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Pre-training Language Models for Japanese

GitHub GitHub release

This is a repository of pretrained Japanese transformer-based models. BERT, ELECTRA, RoBERTa, DeBERTa, and DeBERTaV2 is available.

Our pre-trained models are available in Transformers by Hugging Face: BERT-small, BERT-base, ELECTRA-small, ELECTRA-small-paper, and ELECTRA-base models trained by Wikipedia or financial dataset is available in this URL.

issue は日本語でも大丈夫です。

Table of Contents
  1. Usage
  2. Pre-trained Models
  3. Training Data
  4. Roadmap
  5. Citation
  6. Licenses
  7. Related Work
  8. Acknowledgements


Train Tokenizer

In our pretrained models, the texts are first tokenized by MeCab with IPAdic dictionary and then split into subwords by the WordPiece algorithm.

From v2.2.0, jptranstokenizer is required, which enables to use word tokenizers other than MeCab, such as Juman++, Sudachi, and spaCy LUW.

For subword tokenization, SentencePiece is also available for subword algorithm.

$ python \
--word_tokenizer mecab \
--input_file corpus.txt \
--model_dir tokenizer/ \
--intermediate_dir ./data/corpus_split/ \
--mecab_dic ipadic \
--tokenizer_type wordpiece \
--vocab_size 32768 \
--min_frequency 2 \
--limit_alphabet 2900 \
--num_unused_tokens 10

You can see all the arguments with python --help

Create Dataset

You can train any type of corpus in Japanese.
When you train with another dataset, please add your corpus name with the line.
The output directory name is <dataset_type>_<max_length>_<input_corpus>.
In the following case, the output directory name is nsp_128_wiki-ja.
tokenizer_name_or_path will end with vocab.txt for wordpiece and with spiece.model for sentencepiece.

We show 2 examples to create dataset.

  • When you use your trained tokenizer:
$ python \
--input_corpus wiki-ja \
--max_length 512 \
--input_file corpus.txt \
--mask_style bert \
--tokenizer_name_or_path tokenizer/vocab.txt \
--word_tokenizer_type mecab \
--subword_tokenizer_type wordpiece \
--mecab_dic ipadic
$ python \
--input_corpus wiki-ja \
--max_length 512 \
--input_file corpus.txt \
--mask_style roberta-wwm \
--tokenizer_name_or_path izumi-lab/bert-small-japanese \


Distributed training is available. For run command, please see the PyTorch document in detail. In official PyTorch implementation, different batch size between nodes is not available. We improved PyTorch sampling implementation (utils/

For example, bert-base-dist model is defined in parameter.json:

"bert-base-dist" : {
    "number-of-layers" : 12,
    "hidden-size" : 768,
    "sequence-length" : 512,
    "ffn-inner-hidden-size" : 3072,
    "attention-heads" : 12,
    "warmup-steps" : 10000,
    "learning-rate" : 1e-4,
    "batch-size" : {
        "0" : 80,
        "1" : 80,
        "2" : 48,
        "3" : 48
    "train-steps" : 1000000,
    "save-steps" : 50000,
    "logging-steps" : 5000,
    "fp16-type": 0,
    "bf16": false

In this case, node 0 and node 1 have 80 batch sizes and node 2 and node 3 have 48 respectively. If node 0 has 2 GPUs, each GPU have a 40 batch size. 10G or higher network speed is recommended for training with multi-nodes.

fp16-type argument specifies which precision mode to use:

  • 0: FP32 training
  • 1: Mixed Precision
  • 2: "Almost FP16" Mixed Precision
  • 3: FP16 training

In detail, please see NVIDIA Apex document.

bf16 argument determine whether bfloat16 is enabled or not.
You cannot use fp16-type (1, 2 or 3) and bf16 (true) simultaneously.

The whole word masking option is also available.

