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Object Relational Mapper for structured data encoded with Google's Protocol Buffers

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Protobuf ORM

The protocol buffers object relational mapper (protobuf-orm) allows you to store protobuf objects in a database.

This document starts with a short introduction to protobuf followed by a short description of what an orm does. Subsequently there is a section containing an example of how a protobuf object is stored in the database. After that there are code snippets illustrating how the application code should interact with protobuf-orm api to create and drop tables, to enumerate, read, update and delete records.


Protobuf (short for Protocol buffers) is a way of encoding structured data in an efficient and extensible format. The data is described in so called .proto files from which code is generated that can be used to store the data in memory. The generated code also creates a reflection interface called a description. The description allows application code to reason about the structured data in memory.

An example of a protobuf message is given below.

message Foo {
	optional string text = 1;
	repeated int32 numbers = 2;

So these four lines declare a message named Foo that contains two fields. The first field named text is a string. The second field named numbers is a collection of integers.

The main concept in protobuf is a structured data type named message. A message itself can contain fields that are either primitive value types or other messages. Fields can be flagged as required, optional or repeated. The repeated flag illustrates that the concept of a collection of values is an inherent part of the protobuf specification language.

As shown in the example above, every field in a message has to be tagged with a unique index (starting at 1). Additionally a field can have a default value and additional options. Protobuf allows options to be extended by application developers, making it possible to specify things like e.g. mapping fields to columns in a database.

To find out more about protocol buffers start at the Protocol Buffers Wikipedia Article for some background.


An object relational mapper can be used to store (nested) object structures in a database. Every protobuf message is mapped to one or more tables. The exact mapping depends on the type of fields contained in the message. Fields with a primitive value type are mapped directly to columns in a table. Whereas repeated data types as well as Message types are stored in separate tables that reference the parent message by id from those tables.

Protobuf Mapping Example

To get an idea of how a message is mapped to database tables, we start with a simple message type named Foo and then show how this is mapped to the database.

The following code is stored in a file named "simple.proto".

package pb_orm_test;

import "orm.proto";

message Foo {
	optional string text = 1;
 	repeated int32 numbers = 2;

The message Foo above contains both a string field and a field consisting of a collection of 32 bit integer numbers. The string value will be stored in the table of the Foo message while the repeated field will be stored in a separate table and then reference the Foo message.

Note how the first line specifies a name for the package. The message Foo will be part of a namespace in C++ named after this package name.

Before the message is declared notice the import "orm.proto"; statement. The orm.proto file contains extended field options. These options are used to customize and direct the behavior of the orm code that will eventually store instances of the Foo message in the database.

After processing the "simple.proto" file containing the protobuf specification above, the resulting C++ code consists of both accessor methods to create, read and update Foo messages in memory as well as a description class that allows application code to reflect on the fields and data types of the message. The header file generated for this code is named "simple.pb.h".

The generated protobuf description class is used by the ORM to generate SQL to create tables on the fly. The ORM creates the following SQL for storing instances of Foo:

PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;

The ORM has mapped the field optional string text = 1; of the message to a text VARCHAR(255) column in the Foo table. The repeated int32 numbers = 2; field has been mapped to a column value INT in separate table Foo_numbers. Foo_numbers refers back to the Foo table via parent_id INTEGER.

##Connecting to a Database

Before protobuf objects can be stored in the database, first a database must be created. If a database already exists a connection to this database has to be established.

#include "pb-orm.h"
OrmConn conn = NULL;
if (OrmDatastoreSQLite3()) {
	OrmConnectSQLite3("./", "sample_db", conn);

The function call OrmInitialize(); needs to be performed once for an application at startup. After this call the application can create one or more connections to the database. The function call OrmDatastoreSQLite3(); checks the availability of the sqlite3 database library within the application. The function call OrmConnectSQLite3("./", "sample_db", conn); will then connect to or create a database in the current directory "./" named sample_db.

If the application is ready to terminate, the connection to the database should be closed in order to flush any cashes and to free allocated memory.

#include "pb-orm.h"

Here function call OrmConnClose(conn); will close a previously established connection while OrmShutdown(); will shutdown the orm correctly. After this the application can terminate safely.

Creating tables.

Now a database has been created and a connection to it has been established. In order for Foo messages to be stored in the database the tables for Foo messages need to be created once.

#include "pb-orm.h"
#include "simple.pb.h"

Note the package name pb_orm_test appearing here as the namespace of Foo. Further note the class method call Foo::descriptor() which returns an object with type information that can be used by the ORM to create tables for storing Foo instances.

The OrmCreateTable function will use the type descriptor passed in and create the tables Foo and Foo_numbers as was described before.

So as mentioned before this only has to be done once after creating the database.

If for some reason it is no longer desirable to store Foo messages in the database use the following code to destroy the tables.

#include "pb-orm.h"
#include "simple.pb.h"

This will only drop the tables for storing Foo instances, not for any other message types that may be stored in the database.

Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD)

The four basic functions of persistent storage are Create, Read, Update and Delete. This section describes how these operations can be performed using orm.


Now that there is a valid connection to the database and the tables for Foo have been created, inserting a new message into the database is easy.

#include "pb-orm.h"
#include "simple.pb.h"
::pb_orm_test::Foo msg;
pb::uint64 msgid;
if (!OrmMessageInsert(conn, msg, msgid)) {
	printf("error: could not insert message");

We created an empty message and inserted it into the database. The msgid returned contains the numeric id of the newly inserted record.


We now should have exactly 1 message in the table. To find and read this message use the following code.

if (!OrmMessageFind(conn, msg.descriptor(), msgid)) {
	printf("error: message not found");
OrmContext context;
OrmMessageRead(conn, msg, msgid, false, context);

The call to OrmMessageRead will read the message from the database. The OrmContext value that is returned in the variable context can be used later on to write modifications made to this message back into the database.

Note the 4th parameter which is set to false. This is the recurse parameter that determines whether content stored in other tables than the Foo table will be retrieved. In this case it means that the repeated field numbers will not be retrieved from the database. So by setting recurse to false a potentially large tree of nested objects is not read in all at once, but can be retrieved incrementally.


To change the fields of the retrieved message we use the C++ accessors.

msg.set_text("hello, world!");

The code above will change the message in memory, now to save it to the database use the following code:


The context knows about the msg instance that was retrieved and updated. Now calling OrmMessageUpdate will take the contents of the message and write it back into the database.

Note that the numbers field was not read from the database during OrmMessageRead because recursive was false. However the number 123 was added to the numbers, so what happens to any numbers previously assigned when this new numbers value is written to the database? The answer is that the number will be added to the numbers already present so the existing content of the collection is preserved.

If the context is no longer needed, it should be deallocated using a call to function OrmFreeContext.


To delete a message from the database use the following code:

OrmMessageDelete(conn, msg.descriptor(), msgid);


Object Relational Mapper for structured data encoded with Google's Protocol Buffers






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