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FreeRTOS RX Family IoT Reference


This product provides the reference of IoT solution with using RX family, AWS, and FreeRTOS. The RX family is a kind of MCUs provided by the Renesas. You can easily try to run AWS IoT demos using RX family while working with our various other products. Refer to the Getting Started Guide for step by step instructions on setting up your development environment and running demos.

Product Specifications

This reference is consist of demo applications, FreeRTOS kernel, middleware provided by AWS and 3rd party, middleware and drivers for RX family provided as the RX Driver Package by the Renesas, files to collaborate Renesas tools such as the IDE e2 studio, and etc. Summary of specifications explains in the following chapters.

Using AWS Services


  • PubSub(without TSIP/With TSIP)
  • Fleet Provisioning(without TSIP only)
    • Generating and securely delivering device certificates and private keys to your devices by AWS when they connect to AWS IoT for the first time
  • OTA(without TSIP/With TSIP)
    • Update device firmware using AWS

The preceding demos use the following technical elements of the AWS IoT:

Supported Boards

Open Source Software (OSS) Components

The following table indicates name and version of OSS which are used in this reference. The column LTS Until indicates the support period as LTS.

Library Version LTS Until LTS Repo URL
FreeRTOS Cellular Interface 1.3.0 10/31/2024
FreeRTOS Kernel 10.5.1 10/31/2024
FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP 3.1.0 10/31/2024
backoffAlgorithm 1.3.0 10/31/2024
coreHTTP Client 3.0.0 10/31/2024
coreJSON 3.2.0 10/31/2024
coreMQTT Client 2.1.1 10/31/2024
coreMQTT Agent 1.2.0 10/31/2024
corePKCS11 3.5.0 10/31/2024
coreSNTP 1.2.0 10/31/2024
AWS IoT Device Defender 1.3.0 10/31/2024
AWS IoT Device Shadow 1.3.0 10/31/2024
AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning 1.1.0 10/31/2024
AWS IoT Jobs 1.3.0 10/31/2024
AWS SigV4 1.2.0 10/31/2024
AWS IoT Over-the-air 3.4.0 10/31/2024
tinycbor 0.5.2 --
mbedtls 3.2.1 --
mbedtls_config 3.2.1 -- --
mbedtls_utils 3.2.1 -- --
littlefs 2.5.1 --
FreeRTOS-Plus network_transport -- --
FreeRTOS-Plus-CLI 1.0.4 --
mbed-crypto 1.1.2 --
Logging Interface 1.1.3 --
pkcs11 2-40-errata-1 --
tinycrypt 0.2.8 --

FIT Modules and RX Driver Package

The following table indicates name and version of FIT modules which are used in this reference and version of RX Driver Package in which each FIT module is packaged.

FIT module Revision of FIT module Version of RX Driver Package
r_bsp 7.42 1.42
r_s12ad_rx 5.30 1.41 - 1.42
r_byteq 2.10 1.33 - 1.41
r_cellular 1.11 1.40 - 1.42
r_ether_rx 1.23 1.36 - 1.42
r_flash_rx 5.11 1.42
r_sci_rx 5.00 1.42
r_tsip_rx 1.20.l --
r_irq_rx 4.40 1.40 - 1.42
r_fwup 2.03 --
r_wifi_da16xxx 1.20 --

Data Flash Usage

RX family of MCU has internal Data Flash Memory, and this references are using the Data Flash to store the data for connecting to the Cloud service.

Area Description Contents Start address
Section name
LittleFS management area It's consist of the filesystem LittleFS,
default size is 8960 bytes.
You can change size by LFS_FLASH_BLOCK_COUNT.
IoT const data
  • thingname
  • endpoint
  • claim credentials
  • device credentials
  • provisioning template
  • codesigncert
  • root ca
  • root ca certificate signature verification public key index *
  • Client public key index *
  • Client private key index *
 *Demo with TSIP only

[8960 bytes
Free area It's not used by the demo.
Therefore, it's free area for user application.
User application data 0x00102300

