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Tags: reey/Sonoff-Tasmota



Toggle v6.4.0's commit message
Updates for release 6.4.0

Updates for release 6.4.0


Toggle v6.3.0's commit message
Updates for release 6.3.0

Updates for release 6.3.0


Toggle v6.2.1's commit message

Version 6.2.1 20180905
 * Fix possible ambiguity on command parameters if StateText contains numbers only (arendst#3656)
 * Fix Wemo emulation to select the first relay when more than one relay is present (arendst#3657)
 * Fix possible exception due to buffer overflow (arendst#3659)
 * Fix lost energy today and total energy value after power cycle (arendst#3689)


Toggle v6.1.1's commit message

Fix some wifi connection problems


Toggle v5.14.0's commit message

Release v5.14.0


Toggle v5.13.1's commit message

Release version 5.13.1


Toggle v5.12.0's commit message

5.12.0 20180209
* Change library PubSubClient.h define MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE from 512 to
1000 for Home Assistant  support
* Change relation of define MESSZ being dependent on PubSubClient.h
* Change command color parameter input checks to less strict for Home
Assistant support
* Change command Ina219Mode into command Sensor13
* Change commands HlwPCal, HlwUCal and HlwICal to PowerCal, VoltageCal
and CurrentCal to be used for both Pow and S31 calibration
* Change commands HlwPSet, HlwUSet and HlwISet to PowerSet, VoltageSet
and CurrentSet to be used for both Pow and S31 calibration
* Change uptime from hour to second resulting in a display of
123T13:45:21 where 123 is days
* Change module name Wemos D1 mini into Generic (arendst#1220)
* Change HTML from width=100% to style=width:100% supporting HTML5
* Change OSWATCH_RESET_TIME (Blocked loop) from 30 to 120 seconds to
allow slow networks (arendst#1556)
* Change WIFI_MANAGER_SEC into WIFI_CONFIG_SEC (arendst#1616)
* Change function pointers code to save code space and memory (arendst#1683)
* Change webserver argument processing gaining 5k code space (arendst#1705)
* Change weblog memory usage (arendst#1730, arendst#1793, arendst#1819)
* Update TasmotaSerial library to 1.1.0
* Update language files Italian (arendst#1594), Dutch (arendst#1723) and Spanish
* Fix Non-English JSON temperature unit attachement
* Fix Arilux RF induced exception by moving interrupt handler to iram on
non ESP8266/Arduino lib v2.3.0
* Fix truncated command names and wrong response for DomoticzSwitchIdx
* Fix %-sign issue as printf escape character in Humidity and Sonoff SC
* Fix DS18B20 temperature JSON decimal dot (arendst#1561)
* Fix Energy JSON message (arendst#1621)
* Fix IRSend parameter translation (arendst#1636)
* Fix TSL2561 device detection (arendst#1644, arendst#1825)
* Fix BME680 teleperiod resistance measuring (arendst#1647)
* Fix Energy Monitoring Energy Today and Energy Total reading after
restart (arendst#1648)
* Fix IRReceive Data value (arendst#1663)
* Fix Energy Monitoring Energy Period roll-over (arendst#1688)
* Fix compiler warnings (arendst#1774)
* Fix command PWM response if no PWM channel is configured (arendst#1783)
* Add locale Decimal Separator to Web sensor page
* Add ColorTemperature to light status message
* Add command PowerOnState option 5 which inverts PulseTime and allows
for delayed always on after power on
* Add OtaMagic two step Web server OTA upgrade using filename-minimal
image if OTA free space is too small
* Add support for PMS5003 and PMS7003 particle concentration sensor
* Add command SetOption21 1 to allow Energy Monitoring when power is off
on Sonoff Pow and Sonoff S31 (arendst#1420)
* Add Chinese language file (arendst#1551)
* Add French language file (arendst#1561)
* Add Spanish language file (arendst#1589)
* Add HTTP Allow Cross Origin removed from ESP8266/Arduino lib v2.4.0
* Add Home Assistant MQTT Discovery for switch and light to be enabled
by command SetOption19 1 (arendst#1534) or define
HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_ENABLE in user_config.h (arendst#1685)
* Add command State to retrieve device state information (same data as
teleperiod state and status 11 in slightly different JSON format)
* Add optional login to Webserver AP mode (arendst#1587, arendst#1635)
* Add command Sensor15 2 to start MHZ19(B) Zero Point Calibration
* Add support for Sonoff S31 Smart Socket with Power Consumption
Detection (arendst#1626)
* Add command SetOption20 to allow update of Dimmer/Color/Ct without
turning power on (arendst#1719, arendst#1741)
* Add NTP sync time slot based on chip id (arendst#1773)
* Add cursor pointer to web button (arendst#1836)


Toggle v5.11.1's commit message

5.11.1 20180107
 * Fix Sonoff Pow command handling (arendst#1542)


