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Azure Cosmos DB Storage Adapter for JanusGraph

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JanusGraph is an Apache TinkerPop enabled graph database that supports a variety of storage and indexing backends. This project adds Azure Cosmos DB to the supported list of backends.

Getting started

Installing the adapter from a binary release

Binary releases can be found on GitHub.

This installation procedure will copy the necessary libraries, properties, and Gremlin Server configuration files into your JanusGraph installation.

  1. Download the JanusGraph release.
  2. Download the Cosmos DB Storage Backend for JanusGraph release.
  3. Unzip the storage adapter zip file and run ./ $YOUR_JANUSGRAPH_INSTALL_DIRECTORY

You can connect from the Gremlin console by running:

gremlin> graph ='conf/')

To start Gremlin Server run directly or bin/ start which will also start a local Elasticsearch instance.

Installing from source

Follow these steps if you'd like to use the latest version built from source.

  1. Clone the repository. git clone
  2. Build the distribution package. mvn package -DskipTests
  3. Follow the binary installation steps starting at step 3.

Data Model

The Azure Cosmos DB Storage Backend for JanusGraph has a flexible data model (adapted from the Amazon DynamoDB Storage Backend for JanusGraph) that allows clients to select the data model for each JanusGraph backend table. Clients can configure tables to use either a single-item model or a multiple-item model.

Single-Item Model

The single-item model uses a single Cosmos DB item to store all values for a single key. In terms of JanusGraph backend implementations, the key becomes the Cosmos DB partition key, and each column becomes a property name and the column value is stored in the respective property value.

This is definitely the most efficient implementation, but beware of the 2mb limit Cosmos DB imposes on items. It is best to only use this on tables you are sure will not surpass the item size limit. Graphs with low vertex degree and low number of items per index can take advantage of this implementation.

Multiple-Item Model

The multiple-item model uses multiple Cosmos DB items to store all values for a single key. In terms of JanusGraph backend implementations, the key becomes the Cosmos DB partition key, and each column becomes the id in its own item. The column values are stored in its own property.

The multiple-item model is less efficient than the single-item during initial graph loads, but it gets around the 2mb limit. The multiple-item model uses QueryItems calls instead of ReadItem calls to get the necessary column values.

Cosmos DB Specific Configuration

Each configuration option has a certain mutability level that governs whether and how it can be modified after the database is opened for the first time. The following listing describes the mutability levels.

  1. FIXED - Once the database has been opened, these configuration options cannot be changed for the entire life of the database
  2. GLOBAL_OFFLINE - These options can only be changed for the entire database cluster at once when all instances are shut down
  3. GLOBAL - These options can only be changed globally across the entire database cluster
  4. MASKABLE - These options are global but can be overwritten by a local configuration file
  5. LOCAL - These options can only be provided through a local configuration file

Leading namespace names are shortened and sometimes spaces were inserted in long strings to make sure the tables below are formatted correctly.

General Cosmos DB Configuration Parameters

All of the following parameters are in the storage (s) namespace, and most are in the storage.cosmos (s.c) namespace subset.

Name Description Datatype Default Value Mutability
s.backend The primary persistence provider used by JanusGraph. To use Cosmos DB you must set this to io.yokota.janusgraph.diskstorage.cosmos.CosmosStoreManager String LOCAL
s.c.database The name of the Cosmos DB database. It will be created if it does not exist. String janusgraph LOCAL
s.c.prefix A prefix to put before the JanusGraph table name. This allows clients to have multiple graphs in the same AWS Cosmos DB account in the same region. String jg LOCAL The default data model. String MULTIPLE FIXED

Cosmos DB KeyColumnValue Store Configuration Parameters

Some configurations require specifications for each of the JanusGraph backend Key-Column-Value stores. Here is a list of the default JanusGraph backend Key-Column-Value stores:

  • edgestore
  • graphindex
  • janusgraph_ids
  • system_properties
  • systemlog
  • txlog

In addition, the three following stores are used to support locking:

  • edgestore_lock_
  • graphindex_lock_
  • system_properties_lock_

All of these configuration parameters are in the storage.cosmos.stores (s.c.s) umbrella namespace subset. In the tables below these configurations have the text t where the JanusGraph store name should go.

Name Description Datatype Default Value Mutability SINGLE means that all the values for a given key are put into a single Cosmos DB item. A SINGLE is efficient because all the updates for a single key can be done atomically. However, the tradeoff is that Cosmos DB has a 2mb limit per item so it cannot hold much data. MULTI means that each 'column' is used as a range key in Cosmos DB so a key can span multiple items. A MULTI implementation is slightly less efficient than SINGLE because it must use Cosmos DB Query rather than a direct lookup. It is HIGHLY recommended to use MULTI for edgestore and graphindex unless your graph has very low max degree. UNKNOWN means to use the default data model. String UNKNOWN FIXED
s.c.s.t.throughput Sets the request units for the Cosmos DB table/container. Integer 10000 LOCAL

Cosmos DB Client Configuration Parameters

All of these configuration parameters are in the storage.cosmos.client (s.c.c) namespace subset, and are related to the Cosmos DB SDK client configuration.

Name Description Datatype Default Value Mutability
s.c.c.endpoint Sets the service endpoint to use for connecting to Cosmos DB. String LOCAL
s.c.c.key Sets the authentication key for connecting to Cosmos DB. String LOCAL
s.c.c.connection-mode The connection mode, either DIRECT or GATEWAY. String DIRECT LOCAL
s.c.c.connection-timeout The amount of time to wait when initially establishing a connection before giving up and timing out. Duration 5 seconds LOCAL
s.c.c.connection-max The maximum number of connections per endpoint. Integer 130 LOCAL
s.c.c.request-max The maximum number of requests per connection. Integer 30 LOCAL
s.c.c.request-timeout The amount of time to wait for a response. Duration 5 seconds LOCAL
s.c.c.consistency-level This feature sets the consistency level on Cosmos DB calls. String SESSION LOCAL
s.c.c.connection-sharing-across-clients Whether connections are shared across clients. Boolean false LOCAL
s.c.c.content-response-on-write Whether to only return header and status codes for writes. Boolean false LOCAL
s.c.c.user-agent-suffix The value to be appended to the user-agent header. String false LOCAL
s.c.c.preferred-regions The preferred regions for geo-replicated accounts. String[] LOCAL
s.c.c.batch-size The size for batch requests. Must be between 1 and 100. Integer 100 LOCAL
s.c.c.patch-size The size for patch requests. Must be between 1 and 10. Integer 10 LOCAL

Cosmos DB Client Proxy Configuration Parameters

All of these configuration parameters are in the storage.cosmos.client.proxy (s.c.c.p) namespace subset, and are related to the Cosmos DB SDK client proxy configuration.

Name Description Datatype Default Value Mutability The optional proxy host the client will connect through. String LOCAL
s.c.c.p.port The optional proxy port the client will connect through. String LOCAL
s.c.c.p.username The optional proxy user name to use if connecting through a proxy. String LOCAL
s.c.c.p.password The optional proxy password to use when connecting through a proxy. String LOCAL
s.c.c.p.max-pool-size The maximum allowed number of threads for the Cosmos DB client. Integer 1000 LOCAL