[23808 bytes
  • LittleFS management area
    • The demo project uses a maximum of 8960 bytes of Data Flash from address 0x00100000 to 0x001022FF using LittleFS.
      • If this area is less than 8960 bytes, the demo will not work properly.
    • You must NOT overwrite other data against IoT const data in this area.
    • If you intend to read/write user application data in this area, incrsease the value of LFS_FLASH_BLOCK_COUNT in the "Projects\...\frtos_config\rm_littlefs_flash_config.h".
      • LFS_FLASH_BLOCK_COUNT must be specified 71 ( == 9088 bytes) or more and 256 (32768 bytes, it is Data Flash size) or less.
      • You must use LittleFS's API to read/write this area.
    • When increasing LFS_FLASH_BLOCK_COUNT, you must also reset the address of the section for free area(C_USER_APPLICATION_AREA) considering the increased LittleFS management area.
      Open the project by e2 studio of IDE --> Right-click on the project at the project explore --> properties --> C/C++ Build --> Settings --> Section
      • If you do not set up a section, the demo may not work properly.
  • Free area
    • The remaining area on Data Flash, 23808 bytes of Data Flash area at address 0x00102300 or above, can be used as user application area.
      • You must use FLASH FIT module's API to write this area.

Data Flash Memory Map

The following figure indicates how memory in Data Flash in CK-RX65N is used for each example of LFS_FLASH_BLOCK_COUNT value.

In case of `LFS_FLASH_BLOCK_COUNT` == 70 (8960 bytes)
 +----------------------------+-------------------------+ <- 0x00100000
 |  LittleFS management area  |  IoT const data         |    <8960 bytes>
 +----------------------------+-------------------------+ <- 0x00102300
 |  Free area                 |  User application data  |    <23808 bytes>
 |                            |                         |
 +----------------------------+-------------------------+ <- 0x00107FFF

In case of `LFS_FLASH_BLOCK_COUNT` == 170 (21760 bytes)
 +----------------------------+-------------------------+ <- 0x00100000
 |  LittleFS management area  |  IoT const data         |    <21760 bytes>
 |                            |  User application data  |
 +----------------------------+-------------------------+ <- 0x00105500
 |  Free area                 |  User application data  |    <11008 bytes>
 +----------------------------+-------------------------+ <- 0x00107FFF


  • CLI task cannot run after starting the demo to avoid the SCI conflict.

  • OTA demo will not work properly unless otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to "1".
    If otaconfigMAX_NUM_BLOCKS_REQUEST is set to anything other than 1, a build error will occur.

  • The following macros are not supported by this source code.
    If you build the above macros, a build error will occur.

  • Limitations on the xGetMQTTAgentState() function
    In the following case, the xGetMQTTAgentState() function for monitoring the communication status returns the state of established MQTT connection with AWS (MQTT_AGENT_STATE_CONNECTED) without detecting the disconnection:
    The hook function *1 is called by occuring an error of a TCP_Sockets API *2 (disconnection with AWS) inner the xGetMQTTAgentState(), then this hook restores the connection to established state.
    *1 The hook function defined in USER_TCP_HOOK_FUNCTION macro in src/frtos_config/user_tcp_hook_config.h
    *2 TCP_Sockets API is a function defined in TCP_Sockets_xxxx

  • Notes on redundant linker section after generating code with Smart Configurator.
    After generating code with Smart Configurator, sections 'C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK' and 'C_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_CONTROL_BLOCK_MIRROR' will be created at address 0x00100000.
    These sections are redundant, it does not impact memory usage of the project.
    This behavior is according to the specification of r_tsip_rx FIT module (from version 1.17.l).

  • Notes on bootloader to application transition.
    When transitioning from the bootloader sample program to the application, the settings of the bootloader's peripheral functions are taken over by the application.
    For more information, check chapter 7 of the following document.
    RX Family Firmware Update module Using Firmware Integration Technology Application Notes.

  • Limitations on transmission with multiple sockets

    If using multiple sockets and one of socket happens error, Reset Hook function is executed. In this case, all socket information is removed, while the remaining socket attempts to send or receive data. The communication in this socket will not work properly. Do not use multiple sockets with Reset Hook function.

  • Socket wrapper/TCP_socket_hook works in single thread. Do not trigger TCP_socket_hook in multiple threads.

  • Demos with TSIP do not support fleet provisioning (only Pubsub and OTA demos are supported).

  • Limitations on using the LittleFS module
    The LittleFS is not thread-safe.
    Calling the LittleFS API from multiple tasks is prohibited.

About bootloader macros

The following macros have been added in FreeRTOS-v202210.01-LTS-rx-1.1.0. The macros enable/disable the processes implemented on boot_loader.c.
For details of the process, please read the source code in boot_loader.c. The macros are defined in boot_loader.h. A summary of the macros is shown below.