Toggle v5.11.0's commit message

5.11.0 20180107
 * Minor webpage HTML optimizations (arendst#1358)
 * Updated
German translation (arendst#1438)
 * Change Sonoff Pow Energy MQTT data message
and consolidate Status 8 into Status 10
 * Change ADS1115 default
voltage range from +/-2V to +/-6V (arendst#1289)
 * Change text to Active for 3
minutes (arendst#1364)
 * Change Wemo SetBinaryState to distinguish from
GetBinaryState (arendst#1357)
 * Change output of HTTP command to valid JSON
and Array only (arendst#1363)
 * Removed all MQTT, JSON and Command language
defines from locale files and set fixed to English (arendst#1473)
 * Renamed
commands Color2,3,4 to Color3,4,5
 * Fix BME280 calculation (arendst#1051)
Fix Sonoff Bridge missed learned key if learned data contains 0x55 (End
of Transmission) flag (arendst#1095, arendst#1294)
 * Fix PWM initialization in
Dimmer/Color mode (arendst#1321)
 * Fix Wemo Emulation (arendst#1357)
 * Fix display
of build date and time in non-english locale (arendst#1465)
 * Fix Wemo and Hue
emulation by adding M-Search response delay (arendst#1486)
 * Add libraries
Adafruit_BME680-1.0.5, Adafruit_Sensor-, TasmotaSerial-1.0.0 and
 * Add command Color2 to set color while keeping
same dimmer value
 * Add device function pointers
 * Add support for
SenseAir S8 CO2 sensor
 * Add color led signal to Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
sensors using defines CO2_LOW and CO2_HIGH in user_config.h
 * Add
support for Domoticz Air Quality sensor to be used by MH-Z19(B) and
SenseAir sensors
 * Add support for PZEM004T energy sensor
 * Add
support for iTead SI7021 temperature and humidity sensor by
consolidating DHT22 into AM2301 and using former DHT22 as SI7021 (arendst#735)

* Add support for BME680 using adafruit libraries (arendst#1212)
 * Add support
for MH-Z19(B) CO2 sensor (arendst#561, arendst#1248)
 * Add multipress support and
more user configurable GPIO to Sonoff Dual R2 (arendst#1291)
 * Add support for
TSL2561 using adafruit library (arendst#661, arendst#1311)
 * Add support for SHT3x
 * Add support for Arilux LC06 (arendst#1414)
 * Add Italian language
file (arendst#1449)
 * Add 2nd Gen Alexa support to Wemo emulation discovery
(arendst#1357, arendst#1450)
 * Add define for additional number of WS2812 schemes


Toggle v5.10.0's commit message

5.10.0 20171201
 * Upgrade library ArduinoJson to 5.11.2
 * Upgrade
library IRRemoteEsp8266 to 2.2.1 + 2 commits but disabled some protocols
(code size reduction)
 * Upgrade library NeoPixelBus to 2.2.9
 * Upgrade
library OneWire to 2.3.3 + 6 commits and disabled CRC lookup-table
(#define ONEWIRE_CRC8_TABLE 0) (code size reduction)
 * Update library
PubSubClient to 2.6 + 9 commits and additional delay (arendst#790)
 * Update
core_esp8266_wiring_digital.c to latest (staged) level
 * Patch library
I2Cdevlib-Core for esp8266-core 2.4.0-rc2 compatibility
 * Remove
command EnergyReset 1..3 now replaced by ENergyReset1 to EnergyReset3
Remove spaces in JSON messages (code size reduction)
 * Renamed
xsns_05_ds18x20.ino to xsns_05_ds18x20_legacy.ino still using library
OneWire and providing dynamic sensor scan
 * Fix possible iram1_0_seg
compile error by shrinking ICACHE_RAM_ATTR code usage
 * Fix PWM
watchdog timeout if Dimmer is set to 100 or Color set to 0xFF (arendst#1146)
Fix Sonoff Bridge Learn Mode hang caused by unrecognised RF code
 * Fix blank console log window by using XML character encoding
 * Fix wrong response name for command HlwISet (arendst#1214)
 * Fix
DHT type sensor timeout recognition by distinguish "signal already
there" from "timeout" (arendst#1233)
 * Add fixed color options 1..12 to
command Color
 * Add + (plus) and - (minus) to commands Dimmer
(+10/-10), Speed and Scheme
 * Add + (plus) and - (minus) to command
Color to select 1 out of 12 preset colors
 * Add + (plus) and - (minus)
to command Ct to control ColdWarm led ColorTemperature (+34/-34)
 * Add
commands EnergyReset1 0..42500, EnergyReset2 0..42500 and EnergyReset3
 *  to (Re)set Energy Today, Yesterday or Total respectively
in Wh (arendst#406, arendst#685, arendst#1202)
 * Add optional ADS1115 driver as alternative
for unsupported I2Cdevlib in esp8266-core 2.4.0-rc2
 * Add support for
INA219 Voltage and Current sensor to be enabled in user_config.h with
define USE_INA219
 * Add support for Arilux LC11 (Clearing RF home code
when selecting no Arilux module)
 * Add support for WS2812 RGBW
ledstrips to be enabled in user_config.h with define USE_WS2812_CTYPE
 * Add SettingsSaveAll routine to command SaveData to be used
before controlled power down (arendst#1202)
(SwitchMode 7) to allow toggling on any switch change (arendst#1221)
 * Add new
xdrv_05_ds18x20.ino free from library OneWire and add the following
 *  Add support for DS1822
 *  Add forced setting of 12-bit
resolution for selected device types (arendst#1222)
 *  Add read temperature
retry counter (arendst#1215)
 *  Fix lost sensors by performing sensor probe at
restart only thereby removing dynamic sensor probe (arendst#1215)
 *  Fix
sensor address sorting using ascending sort on sensor type followed by
sensor address
 *  Rewrite JSON resulting in shorter message allowing
more sensors in default firmware image:

* Add additional define in user_config.h to select either single sensor
(defines disabled), new multi sensor (USE_DS18X20) or legacy multi
sensor (USE_DS18X20_LEGACY)
 * Add clock support for more different
pixel counts (arendst#1226)
 * Add support for Sonoff Dual R2 (arendst#1249)
 * Add
FriendlyName to web page tab and add program information to web page
footer (arendst#1275)