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A cli interface for extracting LogicMonitor data via the api


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A cli interface for extracting LogicMonitor data via the API

This tool is designed to make it simple to run basic read-only queries against the LogicMonitor API and format the data as cvs, html, jira, json, xml, latex, MD (markdown), rst, tab (text table), raw or txt


  • Retrieve information from LogicMonitor via the LM API
  • Format data in cvs, html, json, xml, latex, markdown, or plain text


What you need to do to get up and running

Quick start

In a hurry? Just do this:

     git clone
     cd elm
     make install

Then copy the binary to a dir that you can add to PATH, for example:

     mkdir -p ~/bin
     cp -r _dist/elm/* ~/bin
     vi ~/.bash_profile
add: export PATH="${HOME}/bin:${PATH}"
     source ~/.bash_profile

Consider placing your API credentials in an ini file:

     cp ~/.elm/config.example.ini ~/.elm/config.ini
     vi ~/.elm/config.ini

You may need to restart your terminal session

Now you can run elm from anywhere on the cli and it should work as expected.

Note: The first run will take longer than normal.

Optional tests:

make testbasic
make testverb


You will need the following software installed. The Makefile will check some of this for you by running make init

  • make
  • curl
  • jq
  • awk
  • tar -- to back up files during dev
  • git -- to initially clone the repo
  • python3

Clone the repo

To clone the repo, run the following:

git clone
cd elm


After cloning, run the following in the elm dir:


This will:

  • Initialise needed dirs
  • Get json swagger file from LogicMonitor
  • Create json definition files
  • Create the python files from jinja templates
  • Create config dir
  • Copy example config file
  • Install the required python packages

Initial configuration

You will need the following items to run the program after building:

  • A LogicMonitor API id and key associated with your account
  • (optional) a config file with the API info (default to ~/.elm/config.ini)
    • If you don't have this, run make cfg and follow the directions
  • Pre-requisite software listed above

See Configuration below for more details

Installing in path

You can install the script in your path by running

  • make install

which runs:

venv/bin/python3 -m pip install --editable .
venv/bin/pyinstaller  --workpath _build --distpath _dist --noconfirm --clean

(Note the trailing ".")

You could run the binary from _dist/elm/elm if you want, but it is recommended to copy the binary to a dir that you can add to PATH, for example:

mkdir -p ~/bin
cp -r _dist/elm/* ~/bin

then add the dir to your $PATH similar to this to .bash_profile:

export PATH

and then source ~/.bash_profile


Any changes should be made to the Makefile or the templates in the _jnja/ dir. Files in the _cmds and _defs dir are in danger of being overwritten when make is (re)run

Makefile help

These are options for the Makefile

make help

Usage: make [flags] [option]
  make all           Build everything except install (init, cmds, cfg)
  make init          Check prerequisites, initialise dirs, get swagger file, create definition files
  make cfg           Create config dir, copy example file and set permissions of all config files
  make cmds          Make python commands from templates and install requirements
  make reqs          Install python requirements
  make install       (Re)installs the script so it's available in the path
  make test          Run quick and simple tests
  make testlong      Tests that take a long time to complete
  make testbasic     Test basic flags
  make testtext      Test commands that alter columns, indices, header and footer
  make testhelp      Test all commands with help flag
  make testid        Test a command with an id flag                (connects to LM)
  make testcount     Test 'non-required' commands with count flag  (connects to LM)
  make testtotal     Test 'non-required' commands with total flag  (connects to LM)
  make testfmts      Test a command with all formats               (connects to LM)
  make testH         Test a command and hide headers               (connects to LM)
  make testI         Test a command and show index                 (connects to LM)
  make testHI        Test a command, hide headers and show index   (connects to LM)
  make testhead      Test a command, custom header text            (connects to LM)
  make testfoot      Test a command, custom footer text            (connects to LM)
  make testheadfoot  Test a command, custom header and footer text (connects to LM)
  make testverb      Test the verbose flags                        (connects to LM)
  make fail          A failing test
  make back          TAR and backup (eg ../name_backup/name.YYYY-MM-DD.tar.gz)
  make clean         Remove generated files
  make nomac         Remove unneeded mac files
  make about         About this Makefile
  make copying       Copyright notice
  make help          Show this help

Useful make flags:
  make -n   : dry run
  make -j   : run simultaneous jobs
  make -B   : force make target

You can override Makefile vars like so:
  make apiversion=2


In a hurry? Put your credentials in ~/.elm/config.ini and secure permissions. See config.example.ini for details

