This gem contains everything required to write cross-platform desktop applications with JRuby and SWT.
- Includes all the jar files needed.
- Selects and loads the correct SWT jar for the platform.
- Imports of many swt Java classes into a 1-1 mapped Ruby class hierarchy.
- Examples to get you started. (For more see this SWT cookbook)
- Fast, compatible Ruby implementation.
- JRuby and SWT are flawlessly cross-platform.
- SWT has native widgets (for the most part).
- SWT powers Eclipse, so there's nothing you need that it doesn't do.
- You don't need to touch Java! Write everything in Ruby.
require 'java'
require 'swt'
Linux / windows:
jruby examples/button.rb
jruby -J-XstartOnFirstThread examples/button.rb