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Web Components PoC

Framework agnostic UI kit example based on Web Components


How to Start

  1. $ npm install
  2. $ npm start

How to Build

$ npm run build - generates static markup and builds for production

Standards and Libraries

  1. Autonomous Custom Elements
  2. NO Shadow DOM but Slots approach is implemented
  3. Preact as a reactive template engine
  4. HTM - temporal dependency; should be replaced with corresponding TS/Babel config

Code Structure


  1. src/index.js - entry point with hydration ReactDOM.hydrate(<App />, rootElement);
  2. src/ssr.js - script which generates static markup ReactDOMServer.renderToString(React.createElement(App))
  3. src/utils/define.js - helper to simplify declaration of custom elements
    • embeds Preact into custom element life cycle as a template engine
    • implements Slots approach
  4. src/utils/reactWrapper.js - Web Component => React Component adapter
  5. src/utils/html.js - wrapper for temporal dependency HTM

Web Components:

  1. src/Button - rshb-button
  2. src/Checkbox - rshb-checkbox
  3. src/Dropdown - rshb-dropdown
  4. src/Input - rshb-input

Form example: App.js

Web Component Definition

import { define } from "../utils/define";
import { html } from "../utils/html";
import "./Checkbox.css";

export const Checkbox = define(
  class extends HTMLElement {
    // Custom element tag name
    static tag = "rshb-checkbox";

     * Custom element attributes definition
     * type AttrName = string;
     * type AttrConverter<PropType = any> =(attrValue: string) => PropType;
     * type AttrsDefinition = Record<AttrName, AttrConverter>;
    static props = {
      id: String,
      name: String,
      checked: Boolean,
      disabled: Boolean

     * Custom element slots definition
     * type SlotName = string;
     * type SlotCSSSelector = string;
     * type SlotsDefinition = Record<SlotName, SlotCSSSelector>;
    static slots = {
      label: "label"

    static events = {
      onClick: "click"

    // Preact component used as a template (hooks could be used here to introduce some logic)
    static template = (props) =>
      html`<div class="form-check">
        <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" ...${props} />
        <label for=${} class="form-check-label" />

rshb-checkbox {
  display: inline;

rshb-checkbox:defined {
  opacity: 1;

rshb-checkbox:not(:defined) {
  opacity: 0.5;

Server-Side Rendering

  1. $ npm run ssr generates static markup and puts it (as REACT_APP_SSR environment variable) in .env file.
  2. $ npm start (as well as $ npm run build) uses generated REACT_APP_SSR environment variable to substitute it into <div id="root">%REACT_APP_SSR%</div> of public/index.html


Framework agnostic UI kit based on Web Components







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