Add analytics to your websites and web apps with the Snowplow snowplow event tracker for JavaScript.
With this tracker you can collect user event data (page views, e-commerce transactions etc) from the client-side tier of your websites and web apps.
Technical Docs | Setup Guide | Roadmap & Contributing |
![i1] techdocs-image | ![i2] setup-image | ![i3] roadmap-image |
[Technical Docs] tech-docs | [Setup Guide] setup | coming soon |
The Snowplow JavaScript Tracker is based on Anthon Pang's [piwik.js
] piwikjs, the JavaScript tracker for the open-source Piwik piwik project, and is distributed under the same license ([Simplified BSD] bsd).
Significant portions of the Snowplow JavaScript Tracker copyright 2010 Anthon Pang. Remainder copyright 2012-13 Snowplow Analytics Ltd.
Licensed under the [Simplified BSD] bsd license.