You don't need a config file, but to prevent passing API details on the command line (and hide them from a process list) you can create a file in (by default) ~/.elm/config.ini with the following contents:

access_id = '12345678901234567890'
access_key = '1234567890123456789123456789012345678901'
account_name = 'example'

Change the details as needed

Config files use unrepr format:

You can set any cli option in the config file, but the above are the three most useful

The Makefile should have created this dir and placed an example config file in it for you:


Ensure the permissions for the dir and file are readable only by your account. Again the Makefile should have done this for you. You can force it to re-run with make -B cfg

mkdir -p ~/.elm
chmod 700 ~/.elm
chmod 600 ~/.elm/*
chown $(id -u):$(id -g) ~/.elm

Shell Completion

You can enable shell completion by doing the following:

mkdir -p ~/.elm
cp .elm-complete.bash ~/.elm
echo '. ~/.elm/.elm-complete.bash' >> ~/.bashrc

Once complete, start a new shell for the changes to be loaded.

For more info see shell-completion


Usage: elm [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  • OPTIONS: Options that set access id, key account name, proxy, format and output file
  • COMMAND: Command relates to the LogicMonitor operation
  • ARGS: Args set flags that relate to the command data, such as setting filters, sorting, choosing fields etc

Quickest way to understand how to run is to look at Common errors are show in


These format options are available:

format result
csv comma-separated values
html html table
prettyhtml html table with human readable formatting
jira jira / confluence
json json
prettyjson json with human readable formatting
xml xml
latex latex table
md markdown table
rst reStructuredText table
tab text table
raw python dict
txt pandas text
api just show the encoded url of the api call

General help

To see the help, run ./elm --help

You can also see specific help for each command by running ./elm COMMAND --help (see AdminById help below)

Usage: elm [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Extract LogicMonitor

  --config FILE                   Read configuration from FILE.
  -i, --access_id TEXT            API token access id
  -k, --access_key TEXT           API token access key
  -a, --account_name TEXT         LogicMonitor account (company) name
  -s, --proxy <HOST PORT>         Socks5 proxy address and port
  -f, --format [csv|html|prettyhtml|jira|json|prettyjson|xml|latex|md|rst|tab|raw|txt|api]
                                  Format of data  [default: json]
  -H, --noheaders                 Hide the column headers  [default: False]
  -I, --index                     Show the row indices  [default: False]
  -o, --filename FILE             Output to file name  [default: -]
  --head TEXT                     Text to prepend before the output
  --foot TEXT                     Text to append after the output
  -v, --verbose                   Be more verbose, -v is INFO, -vv is DEBUG
  -x, --export FILENAME           Export the query to FILENAME
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  AdminById                       Get user
  AdminList                       Get user list
  AlertById                       Get alert
  AlertList                       Get alert list
  AlertListByDeviceGroupId        Get device group alerts
  AlertListByDeviceId             Get alerts
  AlertRuleById                   Get alert rule by id
  AlertRuleList                   Get alert rule list
  AllSDTListByDeviceId            Get sdts for a device
  AllSDTListByWebsiteGroupId      Get a list of sdts for a website group
  ApiTokenList                    Get a list of api tokens across users
  ApiTokenListByAdminId           Get api tokens for a user
  AppliesToFunctionById           Get applies to function
  AppliesToFunctionList           Get applies to function list
                                  Get devices associated with a datasource
  AuditLogById                    Get audit log by id
  AuditLogList                    Get audit logs
  AwsExternalId                   Get aws external id
  CollectorById                   Get collector
  CollectorGroupById              Get collector group
  CollectorGroupList              Get collector group list
  CollectorInstaller              Get collector installer
  CollectorList                   Get collector list
  CollectorVersionList            Get collector version list
  DashboardById                   Get dashboard
  DashboardGroupById              Get dashboard group
  DashboardGroupList              Get dashboard group list
  DashboardList                   Get dashboard list
  DataSourceOverviewGraphById     Get datasource overview graph by id
  DataSourceOverviewGraphList     Get datasource overview graph list
  DatasourceById                  Get datasource by id
  DatasourceList                  Get datasource list
  DebugCommandResult              Get the result of a collector debug command
  DeviceById                      Get device by id
  DeviceConfigSourceConfig        Collect a config for a device
  DeviceConfigSourceConfigById    Get a config for a device
  DeviceConfigSourceConfigList    Get detailed config information for the

