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Tcl DataBase Connectivity Driver for HikariCP library


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It is unofficial Tcl DataBase Connectivity Driver for HikariCP library.

Tcl Database Connectivity (TDBC) is a common interface for Tcl programs to access SQL databases.

tclBlend is a Tcl package that provides access to Java classes from Tcl. tclBlend is implemented using JNI.

tclJBlend is a fork of TclBlend, a Tcl extension that uses JNI to communicate with a Java interpreter.

HikariCP is a solid high-performance JDBC connection pool.

The library consists of a single Tcl Module file. tdbc::hikaricp extension is using tclBlend package to call HikariCP/JDBC API.

The tdbc::hikaricp driver provides a database interface that conforms to Tcl DataBase Connectivity (TDBC) and allows a Tcl script to connect to any SQL database presenting a HakariCP/JDBC interface. Now it is a limited support implement.

Only test on openSUSE LEAP 42.3 (64bit) and Open JDK8.

This extension needs Tcl >= 8.6, TDBC and tclBlend (or tclJBlend) package. Tcl 8.6.1-8.6.5 maybe need patch, please check tclBlend.


MIT License


The tdbc::hikaricp driver requires Tcl >= 8.6, TDBC and tclBlend package.

For Windows platform, if your Tcl lib folder is C:\Tcl\lib, then copy this file to below location:


For openSUSE (64bit), copy this file to below location:


Or you can use installer.tcl to install this package. installer.tcl use info library to get path and install tm file. If you want to uninstall after using installer.tcl to install, try below command (on Linux platform):

sudo ./installer.tcl -uninstall 1

If you try to uninstall on Windows platform,

tclsh installer.tcl -uninstall 1


tdbc::hikaricp::connection create db configFile ?datasource? ?-option value...?

Connection to a HakariCP database is established by invoking tdbc::hikaricp::connection create, passing it the name to be used as a connection handle, followed by a property file path.

The tdbc::hikaricp::connection create object command supports the -isolation and -readonly options.

HikariCP driver for TDBC implements a statement object that represents a SQL statement in a database. Instances of this object are created by executing the prepare or preparecall object command on a database connection.

The prepare object command against the connection accepts arbitrary SQL code to be executed against the database.

The paramtype object command allows the script to specify the type and direction of parameter transmission of a variable in a statement. Now HakariCP driver only specify the type work.

HakariCP driver paramtype accepts below type:
bigint, binary, bit, char, date, decimal, double, float, integer, longvarbinary, longvarchar, numeric, real, time, timestamp, smallint, tinyint, varbinary, varchar, blob and clob.

The execute object command executes the statement.


Before execute TDBC::HakariCP package, please setup CLASSPATH correctly.

You need add 3 packages in your CLASSPATH:

  • Database JDBC driver file
  • slf4j
  • HikariCP

Below is an example (on Linux platform):

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/home/danilo/hsqldb/lib/hsqldb.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/home/danilo/slf4j-api-1.7.30.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/home/danilo/HikariCP-3.4.5.jar

If you want to disable slf4j warning, try to add slf4j-nop to your CLASSPATH:

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/home/danilo/slf4j-nop-1.7.30.jar

Example: HSQLDB

Below is a config file (hsqldb.config):


Below is an exmaple:

package require tdbc::hikaricp

set configFile   /home/danilo/hsqldb.config

tdbc::hikaricp::connection create db $configFile

set statement [db prepare {create table if not exists person (id integer not null, name varchar(40))}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {insert into person values(:id, :name)}]
# It is important -> need to setup type
$statement paramtype id integer
$statement paramtype name varchar    

set myparams [dict create id 1 name Leo]
$statement execute $myparams    

set id 2
set name Mary    
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {SELECT * FROM person}]

$statement foreach row {
    if {[catch {set id [dict get $row ID]}]} {
        puts "ID:"
    } else {
        puts "ID: $id"
    if {[catch {set name [dict get $row NAME]}]} {
        puts "NAME:"
    } else {
        puts "NAME: $name"

$statement close

set statement [db prepare {drop table person}]
$statement execute
$statement close

db close

Example: PostgreSQL

Below is a config file (postgresql.config):


Below is an exmaple:

package require tdbc::hikaricp

set configFile   /home/danilo/postgresql.config

tdbc::hikaricp::connection create db $configFile

set statement [db prepare {select VERSION()}]
puts "Current PostgreSQL:"
$statement foreach row {
    puts "[dict get $row version]"

$statement close

db close

And another example, create a HikariDataSource and transfer it to our driver,

package require java
package require tdbc::hikaricp

java::import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig
java::import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource

set configFile   /home/danilo/tmp/postgresql.config
set config [ java::new HikariConfig $configFile ]
set DataSourceI [ java::new HikariDataSource $config ]
tdbc::hikaricp::connection create db "" $DataSourceI

set statement [db prepare {select VERSION()}]
puts "Current PostgreSQL:"
$statement foreach row {
    puts "[dict get $row version]"

$statement close

db close
$DataSourceI close

User can create a DataSource and transfer it to our driver, so it is possible to create another DataSource object and use it (if setup CLASSPATH correctly). Below is an example:

package require java
package require tdbc::hikaricp

java::import org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource

set DataSourceI [ java::new PGSimpleDataSource ]
$DataSourceI setUser            "danilo"
$DataSourceI setPassword        "danilo"
$DataSourceI setDatabaseName    "danilo"
$DataSourceI setServerName      "localhost"

tdbc::hikaricp::connection create db "" $DataSourceI

set statement [db prepare {select VERSION()}]
puts "Current PostgreSQL:"
$statement foreach row {
    puts "[dict get $row version]"

$statement close

db close

And another example, using Alibaba Druid DataSource to test. You need add Druid package in your CLASSPATH:

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/home/danilo/druid-1.1.22.jar

Then you can create a Alibaba Druid DataSource and transfer it to our driver,

package require java
package require tdbc::hikaricp


set DataSourceI [ java::new DruidDataSource ]
$DataSourceI setDriverClassName "org.postgresql.Driver"
$DataSourceI setUsername        "danilo"
$DataSourceI setPassword        "danilo"
$DataSourceI setUrl             "jdbc:postgresql:https://localhost:5432/danilo"
$DataSourceI setInitialSize     5
$DataSourceI setMinIdle         1
$DataSourceI setMaxActive       10

tdbc::hikaricp::connection create db "" $DataSourceI

set statement [db prepare {select VERSION()}]
puts "Current PostgreSQL:"
$statement foreach row {
    puts "[dict get $row version]"

$statement close

db close
$DataSourceI close


Tcl DataBase Connectivity Driver for HikariCP library








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