Macro name Description Initial value
BL_UPDATE_MODE If only the bootloader is written to the device, pressing the switch will install the initial firmware. 0 (0:Disable,1:Enable)
BL_INITIAL_IMAGE_INSTALL If the execution plane is empty, initial FW is installed. 0 (0:Disable,1:Enable)
BL_ERASE_BUFFER_AREA_AFTER_VERIFIED After the firmware update is completed, the old firmware written on the Buffer side is deleted after the verification of new firmware. 1 (0:Disable,1:Enable)

Also, if both BL_UPDATE_MODE and BL_INITIAL_IMAGE_INSTALL above are disabled (Disable), the definition BL_UART_RTS for UART flow control is disabled. In this sample, both BL_UPDATE_MODE and BL_INITIAL_IMAGE_INSTALL are set to Disable, so the default BL_UART_RTS is disabled.

Configuration values changed from the default in the FIT Modules

  • The configuration values of the FIT modules that have been changed from the default values are listed in the table below.

  • However, each projects is evaluated only with preset values, including configuration values that have not been changed from the default values.

  • If changed, the program may not work properly.

    CK-RX65N Ethernet Projects

    FIT module Config name Default Value Project value Reason for change
    r_bsp BSP_CFG_HEAP_BYTES 0x400 0x2000 Because LittleFS and fleet provisioning demo uses malloc which is not an OS feature.
    Also, because the default value cannot secure enough heap memory.
    BSP_CFG_CODE_FLASH_BANK_MODE 1 0 This project uses the Dual bank function.
    BSP_CFG_RTOS_USED 0 1 This project uses FreeRTOS.
    BSP_CFG_SCI_UART_TERMINAL_ENABLE 0 1 This project uses SCI UART terminals.
    BSP_CFG_SCI_UART_TERMINAL_CHANNEL 8 5 This project uses SCI CH5 as the SCI UART terminal.
    BSP_CFG_EXPANSION_RAM_ENABLE 1 1* *This macro is set to "1" by default.
    It is included in this table as a note, we used EXRAM area in GCC project to avoid overflow of RAM area.
    r_ether_rx ETHER_CFG_MODE_SEL 0 1 This value depends on the CK-RX65N PHY-LSI and circuit specifications.
    ETHER_CFG_CH0_PHY_ADDRESS 0 5 This value depends on the CK-RX65N PHY-LSI and circuit specifications.
    ETHER_CFG_EMAC_RX_DESCRIPTORS 1 6 Settings to prevent descriptor exhaustion when sending and receiving Ethernet frames.
    ETHER_CFG_EMAC_TX_DESCRIPTORS 1 3 Settings to prevent descriptor exhaustion when sending and receiving Ethernet frames
    ETHER_CFG_CH0_PHY_ACCESS 1 0 This value depends on the CK-RX65N PHY-LSI and circuit specifications.
    ETHER_CFG_LINK_PRESENT 0 1 This value depends on the CK-RX65N PHY-LSI and circuit specifications.
    ETHER_CFG_USE_PHY_ICS1894_32 0 1 This value depends on the CK-RX65N PHY-LSI and circuit specifications.
    r_flash_rx FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_ENABLE 0 1 OTA library rewrites code flash.
    FLASH_CFG_DATA_FLASH_BGO 0 1 LittleFS is implemented to rewrite data flash using BGO functionality.
    FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_BGO 0 1 OTA library is implemented to rewrite code flash using BGO functionality.
    FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_RUN_FROM_ROM 0 1 OTA library is implemented to execute code that rewrites the code flash from another bank.
    r_sci_rx SCI_CFG_CH1_INCLUDED 1 0 Because CH1 is not used.
    SCI_CFG_CH5_INCLUDED 0 1 SCI CH5 is used as the SCI UART terminal.
    SCI_CFG_TEI_INCLUDED 0 1 Transmit end interrupt is used.
    r_fwup FWUP_CFG_UPDATE_MODE 1 0 This project uses Dual bank function.
    FWUP_CFG_FUNCTION_MODE 0 1 This project is user program.
    FWUP_CFG_MAIN_AREA_ADDR_L 0xFFE00000U 0xFFF00000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_BUF_AREA_ADDR_L 0xFFEF8000U 0xFFE00000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_AREA_SIZE 0xF8000U 0xF0000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_INIT_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for SHA256 context initialization is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_INIT_FUNCTION my_sha256_init_function ota_sha256_init_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_UPDATE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for SHA256 context update is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_UPDATE_FUNCTION my_sha256_update_function ota_sha256_update_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_FINAL_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for SHA256 context finalization is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_FINAL_FUNCTION my_sha256_final_function ota_sha256_final_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_VERIFY_ECDSA_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for ECC key verification is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_VERIFY_ECDSA_FUNCTION my_verify_ecdsa_function ota_verify_ecdsa_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_GET_CRYPT_CONTEXT_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for cryptography encryption (iot-crypto) is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_GET_CRYPT_CONTEXT_FUNCTION my_get_crypt_context_function ota_get_crypt_context_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_OPEN_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper open function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_FUNCTION my_flash_open_function ota_flash_open_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_CLOSE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper close function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_CLOSE_FUNCTION my_flash_close_function ota_flash_close_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper erase function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_FUNCTION my_flash_erase_function ota_flash_erase_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_WRITE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper write function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_WRITE_FUNCTION my_flash_write_function ota_flash_write_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_READ_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper read function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_READ_FUNCTION my_flash_read_function ota_flash_read_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_BANK_SWAP_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper bank swap function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_BANK_SWAP_FUNCTION my_bank_swap_function ota_bank_swap_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case

