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GPA Comparison Calculator

The Board of Undergraduate Studies introduces a revised Grade Point Average (GPA) effective Semester I 2014/2015. Visit the http: page to learn about the changes and the benefits.

Written by Darin Brathwaite ([email protected]) and Reiza Haniff ([email protected]).

Maintained by Darin Brathwaite ([email protected]).


The /app directory contains all the raw files for the application. The /dist directory contains the minified version of the application. Minified files means faster loadinf of the application by clients. Place the files and folders of either /app or /dist in the public facing directory of your web server.


Use the config.json file to configure the default settings of the app. The instructions for each "setting" can found in the "_comment_setting". For example, the instructions for setting the "defaultCampus" can be found in "_comment_defaultCampus".

"_comment_defaultCampus"  : "Can be set to null, open, mona, cave or sta",
"defaultCampus"           : "open",

"studentProgrammeRecordURI" is used to automatically load student's programme records if your student management system has a web services API. "studentProgrammeRecordURI" expects the response to be in json format. An example of the expected json response is shown below (also see the example.json file).

  "sar": [
      "term_code": "201210",
      "course_code": "ACCT1002",
      "course_type_name": "Core",
      "grade": "B",
      "grade_point": "9",
      "program_levels_name": "Level 1",
      "quality_hours": "3",
      "quality_points": "3"
      "term_code": "201220",
      "course_code": "ECON1003",
      "course_type_name": "Core",
      "grade": "C-",
      "grade_point": "5.1",
      "program_levels_name": "Level 1",
      "quality_hours": "3",
      "quality_points": "1.7"

"coursesURI" is used to load all of the courses you wish to appear in the app. This can be from a json response from your student management system or a .json file in the app itself. "coursesURI" expects the response to contain an array named "courses" and each object is a course with "name" and "group". The "group" value is the course's prefix and is used to group the courses in the option select menu for Course in the app.

How to use the app

  1. Select a Campus and a Faculty if available
  2. Click on the Add Course button to add courses and grades to the list
  3. In the Add your courses window, each row represents a course.
    • Select all the values for a particular course. Each selection will turn green when a valule is selected.
    • To add another course click the green circle with the plus sign
    • To delete a course click the red circle with the minus sign
    • Save the selected courses to add them to the calculator
  4. To remove a course from the calculator click on the red circle with the cross
  5. To Exclude a course from the calculations uncheck the check box to the left of the course
  6. The results for Prior GPA Scheme and Current GPA Scheme along with the Combined GPAs are shown below the courses
  7. To learn how the combined GPAs were calculated click on the formula's name

Dealing with javascript's floating point precision

Javascript's floating point precision issues are well documented http: . To work around this, the big.js library http: is used for all calculations in the GPA calculator.

Formulas used in calulations

GPA conversion

Class Formula
Upper Class newGpa = oldGpa
Upper Second newGpa = ((49 * oldGpa) + 149.5) / 99
Lower Second newGpa = ((49 * oldGpa) + 149) / 99
Pass newGpa = (199 * oldGpa) / 99
convertOldToNewGpaUsingFormula: function (oldGpa) {
  if (parseFloat(oldGpa) > 2.99) {
    return oldGpa;
  else if ((parseFloat(oldGpa) <= 2.99) && (parseFloat(oldGpa) > 1.99)) {
    // ((49 * oldGpa) + 149.5) / 99
    return ((new Big(49).times(oldGpa)).plus(149.5)).div(99).toFixed(2);
  else if ((parseFloat(oldGpa) <= 1.99) && (parseFloat(oldGpa) > 0.99)) {
    // ((49 * oldGpa) + 149) / 99
    return ((new Big(49).times(oldGpa)).plus(149)).div(99).toFixed(2);
  else if (parseFloat(oldGpa) <= 0.99) {
    // (199 * oldGpa) / 99
    return (new Big(199).times(oldGpa)).div(99).toFixed(2);

Grade points

gradePoints = qualityHours * qualityPoints

function calculate (qualityHours, qualityPoints) {
  var gradePoints = 0;
  if(qualityHours && qualityPoints){
    // qualityHours * qualityPoints
    gradePoints = new Big(qualityHours).times(qualityPoints);
    gradePoints = gradePoints.toFixed(2);
    gradePoints = 0.00;
  return gradePoints;


gpa = oldGpaTotalGradePoints / oldGpaTotalQualityHours

function gpaCalculation (oldGpaTotalGradePoints, oldGpaTotalQualityHours) {
  var gpa = 0;
  if(oldGpaTotalGradePoints && oldGpaTotalQualityHours && (oldGpaTotalGradePoints != 0) && (oldGpaTotalQualityHours != 0)){
    // oldGpaTotalGradePoints / oldGpaTotalQualityHours
    gpa = new Big(oldGpaTotalGradePoints).div(new Big(oldGpaTotalQualityHours));
    gpa = 0;
  gpa = gpa.toFixed(2);
  return gpa;

Combined GPA

combinedGpa = (priorGpaProduct + currentGpaProduct) / (totalHours)

function combinedGpaFormula (priorGpaHours, priorGpa, currentGpaHours, currentGpa) {
  var combinedGpa = 0, fixedCombinedGpa, priorGpaProduct, currentGpaProduct, totalHours;

  totalHours = priorGpaHours + currentGpaHours;
  if ((typeof totalHours === 'undefined') || (totalHours === null) || (isNaN(totalHours)) || (totalHours === 0)) {
    combinedGpa = 0;
  else {
    priorGpaProduct   = (new Big(priorGpaHours).times(priorGpa)).toFixed(2);
    currentGpaProduct = (new Big(currentGpaHours).times(currentGpa)).toFixed(2);
    combinedGpa       = (new Big(priorGpaProduct).plus(currentGpaProduct)).div(new Big(totalHours));
  fixedCombinedGpa = combinedGpa.toFixed(3);
  return fixedCombinedGpa.toString();


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