Basic Quadtree implementation in JavaScript
This thing is being rebuilt from the ground up, the old buggy barely-maintained code will eventually get tossed away.
- node setup
- eslint rules
- new shiny ES6
- AABB implementation
- ... and tests
- Basic spatial partitioning for AABBs (axis-aligned splitting)
- ... and more tests
- Sort out proper method + attribute assignments in constructors below
- Quadtree:
- grants public accessors for adding/removing items
- wraps around the nodes and only needs a ref to the root node (e.g. all addItem calls get tossed to the root node and it will handle passing it down to the correct descendant)
- uses config.json, modify that if Quadtree should change (or maybe just throw it in as a constructor param)
- Quadtree nodes
- ideally stays internal inside Quadtree, no need for external objects to directly access/mutate a node
- items should be self-balancing: throwing in more items than the node limit should automatically make the node redistribute items up/down