    CK-RX65N Cellular-RYZ014A Projects

    FIT module Config name Default Value Project value Reason for change
    r_bsp BSP_CFG_HEAP_BYTES 0x400 0x2000 Because LittleFS and fleet provisioning demo uses malloc which is not an OS feature.
    Also, because the default value cannot secure enough heap memory.
    BSP_CFG_CODE_FLASH_BANK_MODE 1 0 This project uses the Dual bank function.
    BSP_CFG_RTOS_USED 0 1 This project uses FreeRTOS.
    BSP_CFG_SCI_UART_TERMINAL_ENABLE 0 1 This project uses SCI UART terminals.
    BSP_CFG_SCI_UART_TERMINAL_CHANNEL 8 5 This project uses SCI CH5 as the SCI UART terminal.
    BSP_CFG_EXPANSION_RAM_ENABLE 1 1* *This macro is set to "1" by default.
    It is included in this table as a note, we used EXRAM area in GCC project to avoid overflow of RAM area.
    r_cellular CELLULAR_CFG_DEBUGLOG 0 4 Enable debug logging to facilitate problem resolution.
    r_flash_rx FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_ENABLE 0 1 OTA library rewrites code flash.
    FLASH_CFG_DATA_FLASH_BGO 0 1 LittleFS is implemented to rewrite data flash using BGO functionality.
    FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_BGO 0 1 OTA library is implemented to rewrite code flash using BGO functionality.
    FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_RUN_FROM_ROM 0 1 OTA library is implemented to execute code that rewrites the code flash from another bank.
    r_sci_rx SCI_CFG_CH1_INCLUDED 1 0 Because CH1 is not used.
    SCI_CFG_CH5_INCLUDED 0 1 SCI CH5 is used as the SCI UART terminal.
    SCI_CFG_CH6_INCLUDED 0 1 SCI CH6 is used to communicate with the RYZ014A module.
    SCI_CFG_CH6_TX_BUFSIZ 80 2180 The TX buffer size needs to be increased to communicate with RYZ014A.
    SCI_CFG_CH6_RX_BUFSIZ 80 8192 The RX buffer size needs to be increased to communicate with RYZ014A.
    SCI_CFG_TEI_INCLUDED 0 1 Transmit end interrupt is used.
    0* 1* (In test project only)
    Because RYZ014A module requires flow control in case data is transmit/received too fast.
    Enable this macro as workaround for testing.
    r_fwup FWUP_CFG_UPDATE_MODE 1 0 This project uses Dual bank function.
    FWUP_CFG_FUNCTION_MODE 0 1 This project is user program.
    FWUP_CFG_MAIN_AREA_ADDR_L 0xFFE00000U 0xFFF00000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_BUF_AREA_ADDR_L 0xFFEF8000U 0xFFE00000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_AREA_SIZE 0xF8000U 0xF0000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_INIT_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for SHA256 context initialization is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_INIT_FUNCTION my_sha256_init_function ota_sha256_init_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_UPDATE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for SHA256 context update is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_UPDATE_FUNCTION my_sha256_update_function ota_sha256_update_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_FINAL_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for SHA256 context finalization is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_FINAL_FUNCTION my_sha256_final_function ota_sha256_final_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_VERIFY_ECDSA_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for ECC key verification is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_VERIFY_ECDSA_FUNCTION my_verify_ecdsa_function ota_verify_ecdsa_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_GET_CRYPT_CONTEXT_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for cryptography encryption (iot-crypto) is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_GET_CRYPT_CONTEXT_FUNCTION my_get_crypt_context_function ota_get_crypt_context_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_OPEN_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper open function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_FUNCTION my_flash_open_function ota_flash_open_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_CLOSE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper close function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_CLOSE_FUNCTION my_flash_close_function ota_flash_close_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper erase function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_FUNCTION my_flash_erase_function ota_flash_erase_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_WRITE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper write function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_WRITE_FUNCTION my_flash_write_function ota_flash_write_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_READ_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper read function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_READ_FUNCTION my_flash_read_function ota_flash_read_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_BANK_SWAP_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper bank swap function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_BANK_SWAP_FUNCTION my_bank_swap_function ota_bank_swap_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case

