palette |
MSX 5 active colors |
MSX only purple and grey active |
MSX only purple and grey active, b&w mode |
- Commodore 64 Hires:
- Art Studio
- C64 executable
- Commodore 64 Multicolor:
- Koala Paint
- C64 executable
- Commodore 64 AFLI:
- AFLI editor
- C64 executable
- Commodore 64 unrestricted:
- Commodore Plus/4 Hires:
- Botticelli
- Commodore Plus/4 executable
- Commodore Plus/4 Multicolor:
- Multi Botticelli
- Commodore Plus/4 executable
- Commodore Plus/4 unrestricted:
- MSX1 Screen 2:
- Screen 2
- MSX1 unrestricted:
- ZX Spectrum:
- ZX Spectrum screen (.scr)
- ZX Spectrum unrestricted: