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app.config configuration poker.

Pokes 👈 values into 👉 an app.config 👍

But why?

Well..... it's probably not useful for that many things, but one thing it can do is to help with e.g. creating a "wizard-like" experience when configuring a CLI app. 🍰 🍬 🍩

Suppose, for instance, that one creates a nice CLI app called "my-cli", using GoCommando, which is then merged into one single binary using Costura, which is then distributed as a single my-cli.exe file. That would be smooth. 🌴 🍸

The configuration file my-cli.exe.config will then hold the configuration settings for the app.

Now you want to provide a special command in your app, so that you can

C:\> my-app configure

and then prompt the user for a couple of settings, e.g. like a URL and an API key:

C:\> my-app configure

Type API URL> http:
Type API key> fh3u7hf328hf7328fh92hf32f7829

The code that does this could look like this:

var url = Prompt("Type API URL");
var key = Prompt("Type API key");

and then we top it off by saving the entered values into my-cli.exe.config like this:

using Poker;


var xml = AppConfig.LoadXml();
var poker = new ConfigurationPoker(xml);

poker.SetAppSetting("api-url", url);
poker.SetAppSetting("api-key", key);

var newXml = poker.RenderXml();


That's it. 👏