    CK-RX65N Wi-Fi - DA16600 Projects

    FIT module Config name Default Value Project value Reason for change
    r_bsp BSP_CFG_HEAP_BYTES 0x400 0x2000 Because LittleFS and fleet provisioning demo uses malloc which is not an OS feature.
    Also, because the default value cannot secure enough heap memory.
    BSP_CFG_CODE_FLASH_BANK_MODE 1 0 This project uses the Dual bank function.
    BSP_CFG_RTOS_USED 0 1 This project uses FreeRTOS.
    BSP_CFG_SCI_UART_TERMINAL_ENABLE 0 1 This project uses SCI UART terminals.
    BSP_CFG_SCI_UART_TERMINAL_CHANNEL 8 5 This project uses SCI CH5 as the SCI UART terminal.
    BSP_CFG_EXPANSION_RAM_ENABLE 1 1* *This macro is set to "1" by default.
    It is included in this table as a note, we used EXRAM area in GCC project to avoid overflow of RAM area.
    r_flash_rx FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_ENABLE 0 1 OTA library rewrites code flash.
    FLASH_CFG_DATA_FLASH_BGO 0 1 LittleFS is implemented to rewrite data flash using BGO functionality.
    FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_BGO 0 1 OTA library is implemented to rewrite code flash using BGO functionality.
    FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_RUN_FROM_ROM 0 1 OTA library is implemented to execute code that rewrites the code flash from another bank.
    r_wifi_da16xxx WIFI_CFG_DA16600_SUPPORT 0 1 Enable support for DA16600
    WIFI_CFG_AT_CMD_TX_BUFFER_SIZE 512 1500 Because the buffer size is insufficient with the default value.
    WIFI_CFG_SNTP_ENABLE 0 1 Enable SNTP client service.
    WIFI_CFG_COUNTRY_CODE "" "VN" Configure this value based on the location of the users.
    (Please refer to Settings of Country code and GMT timezone for settings)
    WIFI_CFG_DEBUG_LOG 0 4 Print all debug log.
    WIFI_CFG_TCP_CREATABLE_SOCKETS 1 4 Because the socket number is insufficient with the default value.
    WIFI_CFG_TCP_SOCKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 8192 Because the buffer size is insufficient with the default value.
    r_sci_rx SCI_CFG_CH1_INCLUDED 1 0 Because CH1 is not used.
    SCI_CFG_CH5_INCLUDED 0 1 SCI CH5 is used as the SCI UART terminal.
    SCI_CFG_CH6_INCLUDED 0 1 SCI CH6 is used to communicate with the DA16600 module.
    SCI_CFG_CH6_TX_BUFSIZ 80 2180 The TX buffer size needs to be increased to communicate with DA16600.
    SCI_CFG_CH6_RX_BUFSIZ 80 8192 The RX buffer size needs to be increased to communicate with DA16600.
    SCI_CFG_TEI_INCLUDED 0 1 Transmit end interrupt is used.
    r_fwup FWUP_CFG_UPDATE_MODE 1 0 This project uses Dual bank function.
    FWUP_CFG_FUNCTION_MODE 0 1 This project is user program.
    FWUP_CFG_MAIN_AREA_ADDR_L 0xFFE00000U 0xFFF00000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_BUF_AREA_ADDR_L 0xFFEF8000U 0xFFE00000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_AREA_SIZE 0xF8000U 0xF0000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_INIT_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for SHA256 context initialization is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_INIT_FUNCTION my_sha256_init_function ota_sha256_init_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_UPDATE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for SHA256 context update is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_UPDATE_FUNCTION my_sha256_update_function ota_sha256_update_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_FINAL_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for SHA256 context finalization is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_FINAL_FUNCTION my_sha256_final_function ota_sha256_final_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_VERIFY_ECDSA_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for ECC key verification is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_VERIFY_ECDSA_FUNCTION my_verify_ecdsa_function ota_verify_ecdsa_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_GET_CRYPT_CONTEXT_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for cryptography encryption (iot-crypto) is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_GET_CRYPT_CONTEXT_FUNCTION my_get_crypt_context_function ota_get_crypt_context_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_OPEN_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper open function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_FUNCTION my_flash_open_function ota_flash_open_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_CLOSE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper close function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_CLOSE_FUNCTION my_flash_close_function ota_flash_close_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper erase function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_FUNCTION my_flash_erase_function ota_flash_erase_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_WRITE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper write function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_WRITE_FUNCTION my_flash_write_function ota_flash_write_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_READ_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper read function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_READ_FUNCTION my_flash_read_function ota_flash_read_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_BANK_SWAP_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper bank swap function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_BANK_SWAP_FUNCTION my_bank_swap_function ota_bank_swap_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case

    CK-RX65N Ethernet Projects with TSIP

    FIT module Config name Default Value Project value Reason for change
    r_bsp BSP_CFG_HEAP_BYTES 0x400 0x2000 Because LittleFS and fleet provisioning demo uses malloc which is not an OS feature.
    Also, because the default value cannot secure enough heap memory.
    BSP_CFG_CODE_FLASH_BANK_MODE 1 0 This project uses the Dual bank function.
    BSP_CFG_RTOS_USED 0 1 This project uses FreeRTOS.
    BSP_CFG_SCI_UART_TERMINAL_ENABLE 0 1 This project uses SCI UART terminals.
    BSP_CFG_SCI_UART_TERMINAL_CHANNEL 8 5 This project uses SCI CH5 as the SCI UART terminal.
    BSP_CFG_EXPANSION_RAM_ENABLE 1 1* *This macro is set to "1" by default.
    It is included in this table as a note, we used EXRAM area in GCC project to avoid overflow of RAM area.
    r_ether_rx ETHER_CFG_MODE_SEL 0 1 This value depends on the CK-RX65N PHY-LSI and circuit specifications.
    ETHER_CFG_CH0_PHY_ADDRESS 0 5 This value depends on the CK-RX65N PHY-LSI and circuit specifications.
    ETHER_CFG_EMAC_RX_DESCRIPTORS 1 6 Settings to prevent descriptor exhaustion when sending and receiving Ethernet frames.
    ETHER_CFG_EMAC_TX_DESCRIPTORS 1 3 Settings to prevent descriptor exhaustion when sending and receiving Ethernet frames
    ETHER_CFG_CH0_PHY_ACCESS 1 0 This value depends on the CK-RX65N PHY-LSI and circuit specifications.
    ETHER_CFG_LINK_PRESENT 0 1 This value depends on the CK-RX65N PHY-LSI and circuit specifications.
    ETHER_CFG_USE_PHY_ICS1894_32 0 1 This value depends on the CK-RX65N PHY-LSI and circuit specifications.
    r_flash_rx FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_ENABLE 0 1 OTA library rewrites code flash.
    FLASH_CFG_DATA_FLASH_BGO 0 1 LittleFS is implemented to rewrite data flash using BGO functionality.
    FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_BGO 0 1 OTA library is implemented to rewrite code flash using BGO functionality.
    FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_RUN_FROM_ROM 0 1 OTA library is implemented to execute code that rewrites the code flash from another bank.
    r_sci_rx SCI_CFG_CH1_INCLUDED 1 0 Because CH1 is not used.
    SCI_CFG_CH5_INCLUDED 0 1 SCI CH5 is used as the SCI UART terminal.
    SCI_CFG_TEI_INCLUDED 0 1 Transmit end interrupt is used.
    r_fwup FWUP_CFG_UPDATE_MODE 1 0 This project uses Dual bank function.
    FWUP_CFG_FUNCTION_MODE 0 1 This project is user program.
    FWUP_CFG_MAIN_AREA_ADDR_L 0xFFE00000U 0xFFF00000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_BUF_AREA_ADDR_L 0xFFEF8000U 0xFFE00000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_AREA_SIZE 0xF8000U 0xF0000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_INIT_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for SHA256 context initialization is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_INIT_FUNCTION my_sha256_init_function ota_sha256_init_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_UPDATE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for SHA256 context update is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_UPDATE_FUNCTION my_sha256_update_function ota_sha256_update_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_FINAL_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for SHA256 context finalization is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_FINAL_FUNCTION my_sha256_final_function ota_sha256_final_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_VERIFY_ECDSA_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for ECC key verification is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_VERIFY_ECDSA_FUNCTION my_verify_ecdsa_function ota_verify_ecdsa_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_GET_CRYPT_CONTEXT_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for cryptography encryption (iot-crypto) is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_GET_CRYPT_CONTEXT_FUNCTION my_get_crypt_context_function ota_get_crypt_context_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_OPEN_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper open function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_FUNCTION my_flash_open_function ota_flash_open_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_CLOSE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper close function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_CLOSE_FUNCTION my_flash_close_function ota_flash_close_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper erase function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_FUNCTION my_flash_erase_function ota_flash_erase_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_WRITE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper write function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_WRITE_FUNCTION my_flash_write_function ota_flash_write_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_READ_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper read function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_READ_FUNCTION my_flash_read_function ota_flash_read_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_BANK_SWAP_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper bank swap function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_BANK_SWAP_FUNCTION my_bank_swap_function ota_bank_swap_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case

    CK-RX65N Cellular-RYZ014A Projects with TSIP

    FIT module Config name Default Value Project value Reason for change
    r_bsp BSP_CFG_HEAP_BYTES 0x400 0x2000 Because LittleFS and fleet provisioning demo uses malloc which is not an OS feature.
    Also, because the default value cannot secure enough heap memory.
    BSP_CFG_CODE_FLASH_BANK_MODE 1 0 This project uses the Dual bank function.
    BSP_CFG_RTOS_USED 0 1 This project uses FreeRTOS.
    BSP_CFG_SCI_UART_TERMINAL_ENABLE 0 1 This project uses SCI UART terminals.
    BSP_CFG_SCI_UART_TERMINAL_CHANNEL 8 5 This project uses SCI CH5 as the SCI UART terminal.
    BSP_CFG_EXPANSION_RAM_ENABLE 1 1* *This macro is set to "1" by default.
    It is included in this table as a note, we used EXRAM area in GCC project to avoid overflow of RAM area.
    r_cellular CELLULAR_CFG_DEBUGLOG 0 4 Enable debug logging to facilitate problem resolution.
    r_flash_rx FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_ENABLE 0 1 OTA library rewrites code flash.
    FLASH_CFG_DATA_FLASH_BGO 0 1 LittleFS is implemented to rewrite data flash using BGO functionality.
    FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_BGO 0 1 OTA library is implemented to rewrite code flash using BGO functionality.
    FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_RUN_FROM_ROM 0 1 OTA library is implemented to execute code that rewrites the code flash from another bank.
    r_sci_rx SCI_CFG_CH1_INCLUDED 1 0 Because CH1 is not used.
    SCI_CFG_CH5_INCLUDED 0 1 SCI CH5 is used as the SCI UART terminal.
    SCI_CFG_CH6_INCLUDED 0 1 SCI CH6 is used to communicate with the RYZ014A module.
    SCI_CFG_CH6_TX_BUFSIZ 80 2180 The TX buffer size needs to be increased to communicate with RYZ014A.
    SCI_CFG_CH6_RX_BUFSIZ 80 8192 The RX buffer size needs to be increased to communicate with RYZ014A.
    SCI_CFG_TEI_INCLUDED 0 1 Transmit end interrupt is used.
    0* 1* (In test project only)
    Because RYZ014A module requires flow control in case data is transmit/received too fast.
    Enable this macro as workaround for testing.
    r_fwup FWUP_CFG_UPDATE_MODE 1 0 This project uses Dual bank function.
    FWUP_CFG_FUNCTION_MODE 0 1 This project is user program.
    FWUP_CFG_MAIN_AREA_ADDR_L 0xFFE00000U 0xFFF00000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_BUF_AREA_ADDR_L 0xFFEF8000U 0xFFE00000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_AREA_SIZE 0xF8000U 0xF0000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_INIT_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for SHA256 context initialization is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_INIT_FUNCTION my_sha256_init_function ota_sha256_init_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_UPDATE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for SHA256 context update is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_UPDATE_FUNCTION my_sha256_update_function ota_sha256_update_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_FINAL_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for SHA256 context finalization is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_SHA256_FINAL_FUNCTION my_sha256_final_function ota_sha256_final_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_VERIFY_ECDSA_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for ECC key verification is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_VERIFY_ECDSA_FUNCTION my_verify_ecdsa_function ota_verify_ecdsa_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_GET_CRYPT_CONTEXT_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom function for cryptography encryption (iot-crypto) is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_GET_CRYPT_CONTEXT_FUNCTION my_get_crypt_context_function ota_get_crypt_context_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_OPEN_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper open function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_FUNCTION my_flash_open_function ota_flash_open_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_CLOSE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper close function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_CLOSE_FUNCTION my_flash_close_function ota_flash_close_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper erase function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_FUNCTION my_flash_erase_function ota_flash_erase_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_WRITE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper write function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_WRITE_FUNCTION my_flash_write_function ota_flash_write_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_READ_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper read function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_READ_FUNCTION my_flash_read_function ota_flash_read_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case
    FWUP_CFG_USER_BANK_SWAP_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper bank swap function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_BANK_SWAP_FUNCTION my_bank_swap_function ota_bank_swap_function Define custom wrapper function name for OTA use case

