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Thais' notebook BSB genomics

  • Sample locations are in the -80oC freezer inventory

    • filter for Owner==Thais
      • BSB_NC_Box Fin clips OGL Buffer
      • BSB_SMC_ME_Box Fin clips (buffer?)
      • BSB_MD_Box fin clips in OGL buffer
      • BSB_NJ_BOX Fin clips in OGL buffer
  • Black sea bass shared datasheet

    • First tab: Fin_Clip_Vial_ID is the vial ID
    • Tab: selected for genomics has 64 samples that Thais extracted last March, Thais thinks the extracts are in the boxes in the -80C (even though these boxes say tissue, she thinks they are the extracts).
      • BSB_NC_Box Fin clips OGL Buffer
      • BSB_SMC_ME_Box Fin clips (buffer?)
      • BSB_MD_Box fin clips in OGL buffer
      • BSB_NJ_BOX Fin clips in OGL buffer
    • remaining samples
      • ~20-25 samples from RI in the freezer - Katie thinks this is the box in the -20C
        • we need to check the length data, but we can extract all these
      • Marissa has <10 samples from ME
        • waiting to receive them from Marissa
  • Notebook

    • Up to March 12, was troubleshooting
    • Unique_ID is what is used to match to datasheet
    • 20201118 Thais made some changes to the entry to clarify dilution factors used to measure sample concentrations using Qubit and to provide a separate table listing the 62 extracted samples to be sent out to sequencing facility.
    • 20201118 Thais fixes some typos in the notebooks (diddn't change anything regarding number of samples or DNA quants).
  • Sequencing facility contact info:

    • "We request DNA to be sent with volumes >20 ul and concentrations >25 ng/ul as measured by Picogreen or Qubit since Nanodrop will tend to overestimate the amount of double stranded DNA available. However, we input 10 ul of DNA at 10 ng/ul into our GBS library preparation, so DNA >10 ng/ul as measured by Picogreen or Qubit is acceptable. Our library prep rate includes an initial Picogreen QC step, and we can still attempt library prep on sequencing on samples with concentrations <10 ng/ul. We have successfully sequenced samples with initial concentrations <5 ng/ul, however, the results are more variable and we cannot guarantee that the samples will be successful."
    • Email: Evan Forsberg GBS Service Manager 1-202 NHH 312 Church St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 624-3177 [email protected]
    • Thais will forward correspondence to Katie and Alan - DONE (TB).
    • Budget: ~$7000-$9000
  • Extraction protocol

    • May need to purchase another kit (~$1000)
    • May also needd to purchase quantification kits (Qubit or Picogreen)
    • E.Z.N.A tissue DNA kit (D3396-02, Omega) - tubes (T) method
    • if we use plates, may need to go to Randall's lab
    • Use elution volume less of what they tell you to do (~30uL instead of 100uL for first elution and 70uL out of second elution), stored separately and not combined. Thais checked 2nd elution and not much there.
      • Sara used to use 1/2 the elution volume for her samples, then she combined them


  • Sample summary

    • RI samples (southern new england) - data not organized
      • Sample location is our freezer
      • 22 to extract/sequence
    • MA samples from Sept 2020 - where are these stored?
      • Thais gave EtOH vials to them
      • Tommy and Jonathon collected and processed them on the boat
      • In door of standing -20C freezer in Grabowski Lab
      • 20-30: extract as many as we can that are less than 30
    • NJ "conflict" - no date? Fixed with Jon/thais
      • thais has a spreadsheet that came with these samples
    • NC samples - no date? Fixed with Jon/thais
    • ME list - this is a list of vials that Thais sent to Marissa, but never sent back to us
      • Thais says that Marissa didn't enter information to big spreadsheet - Thais made a separate one
      • thais will enter details - June and Nov 2020
      • 15 samples, 9 are smaller than 30cM and 2 marked as YOY
      • Jon will get Marissa to send the finclips
  • Sample summary extracted by Thais (62 samples)

    • NJ 17
    • MD 20
    • Seouthern NE 7
    • ME 5
    • NC 13
  • Katie

    • Confirm all samples with Jon
    • Get remaining finclips and data from ME - Marissa
    • Quotes from sequencing facility quote ddRAD library prep and sequencing email thread
    • Data quality control - we're not sure if these data are entered yet
      • thais entered vial IDs for Maine samples, because she setn to Marissa
      • thais entered vial IDs for RI/MA samples, because she setn to Jon
  • Thais: Go through data in this spreadsheet and transfer to the Black sea bass shared datasheet. DONE (TB)

    • Thais will move this data into the database DONE (TB)
    • Thais thinks we can sequence all of them (all 62 listed above, TB)
    • Notes in right column are based on concentration and volume:
      • plenty: for all samples which we have quantity from Sequencing facility
      • acceptable, could retry: we have enough, but the concentrations are greater than 5 and less than 25ng/uL
      • repeated had to extract twice, some samples we have less than 5
  • Alan: extractions

    • extract remaining samples
    • quantify all samples we plan to send to sequencing on plate reader
    • prepare for sequencing requried by sequencing facility
    • help with shipping to sequencing facility


Thais' notebook BSB genomics






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