# Train with 1 node
$ python \
--dataset_dir ./datasets/nsp_128_wiki-ja/ \
--model_dir ./model/bert/ \
--parameter_file parameter.json \
--model_type bert-small \
--tokenizer_name_or_path tokenizer/vocab.txt \
--word_tokenizer_type mecab \
--subword_tokenizer_type wordpiece \
--mecab_dic ipadic \
(--use_deepspeed \)
(--do_whole_word_mask \)

# Train with multi-node and multi-process
$ NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=eno1 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=2 --nnodes=2 --node_rank=0 --master_addr="" \
--master_port=50916 \
--dataset_dir ./datasets/nsp_128_wiki-ja/ \
--model_dir ./model/bert/ \
--parameter_file parameter.json \
--model_type bert-small \
--tokenizer_name_or_path tokenizer/vocab.txt \
--word_tokenizer_type mecab \
--subword_tokenizer_type wordpiece \
--mecab_dic ipadic \
(--use_deepspeed \)
(--do_whole_word_mask \)

Additional Pre-training

You can train models additionally with existing pre-trained model.
For example, bert-small-additional model is defined in parameter.json:

"bert-small-additional" : {
    "pretrained_model_name_or_path" : "izumi-lab/bert-small-japanese",
    "flozen-layers" : 6,
    "warmup-steps" : 10000,
    "learning-rate" : 5e-4,
    "batch-size" : {
        "-1" : 128
    "train-steps" : 1450000,
    "save-steps" : 100000,
    "fp16-type": 0,
    "bf16": false

pretrained_model_name_or_path specifies a pretrained model in HuggingFace Hub or the path of a pretrained model.
flozen-layers specifies the flozen (not trained) layers of transformer.
When it is -1, train all layers (including embedding layer).
When it is 3, train upper (near output layer) 9 layers.

When you train ELECTRA model additionally, you need to specify pretrained_generator_model_name_or_path and discriminator_model_name_or_path instead of pretrained_model_name_or_path.

$ python \
--tokenizer_name_or_path izumi-lab/bert-small-japanese \
--dataset_dir ./datasets/nsp_128_fin-ja/ \
--model_dir ./model/bert/ \
--parameter_file parameter.json \
--model_type bert-small-additional


ELECTRA models generated by contain both generator and discriminator. For general use, separation is needed.

$ python \
--input_dir ./model/electra/checkpoint-1000000 \
--output_dir ./model/electra/extracted-1000000 \
--parameter_file parameter.json \
--model_type electra-small \
--generator \

In this example, the generator model is saved in ./model/electra/extracted-1000000/generator/ and discriminator model is saved in ./model/electra/extracted-1000000/discriminator/ respectively.

Training Log

Tensorboard is available for the training log.

Pre-trained Models

Model Architecture

Following models are available now:

  • BERT

The architecture of BERT-small, BERT-base, ELECTRA-small-paper, ELECTRA-base models are the same as those in the original ELECTRA paper (ELECTRA-small-paper is described as ELECTRA-small in the paper). The architecture of ELECTRA-small is the same as that in the ELECTRA implementation by Google.

Parameter BERT-small BERT-base ELECTRA-small ELECTRA-small-paper ELECTRA-base
Number of layers 12 12 12 12 12
Hidden Size 256 768 256 256 768
Attention Heads 4 12 4 4 12
Embedding Size 128 512 128 128 128
Generator Size - - 1/1 1/4 1/3
Train Steps 1.45M 1M 1M 1M 766k

Other models such as BERT-large or ELECTRA-large are also available in this implementation. You can also add your original parameters in parameter.json.

Training Data

Training data are aggregated to a text file. Each sentence is in one line and a blank line is inserted between documents.

Wikipedia Model

The normal models (not financial models) are trained on the Japanese version of Wikipedia, using Wikipedia dump file as of June 1, 2021. The corpus file is 2.9GB, consisting of approximately 20M sentences.

Financial Model

The financial models are trained on Wikipedia corpus and financial corpus. The Wikipedia corpus is the same as described above. The financial corpus consists of 2 corpora:

  • Summaries of financial results from October 9, 2012, to December 31, 2020
  • Securities reports from February 8, 2018, to December 31, 2020

The financial corpus file is 5.2GB, consisting of approximately 27M sentences.


See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).


  title = {Constructing and analyzing domain-specific language model for financial text mining}
  author = {Masahiro Suzuki and Hiroki Sakaji and Masanori Hirano and Kiyoshi Izumi},
  journal = {Information Processing \& Management},
  volume = {60},
  number = {2},
  pages = {103194},
  year = {2023},
  doi = {10.1016/j.ipm.2022.103194}


The pretrained models are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0.

The codes in this repository are distributed under MIT.

Related Work


This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP21K12010, JST-Mirai Program Grant Number JPMJMI20B1, and JST PRESTO Grand Number JPMJPR2267, Japan.