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Insights: reasonml/reason-cli

Dependency graph

39 Total
  • @esy-ocaml/merlin
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · package.json
  • Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · package.json · MIT
  • Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · package.json · MIT
  • ocaml ~ 4.2.3001
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · package.json
  • Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock · MIT
  • @esy-ocaml/substs 0.0.1
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock
  • @opam/base-bytes 0.0.0-base
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock
  • @opam/base-threads 0.0.0-base
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock
  • @opam/base-unix 0.0.0-base
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock
  • @opam/biniou 1.2.0
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock
  • @opam/camlp4 4.2.0-7
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock
  • @opam/camomile 0.8.5
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock
  • @opam/conf-m4 1.0.0
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock
  • @opam/conf-which 1.0.0
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock
  • @opam/cppo 1.6.0
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock
  • @opam/easy-format 1.3.0
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock
  • @opam/jbuilder 1.0.0-beta14
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock
  • @opam/lambda-term 1.11.0
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock
  • @opam/lwt 3.1.0
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock
  • @opam/lwt_react 1.1.0
    Detected automatically on Aug 20, 2018 (npm) · yarn.lock