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A simple utility for managing JSON language files in projects

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Transl8r ✍️

역자 - 译者 - μεταφράστης - ਅਨੁਵਾਦਕ - tercüman - thông dịch viên - مترجم

A simple utility for managing JSON language files in projects.

  • Add/remove keys to multiple languages at once.
  • Automatically provide fallback translations (provided by Google Translate).
  • Perform basic sanity checking.
  • Sort translation files.
  • Validate translation files.
  • Export TODO language translations as CSV.
  • Import CSV language files.


  • Install the package.
  • Create a .transl8r.yml configuration in your project root.
  • (Optional) Set up your Google Translate Credentials (required for --add, --alt and --backfill commands)



group: example
  base: en
  other: ['fr', 'de']
  target: base.generated
  other: ['legal', 'base']
path: '/resources/lang/{{lang}}/{{namespace}}.json'
    - error.validation.required

Basic Usage

Get a full list of commands like this:

yarn transl8r --help



--lint Lint translation files

Lets you know if there's any issues that may affect the translation files.

Failed to validate, there were 2 errors:
fr: "error.validation.required" has mismatched markup tags:
 - <0>,</0> vs <none>
fr: "error.validation.required" has mismatched placeholders:
 - {{label}} vs <none>

You may use the YAML file to silence warnings for mismatched placeholders.

--clean Clean unreachable translations

Remove dead keys from generated files where they exist in the professional translation file.

yarn transl8r --clean
  fr:     Up to date ✓
  de:     Purged 14 unreachable key(s).
  ✨  Done in 0.53s.

--sort Sort translation files

Sort all the language files by key.

Managing translations

--add (or -a) Add single key

Adds a new generated key to all language files, including the base language.

yarn transl8r -a button.dismiss.label
  >> value:  Dismiss

  el:     Απολύω
          → Fire
  it:     Respingere
          → Reject
✨  Done in 3.87s.

--alt Lost in translation?

Use alternative copy for the translations, without affecting the base (English) translation.

For example: "Dismiss" has many meanings in English, such as "to treat as unworthy of serious consideration". A phrase like "Close prompt" may translate better.

yarn transl8r --alt button.dismissPrompt.label  -l ar it zh-tw
>> translateAs:  Close prompt

ar:     موجه إغلاق
        → Close prompt

it:     Chiudi prompt
        → Close prompt

zh-tw:  關閉提示
        → Turn off the prompt

✨  Done in 1.46s.

--remove Remove a single key

When you've added a key you no longer want:

yarn transl8r --remove button.legacy.close

--backfill Backfill missing translations

Note: This command currently does not reverse translations for sanity checking.

yarn transl8r --backfill

# ...or specific languages only
yarn transl8r --backfill -l fr de

CSV import/export

--exportTodo Export strings that need translating

Exports a .ZIP archive containing CSV files ready to translate.
Format example
contextKey en fr
btn.continue Continue
btn.cancel Cancel
btn.dismiss Dismiss

--importCsv Import strings that need translating

Exports a .ZIP archive containing CSV files ready to translate.

Accepts these formats:

Translated base format
contextKey en fr
btn.continue Continue Continuez
btn.cancel Cancel Annuler
btn.dismiss Dismiss Rejeter
Translations only format
contextKey fr
btn.continue Continuez
btn.cancel Annuler
btn.dismiss Rejeter


  • -l - Supply list of language codes to fetch (space seperated: -l fr de es)
  • -p - Path to match the language files on (use {{lang}} and {{namespace}} placeholders)
  • -b - Base language to translate from (default: en)
  • -n - The destination namespace (default: base.generated)

Say for example, you add a new translation for Catalyst into French, and you want to backfill it to English and Chinese (Traditional).

yarn transl8r --backfill  -b fr  -l en zh-TW