    CK-RX65N v1 Bootloader Project

    FIT module Config name Default Value Project value Reason for change
    r_bsp BSP_CFG_USER_CHARPUT_ENABLED 0 1 Use with log output function.
    BSP_CFG_CODE_FLASH_BANK_MODE 1 0 This project uses the Dual bank function.
    BSP_CFG_SCI_UART_TERMINAL_ENABLE 0 1 This is to use SCI UART Terminal
    BSP_CFG_SCI_UART_TERMINAL_CHANNEL 8 5 This is to use SCI UART Terminal
    BSP_CFG_BOOTLOADER_PROJECT 0 1 This is to enable clock setting for Bootloader
    r_flash_rx FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_ENABLE 0 1 Bootloader rewrites the code flash.
    FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_RUN_FROM_ROM 0 1 Bootloader is implemented to execute code that rewrites the code flash from another bank.
    r_sci_rx SCI_CFG_CH1_INCLUDED 1 0 Because CH1 is not used.
    SCI_CFG_CH5_INCLUDED 0 1 SCI CH5 is used to write firmware and output log information.
    r_fwup FWUP_CFG_UPDATE_MODE 1 0 This project uses the Dual bank function.
    FWUP_CFG_MAIN_AREA_ADDR_L 0xFFE00000U 0xFFF00000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_BUF_AREA_ADDR_L 0xFFEF8000U 0xFFE00000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_AREA_SIZE 0xF8000U 0xF0000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_OPEN_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper open function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_CLOSE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper close function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper erase function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_WRITE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper write function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_READ_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper read function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_BANK_SWAP_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper bank swap function is used

    CK-RX65N v2 Bootloader Project

    FIT module Config name Default Value Project value Reason for change
    r_bsp BSP_CFG_USER_CHARPUT_ENABLED 0 1 Use with log output function.
    BSP_CFG_CODE_FLASH_BANK_MODE 1 0 This project uses the Dual bank function.
    BSP_CFG_SCI_UART_TERMINAL_ENABLE 0 1 This is to use SCI UART Terminal
    BSP_CFG_SCI_UART_TERMINAL_CHANNEL 8 5 This is to use SCI UART Terminal
    BSP_CFG_BOOTLOADER_PROJECT 0 1 This is to enable clock setting for Bootloader
    r_flash_rx FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_ENABLE 0 1 Bootloader rewrites the code flash.
    FLASH_CFG_CODE_FLASH_RUN_FROM_ROM 0 1 Bootloader is implemented to execute code that rewrites the code flash from another bank.
    r_sci_rx SCI_CFG_CH1_INCLUDED 1 0 Because CH1 is not used.
    SCI_CFG_CH5_INCLUDED 0 1 SCI CH5 is used to write firmware and output log information.
    r_fwup FWUP_CFG_UPDATE_MODE 1 0 This project uses the Dual bank function.
    FWUP_CFG_MAIN_AREA_ADDR_L 0xFFE00000U 0xFFF00000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_BUF_AREA_ADDR_L 0xFFEF8000U 0xFFE00000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_AREA_SIZE 0xF8000U 0xF0000U This value is set according to the RX65N ROM 2MB product.
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_OPEN_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper open function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_CLOSE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper close function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_ERASE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper erase function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_WRITE_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper write function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_FLASH_READ_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper read function is used
    FWUP_CFG_USER_BANK_SWAP_ENABLED 0 1 Because custom FWUP flash wrapper bank swap function is used


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


  • Source code located in the Projects, Common, Middleware/AWS, and Middleware/FreeRTOS directories are available under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
  • Other libraries located in the Middleware directories are available under the terms specified in each source file.
  • Each Renesas FIT Modules in RX driver package located in the Projects/xxx/xxx/src/smc_gen are available under the terms of the basically MIT License. See the doc/license of following URL for more details.


Visit the following official webpage if having any technical questions.