  DeviceDatasourceById            Get device datasource
  DeviceDatasourceDataById        Get device datasource data
                                  Get device instance alert setting
                                  Get a list of alert settings for a device
                                  datasource instance

                                  Get a list of alert settings for a device
  DeviceDatasourceInstanceById    Get device instance
  DeviceDatasourceInstanceData    Get device instance data
                                  Get device instance graph data
                                  Get device datasource instance group
                                  Get device datasource instance group list
                                  Get device instance group overview graph

  DeviceDatasourceInstanceList    Get device instance list
                                  Get device instance sdt history
  DeviceDatasourceList            Get device datasource list
  DeviceGroupById                 Get device group
                                  Get cluster alert configuration by id
                                  Get a list of cluster alert configurations
                                  for a device group

                                  Get device group datasource alert setting
  DeviceGroupDatasourceById       Get device group datasource
  DeviceGroupDatasourceList       Get device group datasource list
  DeviceGroupList                 Get device group list
  DeviceGroupPropertyByName       Get device group property by name
  DeviceGroupPropertyList         Get device group properties
  DeviceGroupSDTList              Get device group sdts
                                  Get device instance data
  DeviceInstanceList              Get device instance list
  DeviceList                      Get device list
  DevicePropertyByName            Get device property by name
  DevicePropertyList              Get device properties
  EscalationChainById             Get escalation chain by id
  EscalationChainList             Get escalation chain list
  EventSourceList                 Get eventsource list
  ExternalApiStats                Get external api stats info
                                  Get immediate devices under group
                                  Get a list of websites for a group
  MetricsUsage                    Get metrics usage
  NetflowEndpointList             Get netflow endpoint list
  NetflowFlowList                 Get netflow flow list
  NetflowPortList                 Get netflow port list
  NetscanById                     Get netscan by id
  NetscanList                     Get netscan list
  OpsNoteById                     Get opsnote by id
  OpsNoteList                     Get opsnote list
  RecipientGroupById              Get recipient group by id
  RecipientGroupList              Get recipient group list
  ReportById                      Get report by id
  ReportGroupById                 Get report group by id
  ReportGroupList                 Get report group list
  ReportList                      Get report list
  RoleById                        Get role by id
  RoleList                        Get role list
  SDTById                         Get sdt by id
  SDTHistoryByDeviceDataSourceId  Get sdt history for the device datasource
  SDTHistoryByDeviceGroupId       Get sdt history for the group
  SDTHistoryByDeviceId            Get sdt history for the device
  SDTHistoryByWebsiteGroupId      Get sdt history for the website group
  SDTHistoryByWebsiteId           Get sdt history for the website
  SDTList                         Get sdt list
  SiteMonitorCheckPointList       Get website checkpoint list
  TopTalkersGraph                 Get top talkers graph
  UnmonitoredDeviceList           Get unmonitored device list
  UpdateReasonListByDataSourceId  Get update history for a datasource
  WebsiteAlertListByWebsiteId     Get alerts for a website
  WebsiteById                     Get website by id
  WebsiteCheckpointDataById       Get data for a website checkpoint
  WebsiteDataByGraphName          Get website data by graph name
  WebsiteGraphData                Get website graph data
  WebsiteGroupById                Get website group
  WebsiteGroupList                Get website group list
  WebsiteList                     Get website list
  WebsitePropertyListByWebsiteId  Get a list of properties for a website
  WebsiteSDTListByWebsiteId       Get a list of sdts for a website
  WidgetById                      Get widget by id
  WidgetDataById                  Get widget data
  WidgetList                      Get widget list
  WidgetListByDashboardId         Get widget list by dashboardid

  default config file: /home/user/.elm/config.ini

AdminById help

This is only one example, but other help messages are similar. The URL will take you directly to the swagger document relating to that command

./elm AdminById --help

Usage: elm AdminById [OPTIONS]

  Get user

  API Path:


  Swagger URL:

  --id INTEGER               [required]
  -f, --fields FIELD,...     Only include the listed fields
  -S, --sort [+,-]FIELD,...  Sort by field; inc (+), dec (-)
  -c, --count                Return qty of query objects instead of query data
  -C, --total                Return qty of ALL objects instead of query data
  --help                     Show this message and exit.






If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are welcome. See for more information about how to contribute

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. See



This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Note: LOGICMONITOR is a trademark of LogicMonitor, Inc. and not affiliated with this project


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