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Microfrontend Core

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Micro Frontend Core Library

Micro Frontend Core Library for React

Micro Frontend Core Library for Vue2

Webpack Module Federation Utils

Containers Isolation

Remote modules should be isolated from each other in terms of DOM/CSS/JS/API.

Shadow DOM can be used to isolate DOM/CSS. API isolation could be achieved by means of iframe (sandbox). But iframe approach comes with a bunch of drawbacks.

Support of different isolation levels is the major feature of this lightweight framework ;)

Currently, only Shadow DOM isolation level is supported.

Get Started

Step #1 Install

Webpack 5 utils:

$ npm install --save-dev @redneckz/module-federation-utils

Micro frontend core:

$ npm install --save @redneckz/microfront-core

Step #2 Migrate to Webpack 5

Step #3 Configure Module Federation Plugin

To share micro frontends across containers, Webpack Module Federation Plugin should be configured.

More info here

Host Container Configuration

Host container is a kind of orchestrator. It loads remote modules by means of Module Federation and places every module into a dedicated slot of the layout.

const webpack = require('webpack');
const { moduleFederationOptions } = require('@redneckz/module-federation-utils');

module.exports = {
  output: {
    uniqueName: 'host',
    // "publicPath" is required and should depend on environment
    publicPath: 'https://host-domain/'
  plugins: [
    new webpack.container.ModuleFederationPlugin(
        name: 'host',
        // Remote containers
        remotes: [
          ['foo', 'https://foo-domain'],
          ['bar', 'https://bar-domain']

Also, please, move the root module into the separate bootstrap module to load it asynchronously. For example:


// This line is required to configure core library isolation container
import '@redneckz/microfront-core/lib/configure';

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { App } from './components/App';

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));



Micro Frontend Container Configuration

publicPath (from webpack.output section) is required to be configured. It should point out the actual origin of the MF container to make it remotely accessible. In the case of multiple environments (dev, pre-prod, prod, etc.) additional entry should be configured and named according to the MF container name.

const webpack = require('webpack');
const { moduleFederationOptions } = require('@redneckz/module-federation-utils');
const { insertStyle } = require('@redneckz/microfront-core');

module.exports = {
  entry: {
    foo: resolve(__dirname, './src/setPublicPath.js'),
  output: {
    uniqueName: 'foo',
    publicPath: '/'
  plugins: [
    new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
      filename: '[name].css',
      // Custom insert can be declared in order to isolate micro frontends from each other
      // In context of host container styles should be inserted into mounting root
      // ! But this is not required anymore if your target browsers support MutationObserver API (all modern and IE11+)
      insert: insertStyle
    new webpack.container.ModuleFederationPlugin(
        name: 'foo',
        // These modules can be loaded by any host container
        exposes: {
          './foo-page': './src/pages/foo-page/foo-page.tsx',
          './other-page': './src/pages/other-page/other-page.tsx'

setPublicPath.js contains only one line of code which sets up the global webpack variable:

__webpack_public_path__ = new URL(document.currentScript.src).origin + '/';

Also, please, move the root module into the separate bootstrap module to load it asynchronously. See "Host Container Configuration"

Step #4 [React] Host Container

import React from 'react';
import { Redirect, Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';

import { register } from '@redneckz/microfront-core';
import { MicroFrontContainer } from '@redneckz/microfront-core-react';

const bootstrapFoo = register(
    'foo', // remote module name according to Module Federation config
    () => import('foo/foo-page') //  remote module

export const App: React.FC = () => (
        <Route path="path/to/foo">
            <MicroFrontContainer route="path/to/foo" bootstrap={bootstrapFoo}>
                {mountingRootRef => <div ref={mountingRootRef}>Loading...</div>}

Step #5 [React] Micro Frontend

import React from 'react';
import { render, unmountComponentAtNode } from 'react-dom';
import { Router } from 'react-router-dom';

import { container, MicroFrontModuleBootstrap } from '@redneckz/microfront-core';
import { Container } from '@redneckz/microfront-core-react';

// Each and every micro frontend should implement async "bootstrap" function
export const bootstrap: MicroFrontModuleBootstrap = async ({ route: rootRoute }) => {
    // Global stuff can be lazily loaded here
    const { App } = await import('./App');
    const { createBrowserHistory } = await import('history');

    // Relative to MF root route
    const history = createBrowserHistory({ basename: rootRoute });

    return {
        mount: async mountingRoot => {
                <Container instance={container()}>
                    <Router history={history}>
                        <App />
        unmount: async mountingRoot => {

It's very important to set up proper Url for backend endpoints. This Url isn't known while application is building. So it should be defined at runtime. The approach is identical to the previously used for publicPath.

const backendRoot = document.currentScript && new URL((document.currentScript as HTMLScriptElement).src).origin;

Step #6 Security

In most cases host container and micro frontends are distributed across different domains. To make communication between host container and micro frontends more secure we need to configure Content Security Policy and Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.

For example, aggregates

Requests from to (including API requests) should be blocked by the browser according to the default security policy.

It is necessary to configure security on both the host container side and the micro frontend side.

To explicitly allow any content from configure Content-Security-Policy for example:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self';" />

To make the browser happy, configure CORS for NGINX config example:

add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '';
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS';
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'X-Custom-Header';
add_header 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' 'X-Custom-Header';
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true';

In case of multiple host containers accessing the same micro frontend, Origin echoing approach could be used:

if ($http_origin ~* '^https://(svoefermerstvo|svoedom|svoe-selo|svoe-rodnoe|svoe-zagorodom)\.ru$') {
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' $http_origin;




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