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Gulp Front

English description | Описание на русском

A lean and powerful, gulp-based boilerplate for better front-end coding with Gulp, Pug and Stylus

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Benefits & Features

  • Fast and easy collector (gulp)
  • Simplest modules realization (js, styl, pug, json and other files)
  • Base modules (bread-crumbs, button, footer, form, form-item, header, input-group, logo, main-menu, page-title, pagination and etc.)
  • Build of svg sprites for inline connection (gulp-svg-symbols)
  • Build of png and retina sprites (gulp-spritesmith)
  • Pug mixins for @media (rupture)
  • Merging @media and transfer it to the end of the file (css-mqpacker)
  • Server and synchronous site testing in the browser (using the browser-sync)
  • Autosubstitution of vendor prefixes in CSS (autoprefixer)
  • Pug template and HTML preprocessor (gulp-pug)
  • JavaScript files concatenation (gulp-include)
  • CSS formatting (gulp-csscomb)
  • Image compression (gulp-imagemin)
  • CSS preprocessor (gulp-stylus)
  • CSS minification (gulp-csso)
  • HTML formatting (gulp-htmlprettify)
  • JavaScript Minification (gulp-uglify)
  • Errors searching and output without stopping gulp (gulp-plumber)
  • Pug mixins for form elements
  • Customized typography based on normalize.css
  • Mixins for grid (fluid and fixed)
  • Mixins for font-face and others.
  • Customized configs for Travis CI and EditorConfig
  • Compiled files package in zip

Quick start

  • Install the node.js

  • Clone the project or download the file

     git clone [email protected]:zoxon/gulp-front.git my-project && cd my-project
  • For Yarn

    • Install gulp globally (once!)

       yarn global add gulp
    • Install dependencies

  • For NPM

    • Update npm to latest version Go to the folder with installed nodejs

       cd "C:\Program Files\nodejs"


       cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs"

      and execute

       npm install npm@latest
    • Install gulp globally (once!)

       npm install gulp -g
    • Install dependencies

       npm install
  • Start gulp

     gulp dev
  • In browser open page with address http:https://localhost:3000/

Main tasks

  • gulp dev - launches watchers and server
  • gulp build - compile a project
  • gulp zip - compile a project in zip
  • gulp deploy - compile a project and push in build branch to git repository

Module generation

There is a script for add/delete modules in project in gulp-front.

  • npm run amo <moduleName> - creates an empty module with a help of technologies, such as pug and styl;
  • npm run amo <moduleName> js yml - creates an empty module with a help of pug and styl and also using additional technologies: js, yml and json;
  • npm run rmo <moduleName> - Use to delete a module completely;
  • npm run rmo <moduleName> - Use to delete a module.

Files and folders structure

gulp-front/                             # Project root
├── dest                                # Compiled files
├── source                              # Source files
│   ├── modules                         # Modules folder
│   ├── pages                           # Pages
│   └── static                          # Static files
│       ├── assets                      # Other files
│       ├── scripts                     # JavaScript files
│       │   ├── plugins                 # JavaScript plgins and libs
│       │   ├── main.js                 # Main JavaScript file
│       │   └── plugins.js              # Plugins assemblage file
│       └── styles                      # Static styles
│           ├── components              # Componetns
│           ├── plugins                 # Plugins styles
│           ├── _common.styl            # Different styles
│           ├── _media.styl             # @media
│           ├── _variables.styl         # Variables
│           ├── main.styl               # Main styles
│           └── reset.styl              # Styles reset + typography
├── tmp                                 # Temp folder
├── zip                                 # Folder with zip archives
├── package.json                        # Dependencies for node.js
├── .csscomb.json                       # csscomb config
├── .editorconfig                       # EditorConfig
├── .travis.yml                         # TravisCI config
├── gulpfile.js                         # gulp.js config
├── LICENSE                             # License
└──                           # File you read


The MIT License (MIT)


Frontend project for gulp, jade, stylus









  • JavaScript 37.8%
  • CSS 36.1%
  • HTML 26.1%